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Return of The Drea's Revenge (Open)

The Drea's Revenge

Location: The Perlemian Trade Route
OOC: Those that are aboard the Drea should be crew members, wanted guests, or prisoners. This thread is open for opposition/space combat.

Serg Leone made a point of making sure the cockpit was always manned during sublight travel. So as the heavily modified light freighter stalked about the Perlmian Trade route, waiting for a prize target to make prey of, Captain Leone would hold watch with in the cockpit with his green eyes glued to the sensors and display monitor. He would sit comfortably in the pilot's chair, waiting patiently for overdue targets of opportunity to arrive. He had a unique crew in need of action and plunder to be kept happy and to divert attention from the exhausting efforts of defending one's self from the savage cook.

The ship itself could use some repairs and fuel was running low and edible sustenance was almost non existent. They were in a hurtin spot in their adventurous ways, but that was the risk playing at Pirate for you had to choose your targets according to your strength and weaknesses. A light freighter such as the Drea's revenge, even though heavily modified, would no stand toe to toe with caps or heavily escorted supply ships. They needed the weakly defended targets, preferable with out major weapon emplacements and lacking in fighter escorts. The old saying beggars can be choosers are not wise words to live by for a Pirate Captain. Choose your targets, choose your field of battle and one would see success and flee the grips of the reaper for another day. Go after prey all willy nilly and a Captain could be held responsible for the destruction of his own ship and death of his own crew. So sacrifices have to be made, if they had to go hungry for a while till Serg found the perfect mark, then they would go hungry. At least they would be alive.

Serg would lean back into his seat, taking a long puff of his cigar and another sip of spiced corellian ale from his worn out flask. They were not in short demand of liquid spirits, guess in bad guys were allowed to have small mercies. Sometimes it was the small things in life that made huge differences in the life aboard a ship, with a tight knit crew. He would take a another sip of the ale while his eyes would physically scan the space from beyond the transpiristeal windows. IT was always a good habbit to keep ones eyes open and sharp while out in space for tech could be jammed and tricked but the naked eye could rarely be fooled.
[member="Serg Leone"]

The rather chubby cat of the Drea's Revenge was skulking around, skulking for what though you may ask. Well it was simple, he was on the prowl for entertainment. Ever since his mando had dumped the chubby malk when he marked his territory on her bed he had been exiled from the sanctuary that was La's room. But that didn't mean he still wasn't going to have fun and see if the humans would give him a scratch or two, or perhaps even better one could provide him with entertainment.

So the fat cat walked through the halls on all fours until he came to the cockpit of the ship, oh how he loved the cockpit, such a cozy place to lay on the old control panels that heated up and warmed him. So with a shake of his tail he slipped through the door and spotted his mark, the captain. Perhaps this was the day Serg would show him love and affection, maybe today he was going to be loved by the hardened man.

Getting in a pouncing position the fat cat wriggled its tail and butt aiming where he would jump. Once he had found the spot he leapt forward and landed on the man's legs as he leaned back in his seat. Once there the cat immediately laid down and began to purr on his lap sending friendly vibrations. If this mortal did not pet Furfur he would make his life hell on earth.
Zandra Tal'verda already in many ways, considered herself a widow. That wasn't meaning she was ready to move on and find herself a new man or nothin'. It just meant that she'd done her mourning for her lost husband. So much so, that if his body did turn up, if he was really dead out there, well, she could burn his body without shedding a tear.
There were times out there in the black, that she had the nagging feeling that she'd come close to finding him, but that always led to nothing but more tears and wasted fuel. There was a feeling in her very soul that told her that wherever he was, he was gone. Maybe for good, maybe for many years to come, but he wasn't comin' back any time soon. Worrying and stressing would not nothing. She had his clan and his children to support. Pirate or not, Zandra had her pride as a Tal'verda and a Mother.

She stood leaning heavily against a filthy wall just outside the cockpit. In one hand she held her favorite sabaac deck, and in the other, between long bony fingers, she balanced a cigara. She stared ahead at nothing for a long time as the cigara burned itself down almost to the filter. She'd been like that for a while, looking as if time itself had stopped for her. Suddenly, time moved again for her and she came back to life, raising her nearly burned out cigara to her lips again, she flicked the ask off, took one drag from it, then threw it down at her feet. Turning, she made sure to stomp the ember out with the sharp toe of her boot.

