Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of the Admiral

Anthony Wintershed

Admiral of the 3rd Imperial Naval Taskforce

That is what Admiral Anthony Wintershed had been doing for years now. He had watched Empires rise and fall, and rise again. But, now, it was time to choose. Who would he side with in the Galaxy? When would he step in?

Silver Station.

That is the place they would meet. Vanessa Vantai and himself. That is where Anthony Wintershed will make his return.

He turned, looking to his second-in-command, Captain Harnex Frey. "Send a message to Vanessa Vantai. Tell her to meet us at Silver Station. We wish to return to the galaxy-at-large."

Frey nodded, following the orders.

Before long, the fleet went into hyperspace, destination, Silver Station.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Vanessa Vantai - or rather, as she was rightly called, Circe Savan - stepped foot into the meeting room. A connection of Alicia Drey's had contacted her regarding the use of the New Order's fleet - a powerful force indeed, comprising much of what the old Sith Empire once used. She had called the leader of this force, a mister Anthony Wintershed, to the meeting room on Silver Station in order to determine the fate of all the warships of varying types that had seen use by the Sith splinter state.

Their fate would likely be a surprising one.

[member="Anthony Wintershed"]

Anthony Wintershed

Admiral of the 3rd Imperial Naval Taskforce
Wintershed, who had arrived slightly beforehand, would nod towards the Sith Lady. "Lady Saven." He would then lean back in his chair at the end of the long meeting table in the room, his back to the window and facing the Sith. "Let's get to bushiness, formalities are for lesser beings." He would lean forward, taking his glass of Gold Wine from the table, sipping it before leaning back in the chair again, wine still in hand. "Now, we both know why I am here." He would then sip the wine again, before motioning for a servant to come forward. She took the wine from him. Leaning back in his chair, in a relaxing fashion, he would begin to speak once more. "I am here to gain a position in the High Command of whatever incarnation of the New Order is dominate at the moment." He would sigh, running a hand through his grey hair. "I want the want of Grand Admiral, along with a larger fleet to show that I am a Grand Admiral." He would then rise from his seat, walking to the veiwport, looking out of it, and sigh once more. "I will also be allowed to remain in command of my personal fleet, though we will ultimately answer to you." He would then turn and walk back to his seat, putting his hand on the headrest, looking back towards the Sith. "If those demands are met, you have my undying loyalty. If not......." He would turn and look out the veiwport. "That fleet will be gone, if I walk out of here or not." He would then walk around his seat and sit down once more, awaiting an answer from the Sith Lady.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Anthony Wintershed"]

"Then I'm sorry to disappoint you." She sighed. "There is no New Order. There is no continuation of the New Order. We were completely and irreparably broken, never to be reforged. The reason that Alicia gave you the fleets of that ancient galactic power was because she knew that there would be no successor, hence why she knew her Master would retrieve them - that Master being me."

She paused. "You will remain Grand Admiral of the fleet, as it is that they do not deserve a new commander. Not after you have safeguarded them for so long. I can only offer you a place in either the Republic, the Protectorate, or the One Sith. Whether you will be Grand Admiral is not up to me, as I have little governmental influence amongst them. I can offer you Grand Admiralty of your personal fleet, but again, times have changed, Such is your choice - unless you want me to make a decision for you as to where you and your fleet will best prove useful."

Anthony Wintershed

Admiral of the 3rd Imperial Naval Taskforce
Anthony would lean back in his seat for a moment, sighing in surprise. Everything his men had fought to defend, gone? Seemed so, but he had toher things to say."As long as one of us survives, the New Order lives on." He would then take a sip from the wine once more, looking over the glass for a moment as he begins to speak. "Wherever the New Order finds me useful, put me there."

It was obvious, a man like Wintershed utterly refused to accept defeat, to him, his fleet was an extension of the New Order, if the Galaxy recognized it or no.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Anthony Wintershed"]

"Very well then. You and your fleet will be in my service, and I will find where you are best needed." Circe pursed her lips for a moment. "I will ask around in those three locations to see where you can best be beneficial. If I find an interested party, you will assist them on my behalf. But remember - I am the one you ultimately answer to, not them. Do not take this as an opportunity to squander our hopes of an alliance - the agenda can proceed with cooperation."

After all, this was an entire navy's force of warships she was talking about.

Anthony Wintershed

Admiral of the 3rd Imperial Naval Taskforce
Anthony looked off into the distance for a moment, taking a sip of his wine, before looking back to the Sith Lady.

"As you wish, M'lady."


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