Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I guess if it isn't obvious by now - I'm back, for good.

Although the IRL situation after this long hasn't fully calmed down - for the most part, I stopped caring. Can't change it, just gotta deal with it. After you go over a specific threshold of money, you just can't care anymore.

Got a lot of personal issues set aside or fixed or whatever word you wanna use.

Accepted responsibility for my actions and behavior and I could post this long speech about how I was but there is not point. I was a dick but that's obvious and I know where I was wrong and I apologize for such behavior.

We're all human and make mistakes and do dumb stuff.

I love writing, it's true they all come back and I hate you all for making me an addict. You forced this drug upon me.

No, I'm kidding, but seriously - I've been asked by a few if I'm back legit and I am. I've been given some sound advice from some greater writers on the website on how to get restarted cause my muse has been there just unmotivated if that makes sense and I think I'm going to be on the right path.

That being said - I did change my Skype just cause it fits with my gamertags and such elsewhere - feel free to add or not, no worries if you don't.

the.sparkx is my new skype.

Thanks! :)

Liam Quez

*waves furiously* [member="Mira Gyndar"]

We gotta write soon. Also join the GA cuz that's were all the cool kids went.

Liam Quez

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]

;-; This is why we can't have nice things and why I run away to the GA.

Liam Quez

How about we go back to welcoming Mira back to the site like nice and proper people. No need to scare her off with drama and q.qing about the Republic. [member="Barrien Siegfried"] [member="Bianca OOC"]

Also with my responsibilities on the site lol I don't want to be an FA or and FO of ANY faction.

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