Narrator of The Galactic Alliance
“The evils done to these planets by the Sith will be purged and order will be restored.” - Chancellor Chandra

The time is now.
The Force has called out abandoned, imbalanced, and confused. The warriors sworn to defend it have been distracted and misguided. Opportunity after opportunity to strike at the growing darkness has failed or been missed and it continues to grow in the light's complacency.
With Jedi choosing to turn away from the Force and align with Sith against an imperial rebellion, the shift in balance cannot be ignored. It weighs in favour of the shadow’s influence. Through all the obscurity, one thing is clear:
The light must rise to restore the balance.
The New Jedi Order has been at the Galactic Alliance’s side throughout their struggle to reunite The Core. With each threat that surfaced, an undercurrent of darkness tried to spread throughout the Core, and each time the Alliance's Jedi stood defiant in its path. But those were only remnant tendrils of The Sith’s prevailing influence. To dissuade further contamination the Jedi must push forward into the heart of darkness itself.
Unwavering dedication to the people of the Galaxy drives the Galactic Alliance to liberate Felucia.
Harmony of belief and unity of action guide the Galactic Alliance to support the New Jedi Order’s attack on Korriban.

The war with the Sith Empire is resumed in earnest. Felucia, a world along the Perlemian Trade Route, has become a battleground. With vital water resources that supply the entire sector’s industry and survival, and its strategic position along major hyperlanes, Galactic Alliance High Command has designated the world as a critical staging ground for further military actions within Sith-Imperial Space.
Initial scans of the planet have shown several water treatment plants located south of Kway Teow. With a long road ahead, the Sith cannot afford to give up the entire planet’s resources -- and the Alliance knows denying them those resources will increase the pressure on the Sith’s southern border.
After a month-long campaign amidst the overgrowth and lush flora and fauna of Felucia, Alliance Commando, Marine, and Army units make a final convergence on the capital to break the Sith hold on the world and the Navy arrives over the planet to prevent an orbital attack over Korriban.
“The Alliance’s fleet will meet The Empire over Felucia. We will tie up Sith forces while the Jedi strike at Korriban.

Felucia lies along the Gallidran-Thanium Hyperspace Lane. If we can secure this section of space, we gain a crucial base of operations to hold both the Perlemian Trade Route and the Mara Corridor. If we manage to capture Felucia, we’ll have a staging ground for future operations.
It will be a heated battle deep in enemy territory. There will be no reinforcements. Our only options are victory or defeat.”
- High Admiral Dracken Pryce
“In our final push for taking the planet, Battlegroup Kenobi’s forces will be divided into a two-prong assault.

First - we’re finally close enough to converge on the Capital. Kway Teow is where we break the Sith’s hold on this planet.
Second - we’re to secure the water treatment facilities. Earlier this week, scouts reported back suspicion of Sith moving in to secure these resources. We’re to take the treatment plant and eradicate the enemy.
Let’s give ‘em hell and kill some Sith.”
- General Maynard Treicolt
Resting in a cradle of ancient power, the Sith of Korriban have remained safe and protected for too long. Spreading their heinous influence and clouding the Force’s very future, the murmurs of darkness became unignorable when the evidence came forward of some Jedi sympathizing with Sith sentiment. These dark paths must be abandoned before it is too late.
Now well over a month into the battle for Felucia, the New Jedi Order has been deployed to the nearby world of Korriban. With the Sith Empire’s attention drawn to the jungle planet, this is our opportunity to strike out and deal a crucial blow against the forces of evil. We will be arriving clandestinely, amidst a raging sandstorm scouring the already dangerous locale.
May the Force be with you.

“Alright everyone, gather round, time to get down to business.
Our primary objective is the Valley of the Dark Lords. Home to innumerable Sith burial sites and tombs, alongside the Sith Academy, this is our chance to gain insight into our enemies. You’ll be broken into small strike teams and deployed into the heart of enemy territory. Each squad will be given a different objective and released to the wilds unbeknownst to the others.
Stay close to your squadmates and don’t be late to your extraction point. We only get one shot at this.”
- Sword of the Jedi, Ryv Karis

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