Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of Ella Nova [Corvus Raaf]

| [member="Corvus Raaf"] |

Ella Nova's career within the Jedi Order could be described as bad luck, at best. She had passed her Knight trials only weeks before the One Sith's emergence on Coruscant. She had been badly injured during the conflict, which had kept her on the side lines for all of the war.

Sitting by on Tython, watching the democracy that she had sworn to protect become butchered over the years since her injuries, had been a troubling time for the young Jedi. Although she had done her best to teach and train the Initiates that came and went through the doors of the Jedi Order, Ella had a calling that went beyond the confines of being a teacher. It was a calling in the Force, that she could not ignore.

The effects of the Battle of Coruscant had passed. Healing had taken a long time, but finally, Ella Nova was ready to resume her duties as a Jedi Knight.

She was to meet with Jedi Master Corvus Raaf, at the Jedi Temple on Ossus, to discuss her return to duty and her place on the frontlines. She had requested a meeting personally with Master Raaf, due to her familarity with the frontlines with the One Sith; and to propose a plan, in which a taskforce would be created to bring down the most powerful and dangerous of the One Sith's members.

The transport that carried the Jedi Knight, docked inside the Ossus Temple's hangar bay. Emerging first from the shuttle bay doors and down the ramps, were several Jedi Initiates who were beginning their journey to becoming a Jedi. Following them was Ella herself, in a black cloak and robes.

Coming to a stop at the end of the landing ramp, Ella searched the hangar bay for Corvus with her hazel eyes, just as the ramp was retracting itself back into the transport, as it prepared for take off.
Corvus was rushing - which she was loathe to do. Being later was never acceptable and the lesson with the Younglings had overran.

Who told them she was now in a relationship she needed to find out later, but for now had to deal with the inevitable questions about Jedi and attachments. In a sense the situation aided the conversation — as for once had a real-life example to draw upon and avoided the endless speculation about which Jedi she might end up with.

But she was due to meet a returning Knight — one that had suffered more than her fair share of injuries — and one that apparently had a proposition for her. Regardless, Corvus was going to make her feel welcome and see what help the Jedi needed in all aspects of her service.

So she broke into a jog — her robes billowing behind her as she ran — before entering the hangar and glancing around. The new recruits were milling about, no doubt a balance of excited and nervous at their arrival — but one Jedi stood out, and from her aura she was clearly an experienced Knight.

So Corvus smoothed the hem of her robes with the palms of her hands and smiled. Then, walking towards the Jedi she offered a small bow, her violet eyes sharing the truth that the smile was genuine..

“Knight Nova I presume? Welcome. I am Corvus, so glad to have you here on Ossus. I trust your flight was uneventful?”

[member="Ella Nova"]
| [member="Corvus Raaf"] |

Ella turned her hazel eyes to the approaching Jedi Master. "Hello, Master. It's good to finally meet you in person. The journey was pleasant, to be honest. It's good to finally be back. And I didn't mind the younglings."

A lot had happened since Ella had been active. The Jedi Order had suffered several schisms. There was the Silver Jedi. The New Jedi Order. And then there were the several outstanding individuals, that had begun roaming around the galaxy.

Corellia had been destroyed. Trillions had disappeared, as if the Force itself had decided to swallow half the galaxy at once. War had broken out between the Primeval and Mandalorians, endangering the lives of thousands. The Primeval had even begun movements into Republic space, with their attack on New Holstice.

Criminal organizations had flourished, to become galactic governments. Slaves being traded for credits. Assassinations being planned and executed. Bounties being placed on civilians, politicians, business leaders and even Jedi themselves, endangering the lives of thousands.

And the war with the One Sith continued. The Sisootine system had been the latest star system to fall. There was talk of another attack being planned, with activity growing in and around Telti. Tython had fallen and the power of the dark side had spread across the galaxy. All hope seemed to be lost.

