Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Return to Ossus

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
After Iris' rescue from the slavers on Sump, the girl was given time to sleep and rest on-board the shuttle they took back to Ossus. Due to the vast distance between the planets, the journey would be rather lengthy but that hopefully meant Iris would have plenty of time to recover. They also had to first drop off the kids along the way, but once that was all behind them, the journey for Ossus continued again. During the trip, she would have also gotten some simple salve to help with the bruise on her cheek.
So when they finally arrived, Valery hoped things would already be looking up for her.
"Alright, Iris. We're approaching the Praxeum," Valery said as the ship dropped from hyperspace and began its trajectory through the atmosphere. While she wasn't sure if Iris had ever seen Ossus before, it was likely going to look fairly interesting. The planet and its rich history were something that interested most Jedi. But much of it looked rather bland as well - perfect for a girl so interested in painting.
A few minutes later, the ship finally reached the landing zone of the Praxeum, a large building that once was a Sith structure but was now converted for the Jedi to be used. Many were walking around the area, and a ground crew would approach them as well.
"Are you hungry? Or do you want to get some more rest?" Valery asked as the engines powered down.
They were finally back, and finally safe.


Sleep had been a godsend for the young Padawan. She woke weary, sore, but feeling soo much better than she had. Her eyes blinked slowly as she sat up, stretched. Winced. Idly she touched at her cheek. The salve did wonders to ease the bruising, and at least it wasn't swelling up anymore. But the dull purple was still there. And it still ached. Her gaze drifted towards Valery Noble Valery Noble . She was still obviously half asleep, and even gave the classic sleepy smile.

Not to mention the horrible bedhead she was suffering from.

"Food sounds nice.. What's to eat?"

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Now that the engines were powered down, and the ground crew began the basic maintenance inspections, Valery would lead Iris to the back of the ship, where they went down the ramp to step into the landing area. Around them, other ships were departing or arriving as well, creating quite a loud scene in the process.
But Valery still heard the girl's question and smiled.
"I'm going to cook up something nice, but I do take requests," she said with a playful smirk. "While I cook and prepare, maybe we can chat more and get to know each other a bit?" she asked. "I'm quite curious about your painting skills and interests, and maybe you have questions for me too."
Valery then brought the girl into the Praxeum and proceeded to her living quarters. It was quite spacious and especially had a decent-looking kitchen - something Valery had set up herself.
"Take a seat and I'll have something ready in a moment. Then perhaps tell me more about the painting."



Questions? Iris tilted her head as she looked towards Valery Noble Valery Noble again. She didn't have any questions. Should she though? As they walked into rhe next room Iris pondered this. Abd; well. She didn't have anything in mind.

So, maybe she should answer Valery's questions?

"I paint so people can see the colors I can. Like.. Hmm.." She trailed off for a moment, thinking on how best to word it.

"The.. Force. I can see it as colors. Everything has colors, but no one can see them. So I paint."

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
While Valery began to cook them something to eat, she began to home a soft tune - a lullaby she remembered from when she was a little girl. For some reason, it always stuck with her, and whenever she felt good, she would hum it. But it didn't distract her from listening to Iris. So when she explained that she could see the Force as colors, she looked over with interest.
"That's quite interesting. Are they influenced by emotions, alignment, and such?" she asked with a smile. "Is it something that becomes neutral for objects, or do they have their separate colors as well?" she asked, showing interest in learning more about the way the girl perceived the world around her.
It wasn't quite something she had heard before.
And as their conversation continued, the room would begin to fill with the aroma of the food she was preparing. It was rather pleasant and helped create a more cozy feeling. Like this place was really their home.



"Everything has colors. They're usually based on emotion, I think. I don't talk to people about it much, but if someone's sad there's usually a lot more blues. Anger is usually red.. That sort of thing, y'know?" Well, there were way more colors that changed and flickered. Even now, watching Valery Noble Valery Noble , she could see different sorts of colors. Some denoting focus. Others curiosity. A subtle shade even of tenseness, like there was something else on her mind.

"Objects have colors too, but they're usually too dim to see when other people are around. Though, they rarely give off anything but the color they actually are. Like.. A grey table is grey, sort of thing." It was odd to explain. Difficult, for the most part. But also.. Refreshing. For some reason, she truly did think the Jedi could actually understand it. Better than others.

"If you miss someone you should go see them."

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
As the girl began to explain more about the way she perceived the Force, Valery gestured for the table and walked around the kitchen with two plates in her hand. She set them down in front of Iris and offered a warm smile. She had likely prepared a bit too much, but she had no idea how long Iris was kept captive - maybe she was really hungry.
"That's quite a fascinating way of seeing the world around you," Valery said as the girl finished most of her explanation. "I wonder if it's something others can learn to see as well. But until then, your painting will help people see." She said with a smile that briefly faded as Iris talked about missing someone.
Valery's colors, for a moment, would gain a more somber tone.
"I wish I could. But right now, I can't." She kept it simple and didn't explain much - it wasn't the easiest thing to talk about, and she didn't want to bring the mood down too much.



"That's why I paint." Iris nodded once before immediately starting to eat. Yeah, she was hungry. Hungrier than she knew. She'd gone straight to sleep when she got on the ship and hadn't eaten sense. With little regard to manners she quiet literally shoveled food into her mouth. Then, the colors took a more somber tone. She blinked, glancing up from the food to watch Valery Noble Valery Noble .

Then smiled.

"Okay. See them when you can, then."

