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Approved Location Retrofit Orbital Foundry

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Intent: To create a Shipyard/Space-Station which will act as the Headquarters for Dashiell Retrofit.
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Canon: Not Applicable.


Shipyards Name: Retrofit Orbital Foundry.
Classification: Orbital Shipyard.

Population: Heavily Staffed.
Accessibility: The Dashiell Orbital Platform floats majestically in orbit around Kesh, its massive silhouette unmistakable to any starship entering or departing the planet's atmosphere. This sprawling starship manufacturing station, a jewel of engineering and corporate power, glimmers against the backdrop of space, its industrial hum palpable even from afar.

To safeguard its vital operations, the platform is equipped with formidable Heavy Turbolasers, strategically positioned along its exterior, ready to unleash devastating volleys against any who dare challenge its defenses. An advanced deflector shield envelops the entire structure, shimmering faintly as it wards off any threat, from opportunistic pirates to daring saboteurs. These defensive systems are a testament to Dashiell Retrofit's unyielding stance against those seeking to undermine its shipbuilding empire or disrupt its profitable ventures across the galaxy. The platform stands as both a beacon of commerce and a fortress against the lawless elements lurking in the void.

Description: Retrofit Orbital Foundry is an immense, ring-shaped space station, its design dominated by a vast central circle that serves as the heart of its operations. This hollow ring allows starships and other vessels to pass directly through the station, providing an open conduit for large-scale construction or repairs. Branching outward in a symmetrical formation from the central hub are several long, fortified extensions, each bristling with advanced structures. These arms are equipped with docking platforms, industrial tools, and defensive turrets, making the station not only a powerhouse of starship manufacturing and retrofitting but also a heavily fortified installation. Its surface is a maze of industrial machinery and weaponry, speaking to its dual purpose as both a shipyard and a defensive stronghold.

At the heart of the station lies a massive ring-like structure, likely serving as the central hub for ship construction and assembly. This core is encircled by several long, straight extensions that jut outward, resembling shipyard arms or docking bays. These sprawling arms appear designed for handling both the assembly of larger starships and providing docking access for smaller vessels.

The surface of the station is dotted with an array of turrets and antenna-like structures, hinting at integrated defensive systems, communication arrays, or specialized shipyard equipment. The sleek, industrial design of the station speaks to its advanced technology, emphasizing functionality and production. Every element of its architecture suggests that this high-tech facility is dedicated to large-scale operations, likely tied to both military and commercial starship manufacturing.


Production: Retrofit Orbital Foundry is a versatile and expansive shipyard and manufacturing station, equipped to produce a wide range of large-scale spacefaring vessels. Its capabilities extend far beyond shipbuilding, encompassing the production of ground-based vehicles, advanced weapons, and durable armor. In addition, the facility specializes in crafting various high-tech utilities and equipment, making it a crucial hub for technological innovation and large-scale industrial output. Its design and operations reflect a comprehensive approach to manufacturing, serving both military and commercial needs with precision and efficiency.

Specialty: Space-faring Vessels and Ground-based Vehicles.

Output: Multiple projects can be manufactured at a single time.

Market: Dashiell Retrofit operates as a subsidiary of Dashiell Incorporated, maintaining its independence by not aligning with any specific faction in the galaxy. As a privately owned corporate manufacturer, the company caters to a broad range of clients, offering its products to any willing buyers. However, Dashiell Retrofit exercises strict control over its business dealings, carefully vetting clientele. They reserve the right to deny service to individuals or organizations proven to be involved in criminal activities or actions that conflict with Galactic Law and Order, ensuring their business practices align with broader ethical standards.


Assembly Yards: The Assembly Yards are the lifeblood of the station, where vast, hangar-like spaces house the construction of starships. In the Ship Construction Bays, massive skeletal frames of ships take shape, from nimble starfighters to towering capital vessels. Around these titanic bays, Modular Docking Rings hum with activity, flexible docking platforms where ships in various stages of production are connected. This allows for simultaneous work on a wide range of ships, ensuring maximum efficiency. Meanwhile, the Fabrication Chambers are a marvel of automated technology, churning out essential components—hull plates, advanced engines, and cutting-edge weaponry—all guided by precision programming and droid labor.

Design and Engineering Hub: In the heart of the station, the Research & Development Labs buzz with innovation. Here, scientists and engineers push the boundaries of ship design, rigorously testing new materials, systems, and technologies. The labs hum with the energy of constant experimentation, from shield advancements to breakthrough propulsion systems. Adjacent to this is the HoloCAD Suite, where starship designs come to life in shimmering 3D holograms. Engineers can walk through virtual prototypes, modifying every curve and circuit before the ships are even physically built, with real-time simulations running the ships through potential scenarios.

Power and Resource Facilities: A colossal Fusion Reactor sustains the station's core, its immense power output supporting not just the manufacturing effort but also life support for the thousands aboard. Flowing out from the reactor, energy powers the Resource Processing Plant, where raw materials—minerals, gases, and alloys—are refined and transformed into the building blocks of starships. At the nearby Repulsorlift and Hyperdrive Testing Bays, newly developed propulsion systems are put through their paces. Engineers oversee rigorous testing, ensuring these systems can endure the strains of real-space and hyperspace travel.

