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Return Of A Sociopath

Connor Harrison

noun, Psychiatry

1. a person with a psychopathic personality whose behaviour is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

So my FU, Krius Syonis, is back in the galaxy after hiding away, surrounded by war and Force Users hacking each other down at every turn and now finding his way into society again with some introduction threads.

He thinks Jedi and Sith are just as blind as each other; each person doing the bidding of someone else until they become worthless and are tossed aside. But he also sees what power they hold and somehow wants to tap into that fountain of power to syphon for himself.

He thinks Non-Force Users are prehistoric parasites who use technology, greed and credits to take what they want from the galaxy and destroy anything they feel are too dangerous or just too powerful, like those born with the Force.

Force users should be their own Master; in control of their own destiny to become something so powerful that no-one will want stand in their way to be Gods amongst mortals. He has broken the minds of a few who have gone on to great things, but he has always left with nothing – seeing betrayal and deception in their actions that he breaks away from.

He has lost all confidence in what he strived for as he sees the power of how Lords and Masters work. Some have worthy beings serving under them, others have cowards and spineless warriors who follow blindly. I need him to return and let others know he is back and either have them share his idea of being something more than a Jedi or a Sith can be, or even being the necessary evil they can’t bring themselves to be, or simply oppose him and fuel his deranged, blind vision that he is right, everyone else is wrong.

If anyone wants to do a thread(s) to explore either a psychological and darker story with Krius, an expendable Force User, please let me know. Krius doesn't care who he hurts or kills, so even if you have a character you need to be hurt, killed, abused physically or mentally, broken etc Krius will be the one to find and shape you anyway you require whilst also giving him a taste for that sociopathic mind of his.

He may be summoned before a Council to try explain his actions and ideas in a battle of wills, or simply encounter those who agree or oppose. There is no limit, except imagination. Just sussing out ideas at the moment and seeing what’s out there.

Thanks guys.

Connor Harrison

[member="Drapeam Nyx"] Looks like a wide selection - I'd be happy to work with who you feel best could suit, when you have time of course. :

[member="Jyn Sol"] - Push him the wrong way and you'll soon find out :D

Connor Harrison

[member="Silara Kuhn"] Only in my own head - a Master only to himself. Now I'd like to work on getting the Tag so I can vouch for him being a Master of the Force rather than saying he his and still having 'Apprentice'.

Connor Harrison

[member="Silara Kuhn"] Teacher, no, but...someone to observe and pick at, possibly.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] I'll be that in mind. Thank you.
[member="Krius Syonis"]

Yay! You be back, and you want to do threads, which might be a good thing for the oh-so-bored, thread deprived and recently rewritten character, and for some reason I did not know your char was such a sociopath :p.

Connor Harrison

[member="Gaila'Rae"] He was JUST getting to the point of being one, and then he sort of faded away but I want to continue that and build on it to make him something a little different. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Anastasia Rade"] Thank you! Well if you have any development for a sociopath to knock you down a peg or two for being a silly Jedi, just shout. :p
[member="Krius Syonis"]

I'm always looking for someone to knock Ana down. I don't think anybody but Cryax has tried. If I know Kruis, he would hate her soo much for being a Mando and her underutilization of her force gifts. She perfers her Mando toys. :p

Connor Harrison

[member="Anastasia Rade"] Ugh, I can already tell he'd hate you. Total waste of a life if you're flittering with the Mandos and not doing what you were born to do.

Connor Harrison

[member="Anastasia Rade"] Ahhh Keziah, the girl he lost and tried to find. Again, thinking she left him behind so he hates her after trying to help.

And if he wanted to teach Anastasia a lesson, I wouldn't like to think what he'd do in sending her back to her people with a "message". :/

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