"Anythin'?" she asked, stepping onto the bridge to join their... captain.
Sweet Stars above, she still wasn't used to it, calling someone else 'Captain'. In the good ol' days, when her ship Zax The Beautiful really was beautiful, she'd been the Captain. Those were great days. She'd been Queen of the void, a force to be reckoned with, and mighty well-off to boot. Now? Well, a girl had to make a living somehow. And to think she'd given up all that stuff she could have stolen... for him, for Cal. She'd given up everything, and strangely enough, even now she didn't really mind that she did it. She just wished she knew if he was alive or dead so she could move on already. She'd had enough cryin' for one lifetime.

[member="Furfur"] [member="Serg Leone"]
While [member="Serg Leone"] was relaxing and mulling over several thoughts in his head, Nej was at his usual place- the engine room. He had set up here, infact, this is where he slept. He had his 'room' down here, a bed, and a plethora of personal effects and decorations that made the area unoccupied by power coupling piles, pipes, tools, or the engine itself his own. Nej had been working furiously to keep the ship running- after all, it was his job. But also, he didn't want to die in space. So, Nej's eyes were weary and his face was caked with grime and whatever else was sticking to his face. He wiped his forehead of sweat, after making sure the power couplings and a couple of bearings didn't explode and send them hurtling into a sun. His eyes danced around the engine room, before he stood up, shirtless and sweaty, before making his way upwards. He passed several crew members, taking note of the pretty [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] and her scary ways, Mandalorians and all, and the creepy cat, @Furfur. He gave it a gentle scratch behind his ears' as he passed, walking along to talk to Serg.

"I'm telling you. We gotta make some money and get some better parts. I'm doing what I can, but tightening and taping can only go so far. We need coolant and a host of other stuff, bossman. We don't get that money soon, we'll be in more trouble than a hungry stomach."

Nej took solace in the fact that the Hutts had zero idea where he was, because he neglected to tell them. No debt if he couldn't be found, right?
The captain's first reaction to the overweight cat's pounce was to dump the furball off and give it a good boot out of the cockpit. But, he had learned that it was just best to give into the attention seeking whore of a cat then to find the small things in your life ruined by what ever clever means the vengeful beast could think of. For that, the four legged critter had proven itself to be resourceful and stubborn, traits a ship captain could respect even if it came from a adopted pet. Especially since the fur ball was suspect in Serg's recent hair removal. His long blond hair had been grossly sabotaged a month back and to this day the Captain had yet to find out the culprit, but the obvious would of been the savage Ewok but he had not crossed the cat off his list either.

So instead of tossing the creature, Serg would give it a good rhythmatic rub and pet while it laid across his lap as he went about his watch duty. The recently widowed pirate queen had entered the cockpit inquiring if the situation had changed. Unfortunately for them nothing had landed in their web yet. "Sorry sweetheart, but nothing is biting yet!" He would reply back to the attractive blonde. He would of pushed forward more on his casual flirtatious ways for he had not shame in dogging vulnerable women. He was a pirate and played by no rules. But such games were interrupted before he could even began as his mechanic entered.

Nej Tane reiterated information he already knew and it came right down to the mere fact they were very low on funds and spacing in a desperate state. " I know Tane, i know!" He would reply back, his voice going from calm to slightly irritated, not just with Nej's words but with the situation itself.

Then a loud ping erupted through the cockpit as Serg had the sensor alert volume cranked.... just in case the solid pirate drifted off into deep slumber. Not like that would happen because he was a harden spacer, a veteran at being bad. Right? Anyways, the pirate captain's heart raced as his eyes quickly glued to the screen, absorbing the data received with great interest. With one hand he would shove the cat off him and the press the intercom "GAME ON LADIES!!!!!!!!!!" He would roar into the comms, his excitement echoing through out the ship.

