Of House Mereel
With the planet of Gromas secured to the Mandalorian reign, three Mandalorians find a track from the phrik thieves on Gromas that leads towards Nar Shadaa, hinting of a possible hideout of the band of thieves who were 'exporting' the valuable material of phrik away from Gromas before the Mandalorians' intervention halted the criminals' operation. These three Mandalorians - [member="Gray Raxis"] , [member="Kaeda Vevut"] , [member="Marius"] - are off to an adventure to where the track leads - the notorious Nar Shadaa.
Despite the moon's colorful residents from all over the galaxy, three Mandalorians hand by hand would indeed take the eyes of most crime lords operating on Nar Shadaa. Would their armor and combat capabilities be enough to save them from the peril they were getting into?
Location: Somewhere on the streets of Nar Shadaa
Equipment: Standard non-beskar Mandalorian armor made mainly of durasteel and alum, His well maintained beskad sheathed on his back, old blaster pistol on his hip, a generic vibrodagger, one wrist blaster part of the armor's utilities.
Ever since being on atmospherical level of Nar Shadaa, Marius was in awe at the metropolis that the whole moon was. He had never been on such a highly urbanized planet and the man felt a certain amount of cultural shock even when they had disembarked from their ship and had their feet on the ground. Such a bustling activity of people was way beyond any masses of sentients he had seen before. Still looking around like a newborn baby Marius observed the sentients that kept passing by, noticing that not a few of the residents were giving more than just a glance towards the trio of Mandalorians.
Somehow escaping the clutches of the cultural shock, Marius looked at both of his partners. Both, unlike him, seemed quite unimpressed by Nar Shadaa, or if they were nothing of their body language hinted such. They seemed quite focused on their objective here and the Teresman had to do the same.
Tightening the utility belt that went diagonally around his torso, he concentrated on his surroundings more for possible threats rather than looking starstruck at the metropolis. That was all he could, monitor for threatening behavior. Marius, otherwise, was useless. He did not even posses the basic knowledge of the galaxy that he was now in, what remains of tracking down the thieves of phrik in such a crowded urbanized environment.
"Now what?" Marius asked the obvious question to his partners, his bad skills and accent in Basic went hand-to-hand with his emotionless tone. Glancing at his partners for an answer and then turning back again to monitor the surroundings as best as he could.