Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returning.... Again.... Hopefully....

First I'd like to apologize for my absence to those who have been waiting for me to post; mainly those involved in the Primeval Crusades.

I had a terrible month during April (starting right after my birthday) and things just kept rolling down hill. While I was attempting to get posts done last week, I was hit with another cold (following up from the food poisoning last month); which took me out of action again.

Now though it looks like things are starting to level out (new relationship though will be pulling my attention away for a bit as well).

Hopefully I should be able to get some posts in either tomorrow night or at the latest on Monday.

Thank you for your understanding.

Its nice to see that there is a little light at the end and things are starting to get better (also had to deal with some depression in the last few weeks; though I'm starting to recover from that as well).

Again, thank you for your understanding and patience.

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