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery came back with two plates she had prepared for herself, only to see Iris shoving food down her throat like she hadn't eaten in days. She blinked and of the two plates she set down, she pushed one over towards Iris with a smirk. Valery was more than happy to share all her food if Iris was that hungry.
"Well, definitely don't stop painting. It's a lovely skill."
She smiled and sat down to join the girl for their lunch. Or was it dinner? She didn't even really know at this point.
"Okay. See them when you can, then."

Valery looked up and nodded, "I will without a doubt. He's very special to me." she chuckled and began to eat some of the food herself now. Not with a great improvement in manners, compared to Iris. But after a moment, she looked over again - there was still one question on her mind.
"I was wondering something, Iris. Has any Jedi Knight or Master offered you a place as their Padawan already?"



Iris nodded. With the matter of whomever Valery Noble Valery Noble missed settled, the young girl went right back to feasting. At least for a little while longer. A couple more bites and she finished her plate. And felt full. With a delighted sigh the teenager leaned back in her seat, eyes closed. The food was better than most she had in her life. Grant it, what she normally ate was snack foods as she often forgot to ate.

This was definitely better than a bag of duratos.

"Huh?" She blinked, opening her eyes to look towards the Jedi Master again.

"Oh. Um.. No? I think. I still don't know a lot on how this Jedi thing works.."

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery just smiled. She could tell the girl wasn't used to eating proper food like this and seeing her enjoy it made her happy. But she was surprised to hear that Iris was fairly unaware of how the path of a Jedi functioned. She was either really new, or nobody had bothered to explain anything to her.
"Well, one of the most important steps young Jedi take is to become a Padawan under a Knight or Master. They will train the Padawan and prepare them to be Jedi." Valery explained. "It's quite a long journey you commit to together, but you'll learn a lot about yourself, the Galaxy, and the role you can play within it."
She looked over at Iris with a slight tilt of her head to show her curiosity.
"I was wondering if you'd like me to become your Master."



"You.. As my master?" Iris tilted her head slightly, blinking. It wasn't a bad sounding idea, but.. What did it mean to have a master? What was it to be a Jedi? All manner of questions rushed through her mind, questions she hadn't even thought of before. Now though? Now she wanted answers. She smiled brightly, nodding her head quickly. "I think I'd really like that. I don't know much on what it means, but, you'll teach me, right?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"That's right." Valery nodded with a smile.
"It means that you're going to be spending much more time with me. I'll train and teach you how to be a Jedi; how to survive and help others in the Galaxy. So all I ask from you, the Padawan, is open-mindedness and a willingness to learn. In return, I will do my best to teach you what I can, and I will also protect you."
Valery then smirked and gestured for the empty plates.
"I'll also cook you more good food if you'd like.



Food and answers? Protection? Iris nodded quickly, her smile turning from content to bright, to absolutely thrilled. She'd never wanted this before in her life. A relationship where someone protected her. Fed her. The folks in her apartment building were all kind and helped her out, but she never really treated them like family. Too off in her own world to realize what was happening. Ever since she left, she missed them.

And now?

"I.. Don't know what I can do for you, but.. Thank you."

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery watched the smile on Iris' face transform, as it got brighter and happier. She could feel it in the Force as well, this heart-warming feeling that the young Padawan felt good about her future as a Jedi and a person. It made Valery smile in return. "It's my pleasure," she said with a nod.
"First though, I think it's a good idea that you rest up and recover. Then we'll begin your training with a few lessons, and we'll build from there."
"I will say though, the life of a Jedi isn't easy. So the training isn't always going to be easy and comfortable either. But as long as you're determined and willing, I will see to it that you're prepared for it all."



"Tough as it might be, I can help people like Alex and Ange, right?" Them being the children Valery Noble Valery Noble and Iris had dropped off. The slaves. Already she was wondering just how well off they were now. If they were okay. If they missed her. No, they would be fine. The place Valery brought them was going to take care of them for sure. A far more determined expression was brought instead as she lifted her hands. For once, looking confident.

"I'll do it, and maybe become a Jedi as good as you one day."

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"That's right, you'll be able to protect people like them," Valery said with a warm smile. The fact that Iris's determination to become a Jedi stemmed from a desire to help people, rather than just personal growth, gave Valery the confidence that Iris could be a great Jedi. She had the right heart for it.
She just needed the right teacher.
"As long as you stay determined and true to who you are, you will," Valery spoke without any doubt in her tone and finally stood up to stretch her arms and legs a bit. She was feeling a tad sore from the long day of fighting and flying, but it was all worth it in the end.
"Hm..." she then remembered. "Until I have arranged living quarters, you can stay here with me. The bed is comfortable, so I hope you get a good night of rest in."



Valery Noble Valery Noble 's bed? Had she been thinking more on it, Iris probably woulda protested. It was the Master's bed, after all. But the young girl neither thought of it that way, nor did she care that much at the moment. Good food in her stomach, she was tired all over again. And by the sounds of it, sleeping would probably be a good idea. When they return to Ossus, her training would begin.


"I think I'll go rest a bit more. Put some bacta on my cheek. .. Is that okay?"

Location: Ossus
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery chuckled, "Of course, I'll get you a bacta-patch and some comfortable clothing to sleep in." Valery said before she moved around through her room, first getting her the patch and offering it to her. After some browsing through clothing closets, she found some pj's and put them down on the bed.
Considering they were Valery's, they would be a little big but they were very warm and comfy.
"I'll be sleeping in the living room, so if you need me, you know where to find me. Have a good night, Iris." she smiled and with that, the two would begin their journey together.
As Master and Padawan.


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