It was almost like the war had not only fractured the Galactic Republic, but the Jedi themselves. Scattered, broken and disorganized, there was little response or planning from Ella's perspective, as to what the Jedi would do to defend the galaxy. Peace had been shattered, the moment the One Sith made themselves known on Coruscant all them years ago; and it was the duty of the Jedi to restore peace to the galaxy.

That was why Ella was here.

"Unfortunately, I have been brought here because of the war. And with your help, I think I have a solution that can turn things around. It would be helpful to learn more about our situation, however. Could you brief me on what has happened? What is our strategy, going forwards?"
Corvus had been a Jedi since she was four – but her formative years were on Corellia and her tenure on Ossus was after the various schisms (or at least the first few) and she’d seen Jedi come and go. And often come and go again.

But Ella was new to her, and that was always refreshing. A fresh pair of eyes – yet ones that had seen this Academy a lot fuller than it was now. It was currently the vogue to be a Jedi with an edge, to flirt with the Dark-side and that was not what was taught on Ossus. Would they change their ways to suit the fad? Unlikely. Very, very unlikely.

But she was here to listen primarily and so she did so, walking as she did, heading into the gardens. It was, after all a sunny afternoon and the stroll to the Meditation Pavilion was a favourite of Corvus’.

“The war?” Corvus looked thoughtful for a moment. “We have so many. There are those the Republic are at war with – primarily the One Sith and the Primeval, but a change in leadership in the Mandalorians concerns me. They attacked Ruusan recently and many don’t see the Republic as allies – but rather easy pickings.”

“And then we have our old enemy – evil. Any or all that oppose the greater good, democracy and threaten to oppress the weak. The Sith, some Dark Jedi.” She stopped walking for a second, “Isn’t it amazing how many are Dark Jedi yet purport to be agents of good? Theirs is a selfish good. But I digress.” And she carried on walking.

“And so many different Orders now. In a sense we are all one, but differing viewpoints, objectives. All, I hope, following the Code and believing in protecting the defenceless – but favouring different governments. Entirely their prerogative of course. I am a Jedi of the Order. I serve the Republic as we have done for thousands of generations.”

“In truth, little has changed in millennia. The Jedi battle the Sith. And so will it be in another millennia. Our role is to bring balance to the Force and to die for what we believe in. To re-join the Force. A perfect circle. The names of the evil change, but they can wear a different hat – we shall still recognise them.”

“Our strategy is as it always has been. To follow the Code. It establishes, regulates and maintains our behaviour. We are not politicians – the Code forbids it. Our loyalty is to the Order and the Order is loyal to the Republic. We are guardians of peace and justice.”

[member="Ella Nova"]
| [member="Corvus Raaf"] |

Stepping into the gardens, reminded Ella of the gardens on Tython. She had spent many afternoons, gingerly making her way through the many classes that had been taught between Jedi Masters and their Initiate classes, whilst making her way to her favourite spots to meditate and commune with the Force.

She had done a lot of meditating during her time spent in recovery. It had kept her calm and centered, keeping her trust in the will and guide of the Force. But like all the Jedi, she had heard and felt the screams of thousands, as they had cried out in terror. And she was still scarred, when those screams had transformed into trillions. If Coruscant had heralded the return of the Sith, then the destruction of Corellia had transformed the Force itself. Darkness was everywhere.

As they walked, Ella never kept her eyes off the Jedi Master, only taking the moments to turn and look at where she was going, engrossed by Corvus's explanation. She had nodded and agreed with her sentiments about the Galactic Republic coming across to other superpowers as easy pickings; and that the good that these Dark Jedi- more criminals, than the anti-heroes they professed to be- were misguided individuals, that had become lost in the dark side of the Force. Another of the several pieces of proof, that the power of the Jedi and their ability to restore peace and balance to the galaxy, had been lost in the intervening years since the Sith had returned all those decades ago.

"Have the council made movements to try a diplomatic course with the Primeval and Mandalorians? I don't know anything about the Primeval, but surely the Mandalorians could be appealed too? Do we know why Ruusan was attacked?"
Corvus was aware she was doing a lot of the talking – but as questions came, she answered them as fully and as frankly as she could. And Ella had a lot to ask, so Corvus did not hold back, sharing what she believed and knew where appropriate.