Orbital Dockyards: Beyond the station, the Orbital Dockyards are alive with activity. Ship Refitting Stations dot the perimeter, serving as docks for ships undergoing critical upgrades, whether adding new weapons systems or retrofitting outdated hyperdrives. Further out, the sprawling Orbital Drydocks cradle massive vessels like capital ships and frigates. Suspended in space, these starships undergo major repairs or full-scale construction, with teams of engineers and droids working tirelessly on their massive frames.

Command and Operations Center: Overseeing the station's vast operations is the Control Bridge, a hive of strategic activity. From here, ship traffic is regulated, production schedules are maintained, and any threat to the station is monitored. Below the bridge, the Traffic Control Tower directs the constant ebb and flow of ships arriving and departing, ensuring safe landings and takeoffs. Meanwhile, the Security Command keeps a vigilant eye, coordinating defense protocols and guarding against sabotage or external threats, with tight internal security measures in place at all times.

Residential and Personnel Areas: The station also houses a large population of engineers, workers, and security personnel, all of whom reside in the Crew Quarters. These accommodations, while functional, offer comfort to those who spend months or even years aboard. Off-duty personnel can be found relaxing in the Mess Halls & Cantinas, enjoying meals, drinks, and camaraderie after long shifts. Should injuries occur, whether from industrial accidents or combat, the Medbay—equipped with Bacta Tanks—provides cutting-edge medical care, ensuring swift recoveries.

Defense Systems and Security: The station's defenses are formidable, with Turbolaser Turrets strategically positioned to repel any incoming threats. These powerful weapons stand ready to unleash devastating firepower against enemy ships. Within the station, Starfighter Launch Bays house nimble craft prepared to scramble at a moment's notice for defensive patrols or escort missions. Meanwhile, the Security Droid Armory maintains an array of both organic and droid security forces, their equipment and weapons kept in peak condition to safeguard the station.

Cargo and Logistics: The logistical backbone of the station is maintained through well-organized Supply Depots, where raw materials such as Tibanna gas and precious metals are stored before being processed. Cargo Hold Docks serve as loading and unloading points for freighters carrying goods to and from the station, ensuring a constant flow of resources. Additionally, the Hyperfuel Refinery plays a crucial role in starship readiness, producing and storing the precious fuel needed for hyperspace jumps.

Observation and Shielding Systems: At the highest points of the station, the Observation Deck provides stunning, panoramic views of the surrounding space. From here, visitors and personnel can watch ship construction in real time or gaze out at the stars beyond. Below the deck, powerful Shield Generators hum with energy, creating a protective barrier around the station to ward off attacks and environmental hazards alike.

Communications and Trade Hub: A Holocomm Array sits atop the station, extending its communication reach across the galaxy. This array is essential for coordinating trade routes, communicating with clients, and negotiating contracts. Inside the station, Trading Offices host high-profile meetings where Dashiell Incorporated executives meet with buyers and clients, making deals that influence galactic commerce.

Waste Recycling & Environmental Systems: Behind the scenes, vital systems keep the station's environment clean and habitable. The Life Support Systems maintain oxygen, temperature, and humidity levels, ensuring the safety and comfort of all aboard. Meanwhile, the Waste Disposal & Recycling Facility efficiently processes both organic and industrial waste, converting it into reusable resources to minimize waste and support the station's sustainability.

VIP Hangars and Negotiation Chambers: For high-profile visitors, the station boasts a luxurious Executive Shuttle Bay—a private and secure docking area where VIPs can arrive discreetly. Nearby, the Negotiation Chambers provide high-security meeting rooms, where deals with governments, factions, and high-ranking officials are brokered. These chambers are fortified, ensuring privacy and safety for delicate negotiations.



The Retrofit Orbital Foundry stands as the central headquarters for Dashiell Retrofit, a new venture founded by Balun Dashiell and financially backed by his father, Judah Dashiell, a successful entrepreneur renowned for his work with Dashiell Incorporated and Salacia Consolidated.

While rumors swirl in the corporate circles about Judah's attempt to make up for his fifteen-year absence from Balun's life, one undeniable fact remains: Judah has placed immense trust and financial investment in his son's ability to steer this new enterprise to success. Judah has provided the substantial credits needed for the creation of the Retrofit Orbital Foundry, from its construction to the employment of its large staff and advanced technological facilities.

In a symbolic gesture of faith, Judah has promised Balun provisional leadership. Upon proving the company's sustainability—no longer dependent on Dashiell Incorporated's financial aid—Balun will be granted full control. This arrangement ensures that Balun learns the art of business self-sufficiency while preventing him from falling into overwhelming debt with no safety net. It is both a test of skill and a pathway to full autonomy, guiding Balun toward becoming the rightful leader of Dashiell Retrofit.
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