The data reported the ship to be an old MC 80 and the transponder belonged to a luxury liner. She was big and if Serg remembered she had ten turbo lasers for defense as a base model. "Nej buckle in and and give me full shields and thrusters!!!" He would order is mechanic to take up the co-pilot position. "Zhandra, Jam their signals!!' Yes, it was weird giving orders to the infamous pirate queen, but she signed onto this crew out of necessity and she knew Serg was the boss here. He held her with respect and she treated him the same, there was no animosity to be had for they both were striving for the same agenda in life.

"LA!!!! get your fine looking ass up into the dorsal turreret and get ready for combat!" Serg was barking his orders now as he instinctively buckled himself into the pilots chair. His left hand gripping the ship's control yoke and his right on the throttle. He hesitated not to push the Drea for full throttle, they were gonna need to hit this ship hard and fast. knock her int submission so they could board and plunder her dry. "The rest of ya, hold on tight!"

[member="Tiktok The Cook"]
[member="Werdla Dardalab"]
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
[member="Nej Tane"]
"On it."
Zandra was never good at taking orders. Her husband had been the military type. He'd been the one with the 'yes sirs' and 'no, sir's. And Zandra? Well, she was something of a free spirit, going where she wanted to, living how she wanted to. But the years without him had tamed her. The cold winters in the Mandalorian north had cooled her burning hot blood. She could take orders about as well as she gave them now. She wasn't gunna let pride ruin a good mission. She knew her place in life and on this crew.

She settled herself down and went right to work to jam their signals.
This wasn't the life Cal had once had in mind for her. Cal wanted her to settle on Mandalore, fight with his people, protect Clan Tal'verda. But Zandra wasn't a Mandalorian. No matter how hard they tried to help her fit in, no matter how much they called her family. Zandra was Echani. She'd never even gotten Cal to make armor for her like he promised. He said he'd help her. He said they'd do something great. Together.
He said-

Zandra lit up another cigara, tossing her short messy white hair. This was her life now. She needed to stay in the moment. She couldn't let her reputation get hurt here. She was fearless, unshakable. Not even widowhood could keep her from doing her job.

[member="Serg Leone"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Furfur"]
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Serg Leone"] [member="Nej Tane"]

Furfur accepted the love he so clearly deserved and cuddled into the captain's lap, oh how it was good to be the king. He even received a scratch behind the ear from one of his subjects, he couldn't bother remember his name to save his existence but he had something to do being a grease monkey as mortals called them. A pitiful existence that was playing with tools and oil, and speaking of oil the cat sniffed a few times and realized the mechanic had left a smudge of it on his fine coat. The cat let out a low growl then hopped off the captain's lap to go seek retribution for being wronged, but that was before the cockpit burst to life.

Everyone seemed to move with vigor and a renewed sense of hope in their short meaningless lives, that meant they were closing in on a new target. The thrill of the hunt Furfur thought to himself and smiled widely from ear to ear on the floor, an expression that was utterly impossible for an actual cat to make. Catching himself he quickly shook his face and returned to the normal cat get up.

Giving a quick meow the cat looked up at the screen placing his paws bellow the control and looked at the screen. His eyes went wide and saw the ship they were planning to raid was a luxury line vessel. The idea was fantastic, such a wonderful vessel to rob. To be surrounded by the fruits and luxurious items mortals created, even if it was with these barbarians it would be breath of fresh air for the cat to be surrounded by more cultured individuals despite them being held at gunpoint.
La had been methodically cleaning her guns, which was not a euphemism but considering the pleasure she got out of it might as well have been. When she heard Sergs order, she quickly snapped the Riot Gun back together before slapping the intercom on the wall on.

"You got it Cap'n!"

Intercom off and she was moving. Trotting towards the indicated turret, her gait was very nearly natural. Cheap prosthetic or not, La was a survivor. No small detail like losing a leg was going to keep her from being damned good at fighting. She pulled herself up into the turret, seating herself and sighting to see what exactly it was they were after.

She whistled softly to herself when it came into view. An MC80. She didn't have the specs on it, but if the Captain was taking it on it must be one of the luxury liners, the upgraded versions would be a hell of a fight in the Drea otherwise. And by a hell of a fight the realistic part of her largely meant they'd be so much scrap. Even the luxury liner was going to be dicey, but it was doable. Particularly because surprise would be on their side, who would think they'd dare? Anyone who really knew the Dreas Revenge and her crew.