“Don’t forget, diplomacy is handled by the Senate. They are the political aspect of the Republic. From time to time we speak to other governments alongside key Senators – at the request of the Prime Minister – but we are kindly reminded of our role in all of this. I do have a strong dialogue with the Silver Jedi Council and speak with the Heavenshield’s often.”

Corvus continued to walk slowly but steadily.

“As to the Primeval, it appears to be predominantly supported by Dark-siders of various stripes, Jedi and Sith alike. I am not aware that the Senate has tried any diplomacy with them. The Mandalorians? Well they seem split. Their former leader was definitely pro-Republic. The raid on Ruusan was led by one of the main rivals to replace him. He does not recognise the Republic as an ally, I know that much.”

“And the reason for the assault? Plunder. Pure and simple. Fortunately it was an attack on a mine in the middle of nowhere. No Republic personnel were around, or very few at least, so there were no casualties.”

[member="Ella Nova"]
| [member="Corvus Raaf"] |


Alliances between Sith and Dark Jedi were not unheard of. In fact, it was something to be expected. For generations, individuals who- for whatever reason- were suited to adopt the way of the Sith, found themselves in service or working for a Sith Lord, due to their talents in the Force. As Ella thought about it, it was rather sad that someone who had been given the talent of Force-sensitivity, could be lost and misguided by the dark side and the people who were it's raw manifestation.

"It troubles me that the Republic hasn't done more, in order to appease the Mandalorians. Surely it is in our best interests to convince them that we are not a people to go to war with, or war at all, for that matter? Avoiding war with the Mandalorians should be a priority, before it's too late."

Ella knew from her studies as a Padawan learner, that the Mandalorians were a war like culture. But that had been in the past. The days of the Neo Crusaders were long gone. Spats with the Mandalorians since had been in the form of bounty hunters or assassins, who had been working for credits, for the most part; and whilst Ella didn't agree with their line of work, she understood that people had to do what was necessary to support themselves or their families.

"The Mandalorians cannot use the power they have accumulated, in order to become the conquerors they once were. Couldn't we appeal to the senate to allow the Jedi to engage them with diplomacy?"
Corvus listened and held her tongue. She was a Jedi and served the Republic - that is what the Order did. Her thoughts on what the Senators should or should not do were more often than not private. Her role was to keep the peace and be deployed where the Republic Senate saw fit. In her experience, that is where so many that aspired to be Jedi were led astray. To dabble in politics commonly distracted them from their core role.

But to assist the politicians was something the Jedi had been doing for millennia. To be given a clear brief and discuss matters with those very specific parameters. But if late the Senate did not see fit to include the Jedi - which, to Corvus, was entirely their prerogative, even if they failed to deliver.

"My sister, Master Taeli Raaf recently accompanied a leading Senator to talk to the Mandalorians, to confirm the alliance we believe we brokered was indeed valid. Sadly it was with the one that recently stepped down as their leader. But if you wish to speak to the Prime Minister, please do so. I believe we now have to speak to her directly. The Senate..." she paused, clearly looking for the appropriate words, "Tend to pass bills that affect the Jedi without consulting us, or even telling us of the outcome." Her voice was calm and neutral. "But hearsay suggests that is now the protocol."

"And the Republic had a Mandalorian envoy for a while. A military man, given their culture and appreciation for warriors as opposed to peace-keepers. I say, please be proactive with the Senate and you have my blessing to speak to the Mandalorians. Once you have the Senate's, you may approach them - or find another who is willing."

[member="Ella Nova"]
| [member="Corvus Raaf"] |

"I trust that the senate will have the Republic-Mandalorian border under control. If not, then the Jedi are always available to step in, so that the peace is maintained."

Ella turned to look back at Corvus. Now was the time to explain why she was here. "Master, I came to Ossus to be consulted about the war. And now that you have told me what has happened and what is going on, I feel that now more than ever, we must act and respond in kind."

