Heir of Tenebrae

Korriban | Sith Academy | Archives

The tall figure of Imperius moved around the gallery on the first level of the Academy, the gaze calmly taking in what he saw as it looked around. It was different. It was always different. Korriban was the ancient birthplace of the Sith and its most sacred world, nothing would ever be able to challenge that status. But that status was a memory, history, an attempt to anchor the past into the presence. And it had never worked. The Valley of the Dark Lords was probably one of the most raided, razed and scourged places in this Galaxy. He himself was here the first time to raid it, even destroying a wing of it in the process. Almost forgotten.
Now the King of Korriban, a most pretentious of titles while fondling the openly declared enemies of the Sith, has rebuilt it once more and turned it again into a beacon of Sith teaching and philosophy. Acolytes roamed its halls, acolytes openly wielding lightsabers and even calling themselves Sith already. It was a disaster. They barely could lift a stick or shoot a blaster and were already part of the Order to many. It was fascinating how rise followed fall, how greatness was followed by decadence, on and on so that the cycle could repeat itself. The Force was conflict afterall.
His steps slowly brought him around the gallery, to his left he could stare into the main hall where acolytes and overseers rushed around, sat in meditation or stood in small groups to converse. To his left were doors to lead into different wings, dormitories, training halls, armories and so on. Ahead was the entrance to the archives. He chose the way ahead. He had seen the Sith archives of old, the Jedi library and many more. What came ahead was a shadow of boths former glory. Nevertheless his figure moved and scanned what treasures might be buried in such public place.