Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returning To Action

Connor Harrison

Hi folks.

Just like to say I'm going to try return to action tomorrow.

Have to say I've not felt this absent from my creative writing and enjoyment of it for a good 3 years since being here, and it's quite sad really! Still, I have taken some time out and let a lot go IC and OOC that has troubled me sadly, but want to return with a fresh head and clean slate. I felt dissapointed in myself for getting wrapped up in such a dead end journey and nothing I did led anywhere, so I had to call it a day.

Connor will be returning but as a new, rebooted man with a new image and new vision. No baggage from the past, no melodrama, no annoyance for you all to cope with. I was stuck in a rut and took things much more personally than I should in trying to keep him going and be someone he wasn't. And in return, I crashed and burned.

I owe people posts from previous threads that I will make to help wrap them up as I don't want to leave them open for those who invested in me.

Thanks for the few messages that have come through seeing how things are; it's been greatly appreciated.

Hopefully I can get back to how I used to write here with new and old writers, to engage in new fun ideas and stories that don't take themselves too seriously, and just...have fun in a Star Wars universe I want to be part of rather than some un-intersting and stagnent soap opera Connor seemed to belong to. Or as someone said, his 'Attack of the Clones' phase!

Thanks for your patience, and I hope you like the little changes due and my refreshed effort to get back into things once more.

Please feel free to message me either here, PM or Discord if you want to talk about anything or plot. My "rebooted" door is now open.

See you soon guys!

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Welcome back Mister Strange. Sad too hear you got caught in the same ruts I find myself in fairly frequently. If I may, I would like to offer advice. Should you get to the point where you have too force it, whether IC driven points or OOC, just approach with a different attack.

Now whenever one character causes me to reach one of said ruts (IC wise) I step back and go to an alternate character. This in itself tends to lead to interacting with different writers as well, so could potentially alleviate the stresses in OOC points as well.

EITHER OR. You probably didn't wanna hear no bs from my crazy behind, so point is, glad to see a familiar and friendly face return!

Welcome back!

Connor Harrison

Thank you all for those messages - really nice of you. I appreciate it!

[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"] Very decent advice, thanks!

[member="Janick Beauchamp"] Of course. Joon and Stephanie Swail will be back in action too hopefully.

[member="Valae Kitra"] (Welcome back!) & [member="Jamie Pyne"] Thanks for the want to write. I'd love to. Hopefully the new era will bring new ideas for you so I'll message you once I'm up and ready.


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