She buckled in, Cap'ns flying aside, if they started taking hits it could get damned rattley up in the turret.

"In and locked on Cap'n."

Okay so locked on was something of a stretch. The targeting systems didn't work worth a darn, so it was largely all lined up by eye, but her eyes were locked on so. Whatever.

[member="Serg Leone"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Nej Tane"]
[member="Serg Leone"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Furfur"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Nej Tane"]


A slightly singed and still smoking ewok fumbles out of the kitchen, spatula and frying pan still in his hands. He squats down on the floor and curls into the fetal position and he begins to ponder why his jet engine surprise had just exploded his kitchen and the two assistants that he had talked [member="Serg Leone"] into allowing him to hire. They were gone, gone all gone well they were well done, Tiktok would add them to meal later but he had to remember what happened there. He remembered he got good eatz on planet, old liquid and smell funny like alchohol and had added it to the hot stove. Fuel make good eats, it fuelz the crew makes them work harder.

Several Months Ago

" welcome to the Kitchen Arena, I am Seasalt McHavish and today we have a fierce match up. Beskar Chief Iron Matsuta versus new comer Tiktok!" the screen pans to the kitchen arena with a scurry of activity. A mangy, rotten and most likely syphalitic ewok is beating some kind of tentacled abomination over the head with his Wok and trying to flash fry what could only be guessed as a chunk of hutt while he grunted and cursed at the staff. The mangy little critter was a fury of activity as he worked hard to prepare good nutritious for the celebrity chief judges.

Several Months Ago minus an hour

" And the challenger presenting his" the judges took several bites before either passing out, vomiting or having an absolute horror permenanltly etched onto their face. One unfortunate judge had enough muster to speak " worst thing i have ever eatten".......

Several Months Ago minus an hour and three minutes, twenty seven seconds

" Hello i am Chet Youbetyou with Global holo news, tragedy struck today in the beloved Kitchen Arena home of the Beskar Chief cooking series. A contestant murdered and maimed seventy three and a half people before finally being subdued by authorities. When asked why he did it the ewok only shrieked the words bad nutritious over and over again".

Several Months minus you know what forget the time line Tiktok was sentanced to death in a Maximum security prison for the clinically, mentally and extremely disturbed...........

" Good evening this is Chet Youbetyou with the Global Holo News... Tragedy at the Viksoris Institute for the Deranged and Depraved as the recently convicted Ewok Tiktok escaped. The Prison as we know is surrounded on all sides by shark infested waters and there are no materials to make a boat or raft of any sorts. Thirty Seven guards were killed, twenty two injured and one urinated on early reports indicated that the Ewok cobbled together a raft from the bodies of dead guards...".


Tiktok was laying on the floor still in shock.​
The Drea's Revenge had the element of surprise as she vectored in towards the aft end of the luxury liner. Captain Leone was position the heavily modified light freighter in optimal position to cripple the much larger ship in the hopes that the Drea had enough ordinance and hitting power to complete the task at hand in a single run. If they had to come back again, the MC-80's crew would of quickly realized they were under attack and shield would be up and defense fire would be inbound. Trading bolts with a cap was not the Drea's main function and such a tactic was not even close to advisable with the underscore of suicidal. She was built for speed, banking on capitalizing on surprise and initiative to deliver a single punch knock out.

Both hands white knuckling the control yoke and teeth grinding on a partially lit cigar was Serg who was at home flying into combat. It was the adrenaline rush he was addicted to like most fighter pilots would attest to. His eyes would dart to the main display console, switching the options over to the targeting computer with the concussion missiles being primed to strike. "Come on baby, come on.... just a little closer!" The pirate's words were almost religiously sexual as if the Captain believed that the ship and all its systems would respond better to his voice or at least combined with his talents along with the rest of his crew that manned her.

Then he heard a large explosion coming back with in the Drea. Serg growled in annoyance as diagnostic alarmed to fire in the kitchen. All Serg could do was pray that the Ewok was dead and that nothing major was damaged for he could not disengage the attack run. They were too close now and if they passed up on this prime target they might as well space themselves or go out the painful way and eat what ever Tiktok was cooking. Either-way, death was the only end result for the desperate pirates if success was not granted in this encounter.