"I have been meditating for a long time, ever since I was brought to Tython all those years ago to recuperate. I have been given visions, of a plot to destroy the Jedi. Somewhere, out there, someone or something is planning our destruction. I don't believe I am the only Jedi to think this and I trust in the Force. I believe the visions will come true, if something is not done."

"If the council would allow me, I would gather a task force of Jedi to begin bringing the Republic's most wanted to justice. I believe this plot stems from the One Sith. It has always concerned me how, so soon after the Sith Empire was destroyed, a new organization of Sith Lords revealed itself on Coruscant and overthrew us and the Republic. I believe this plot began then or shortly before the Battle of Coruscant. And that their takeover of Coruscant and the Core was when their plot began in earnest."
Corvus listened once more. Ella’s dedication to the cause could not be questioned and her desire to take action was apparent.

She reflected on what she heard. “I understand your concerns. The Sith have been trying to destroy us for millennia and so far have come up short. I suspect Jedi will be having the same conversation in another ten thousand years – but rest assured I am not complacent – just a scholar. For the Force seeks balance and the Sith will always be opposed.”

“And I have no objection to a task-force to locate and bring any Sith to justice. The One Sith is the most likely source of any plot against us, I concur.”

“So…how many do you need and what do you require of me?”

[member="Ella Nova"]
| [member="Corvus Raaf"] |

Ella smiled at the Grandmaster. "Thank you, master."

"I require authorization to track down Sith Lords, with approval from the council. I'll need credits and passes to come and go from Republic space. I'd like permission to reach out to the Jedi beyond the Republic, to see if they have information that would be useful; and to try and get them to return to the Order, so that they can defend the Republic once more."

"If you could set up a meeting between myself and the leaders of the Silver Jedi and New Jedi Order, to try and get the Jedi as a whole again, so that we can work together and bring down this threat. War is terrible, but it has a way of bonding people together. Perhaps the Jedi can use this as a way of making us a collective again."

"And perhaps, you could put me in contact with the Jedi who have stayed to defend the Republic? They might be easier to convince and work with, considering we are on the same side."
Corvus listened to the requests and nodded as she listened. Finally, when Ella had stopped speaking she paused for a few moments to reflect before replying.

“The authorisation is granted. I will confirm with the Council, but we do not need to delay your journey.”

“Passes in and out of Republic space can be considered a formality — and as for costs, just keep it reasonable and I’ll ensure the funds are available to you.”

“And if you come across any Jedi that wish to rejoin the Order, the criteria for such an undertaking are remarkably simple. Follow the Code and serve the Republic. Any Jedi can perform these two simple tasks and be considered a member of the Order, so once more — feel free to make that clear to any you come across.”

“And if you wish to meet the Silver leadership, I can of course make that introduction. As for this New Jedi Order, I have no idea who they are — but if there is something I can help with, please just ask.”

“And finally, feel free to speak to any of the Republic’s Jedi as you see fit. I suspect you’ll find them most accommodating.”

[member="Ella Nova"]
| [member="Corvus Raaf"] |

Ella inclined her head. "Thank you, master."

"I met with Coren Starchaser. He designs and builds ships. He introduced me to the New Jedi Order, after he modified a starfighter for me. I want to have my astromech accompany me and the Jedi class doesn't incorporate an astromech into their design. They serve a new government called the Galactic Alliance."

Coming to a stop, she turned to face the Grandmaster directly. "I suppose you will be staying behind? If not, then I'd invite you to be the first Jedi to join my task force, master."
Corvus smiled. "Your diligence serves you well - and I have heard of the Galactic Alliance, but given I do not walk in political circles, it is only their name that is familiar to me."

"And your endeavour sounds entirely the sort of thing I would like to accompany you on - if time permitted. Sadly it does not. So call me if you need anything, but until then, may the Force be with you."

[member="Ella Nova"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"May the Force be with us all."

Bowing her head to the Grandmaster, Ella left her company to begin her work. Although minimal, there had been a change, which would lead to bigger things.

It was time to light up the darkness.

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