Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returning to an Order.

Krest had been away from the Grey far too long. What was once an Order became a crash house for those who didn't even know the original philosophy of the Grey. Once students of the Grey became Jedi, preaching the teachings of them instead of staying true to the Grey. Is this what had happened while he and Minna were both away? Is this what had happened when a Jedi was left as the soul active councilman of the Grey?

These were issues that had to be addressed. While the Grey would allow their students to pick side in wars and do their own thing, they were still suppose to be Grey. There are students now who don't even know what the Grey was. And this is why the Zabrak sat in the council chambers, waiting for the only other true master.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She stared at the all too familiar face of the zabrak before her. She said nothing as she stood and moved to her actual seat, passing him and pausing before continuing and lowering into the chair. "Krest, there are several ways this meeting will end... and I won't lie to tell you most of them end with me ending up healing you."
"Bash me all you want, Master Feanor, but what I came here for is something else entirely. The Grey have lost their way, terribly lost within those who aren't Grey. Minna was the only true Grey, and she's gone. All that's left are those like you, or the only acting councilman. He's not even Grey anymore, but a Jedi. This order is no longer what it was when you started, Alex."

There was a large frown on the Zabrak's face as he watched [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] . "You have lost your way and brought the Order with you. Light and Darkness are two sides of the same coin, and it seems you've forgotten it."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I am still the same krest, maybe your time betraying your friends is starting to dull your mind. Because trust me when I say the only difference in me is that the demon named help is finally dealt with... you are right though... the order does feel very changed..."
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"Do not confuse me with Ferus, and I shall not confuse you with Hel." A frown was plain on the Zabraks face. Kettle calling the pot black. "Now, anyway. We have to fix the Order. Bring it back to what it was. With an actual order in the days of Minna and the others."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Shame , wasn't kidding about getting revenge on ferus for what you did as him... yes, skinning and what now thank you for th- Deada stop ...." She made a silent gesture to krest to give her a moment, the thoughts of the past making alex's mind a battle ground between he and her ashlan companion. After a moment though the Ashlan popped out her robes and shook itself as its white fur was matted. "What did you have in mind krest?" Alex looked up at him .
"We go back to what we were. Not a crash zone, but a real order. No longer should students be allowed to just come and go, but they should stay here, learn as they wanted to. On both Dark and Light, instead of just Light. We are Grey, not Jedi, and it is saddening to see how forgotten that is."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"The Sith seem to take upon most of the Dark Jedi in recent times, them or this new group called the Ession Reformation, as Well as the Shadow Empire. I am looking to still expand though Krest do not get me wrong and would gladly see the dark hold a place here like it used too... now more than the light is up for debate, im sure i would say light is better, hel would say dark, and the fluff ball right there would scratch his ear, right Daeda?" She looked at the Ashlan again who only gave her a quick look before resisting the urge to do just what she had said.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"This is why the Grey has lost it's way. There are no more Grey. Only Lighsiders and Darksiders. Minna was the only one who used both, hell I do now. Well. Again. We need Greys, not dark or light." He frowned. The Zabrak was extremely annoyed at the lack of.. Well Grey around.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

She looked down at her own hands and her smile grew a bit as she leaned forward. "I do believe i am quite guilty for that... though where i no longer use the dark side i still teach it... that is what i had been trying to stress is learning both sides but following what you feel to be right... perhaps i was wrong... Krest i need to ask you something. How devoted are you to the Order of the Grey... are we just a personal project, a home, what are we to you?"
"The Grey is the only reason Ferus never allowed Vulcanus to go to the temple. Why he tried to get free of his masters grip. And I am no different. The Grey is my family." All truth. The passion behind his words was seeping out almost, he more than adamant about this. He stared [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] in the eye, frowning.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

While he frowned she smiled and turned her head to the vacant seat that she had neglected to fill. "Then in turn with my original offer to your apprentice Krest, i offer you her seat and your place here with the others on the council. For now you are the only true grey in use and as such you deserve a seat more so than the others i have met. With that said then i ask you now, do you accept the seat of your former student's?"
"You know, she will come back. But.. For now. Yes." The Zabrak blinked slowly, blinking at [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] . It wasn't exactly what he expected, but it was something he wanted. It certainly wasn't something he'd turn down.
Hakora stood silently with his arms crossed wearing his old grey robe listening to the two. It should be mentioned why he was there and why he stood in the shadows. He felt Alexandra's trimoil as she walked by him on her way here and so he followed to stop her from doing anything stupid. He trusted her, but she didn't seem herself lately. Hakora listened to the two speak and raised an eyebrow to the idea that they were the last original members when Hakora had been there the whole time. He also left the Jedi Order because they did not like him being Grey yet here they were speaking as if he wasn't Grey. He waited until they were done with their formalities and he spoke very monotone and serious. "So you disappear from it all and now return and slam the Order?" Hakora walked out of the shadows and removed his hood, he knew he wasn't hidden from them in the shadows so he didn't pretend to think he was. He approached them both and a sort of inner rage could be seen on his face. "Master Krest, you have betrayed others because you cannot control your other half. Alex, you betrayed everyone here by running away and erasing your memories. Do you know what was here when you were gone? Me. I was there when the Sith set siege on our home and I fought them off so the students could escape. I am the only original member who has not left the Order or turned on it, so excuse me when I take offence to your words."