"Zandha go back there and take care of it!" The captain ordered the Pirate Queen. he left such orders very vague for he would trust her intuition on to handle the emergency at hand. And if she saw fit to kill the Ewok, he would not question that either.

His eyes would dart over to the sensors and its data brought a sadistic grin upon the bearded bald man's face. It was confirmed, they caught the Luxuary liner by complete surprise. Seemed her crew were confused by the jamming and more the likely the captain has no combat experience to react fact enough to get shields up and raise alarms to summon crews to station.

"La! Target the engines" The captain would command his mandalorian gunner "Lets cripple her!'

With that, the Drea swooped in like a bird of prey, attacking the over-sized ass end of the MC-80. Serg with a click of the trigger upon his control yoke would let loose two concussion missiles that were aimed at the engines.

[member="Tiktok The Cook"]
[member="Werdla Dardalab"]
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
[member="Nej Tane"]
She saw it too. Fire in the Kitchen. Not an unusual occurrence, unfortunately. Now really wasn't the time for the Ewoks pois- I mean, healthy and nutritious meal. Zandra made no sound of objection, even if she did honestly feel that her skills were wasted as his lackey. Well, she supposed someone had to get the job done. Deal with the crew. Tiktok was a crewmate, and Zandra had experience dealing with unruly staff.
She glanced at her captain as she made her way out of the cockpit, blowing a steady stream of smoke in his direction. She wasn't subtle about how she felt at the moment, but that didn't mean she was about to disobey orders either. Not until she was ordered to do something fething stupid.

Up ahead, she saw the kitchen. Well, not the kitchen itself, but the smoke. Not a big fire judging by the looks of things, but any fire on a ship was bad news. She ran her fingers through her hair again as she approached.

Cal, what am I doin'?

The Ewok was curled into a ball right outside the kitchen. Dead? Nah. Breathing still. Too bad.

"Oi, Fuzzy," she said, gently nudging the Ewok with her boot, "Cap'n says yer gunna put out the fire or else I have to do it. An' I don' think either of us wanna make me do it."

She put her hand to her hip, on the left side where her blaster was holstered, taking special care to pull her jacket aside at the same time. It looked like a casual gesture, but it was anything but. The threat was simple, clear. She was hardly in the mood to argue. If she had to kill a mad Ewok, she'd do it without a thought, but only if he gave her reason to think he'd endanger the crew. She didn't kill her own kind needlessly. It was what the Captain expected of her. It was what made Zandra the leader she had been. Unfortunately for the furball, he'd caused just one too many fires.

[member="Tiktok The Cook"]
[member="Tiktok The Cook"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Serg Leone"]

There was a sound of thunder and the scream of an Ewok and Furfur would of laughed if wouldn't of given him away at the moment. Secret agenda aside however he decided to go pay the little burnt hairball a visit, he was after all the most fun to mess with. So trotting casually down the halls of the ship while serge was gunning it, the G force and general sudden shifts didn't seem to affect him. He was a cat, cats were good at these sorts of things. Or maybe he just didn't believe in silly things like physics.

Approaching the downed ewok the cat stopped over pawing at his face checking to see if the creature had expired. Patting at it again the cat took a deep whiff of the ewok then hissed backing away. It truly was an atrocious smell that the burnt little teddy beat gave off.
"Your wish is my command Cap'n!"

Target the engines.

With a grin and a slight growl in the back of her throat, that of a predator on the hunt and enjoying it, La adjusted her sights and as soon as they were within range opened fire. She manually corrected by seeing where her shots fell and adjusting for the movement of the ship. It wasn't nearly as easy as it looked, but it was fun. She was methodical and single minded. As soon as she found her mark and got her shots falling upon it she kept them there, hitting as damned near to the same place as anyone could be expected to when shooting from one moving object to another depending on nothing but natural reactions. Her shots purposely fell near the area already stressed by the concussion missiles, aiming to finish what they had started.


She commented with a grin, just before the first silent explosion flared in the darkness. It might still be able to limp around, but there would be no out-running them. The MC was going nowhere fast.

[member="Serg Leone"] [member="Nej Tane"]

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