Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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News They Don't Want Heard
Hey all.

I know some of you know me and it's likely there's quite a few newer people who have no idea who I am (Hi!) and those who know me will tell you that I have a normal tendency to appear and then disappear and then rinse and repreat. Life has been pretty nuts for me the last few years with work and kids. Consistency has been difficult. Plus I struggle to find a way to be involved and get connected.

Things have calmed down a bit for me, though, with the kids being a bit older and requiring a little less attention (2 and 3 still requires a lot, though) and I've been missing writing on the forums. I'm currently on a hiatus from working on my novels and short stories (if you are interested in knowing more about that DM me) so I thought I would come back over here and do some writing.

I know I had Kamon as a main character for years and he was a pretty good representation of me, but I've never had a character stick like he did. Not until I made Barrien. Honestly, Barrien is the representation of who I really am deep down. His stoic personality and aversion to violence are a direct opposite to how I normally act because of how defensive I've become due to events that have taken place in my life. If those had never happened, I would probably be Barrien all the time.

That said, I think I will drop around as Barrien and see what kind of RP I can get into.

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