Hakora then took a breath and turned to walk away and cool down. He then turned back towards them taking another breath. "This Order may not be original, but originally it was small and unorganized where I could only turn to the leader and my sister for training. Now, sure we aren't perfect and I agree things need to change, but do not turn a blind eye to the good parts. If this is truly your family then you will be happy that so many people find this home. I will always fight to defend this place and do I hold any of your sins against you? No, because family forgives, but do not insult this family or you make an enemy of me."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Krest"]
"You, child, should not be in the council chambers." Once more this boy had proven to be nothing more but an annoyance. He talked of the dark as of he had mastered it, but the dark is never something to just go about shouting how it's never taken you. That is how you loose yourself.

"Ferus lost himself. You seem to think that I am Ferus. That I even existed when he did. I was born after his death, and you will be smart to remember that."
Hakora never really did the action know as face palming, but if he did this would be a moment to. "Thank you for proving my point and that you lied just moments ago. This is not your home and it never was. You have not been apart of us in a long time and were only apart for a blip in time. Now you walk back in here flaunting some power you believe you have and insult and belittle someone for calling you out? This is childish and dirk side behavior and shows little control of your emotions. You are not grey and you treat this order as the crash pad you claim it to be; that you can come and go as you please. Alex, do you truly believe for a second he can be a council member when clearly he is more dark side than anything else and so arrogant he will never gain the respect to lead." Hakora did not make it a point to act like this or to question his sister, but her judgement lately seemed shakie to Hakora and this was clearly a move she had not thought through. Hakora had joined the Order of the Grey very, very shortly after it's creation and Krest and Daichi had disappeared soon after that after only being in the order maybe a month. Now both return thinking they can flaunt their power and authority when only Veino and Hakora even knew about them. Ignorance was a cruel instrument.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Krest"]
Daichi had never once been apart of the Grey. Daichi did not exist. Krest was pure balance of Grey. These were all facts, facts Hakora seemed to think he could ignore to make himself feel better.

"Go back to the shadows child. I have trained too many to want to teach you anymore." More fact. Krest and Ferus were two different people. Fact. Krest was not only a founding member, but had brought in the likes of Minna, the purest of Grey. And many many more. Fact, he was not being arrogant. Fact, he was not flaunting his power. He speaks through a third person point of view, an outside source from what the real order was, one he had been a part of for many, many months before Hakora.

"Go wage your war on the Sith, and do not think talk to the mandalorians fall on deaf ears."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Hakora Cinthra"] [member="Krest"]

"Both of you will cease this right now... Hakora you will not question my judgements and let me remind you that even if he did follow the same path of a darksider like the Sith that hw would still be welcome. Krest is a being i had known for nearly most of my time that i had gotten out of the Sith and is someone i trust with my life. Ferus, the half that betrayed me, does still shake me to the core and i do still feel a tinge of betrayal by you Krest. BUT NEITHER OF YOU ARE SOLVING ANYTHING."

"Krest and Hakora, i will not say it again after this. Your fighting will end now, i understand your concerns Hakora, but i have a question for you. Would you suggest i leave my place on the council as well?"
Hakora raised an eyebrow and looked at his ears that he clearly had, but did not use. Fact. Hakora hung his head at the situation wondering how someone could be so blind and prideful and claim so much power yet not able to even show it. Hakora then turned his attention to Alex and thought a bit, she was right and he was letting the Zabrak's ignorance get the better of him. "I could careless who is or is not on the council because this is a school and it isn't as big as a position as it would be if this were say the Jedi Order. At the sametime, it should not be taken lately and clearly this Zabrak is prideful and blind to the fact that no one is perfect or a god and if he is blind to his own flaws then he will pass his flaws to those he teaches. Now, if you believe he is more than I am seeing and is merely rough around the edges then I welcome him to prove himself to be a leader this Order needs because it has lost its way dispite all the good that has been birthed." Hakora was in a calm state of mind, but he also knew how to use anger without losing control, usually, as he was not perfect and would always be learning. The Zabrak could insult Hakora all he wanted, but would not anger him, but he was insulting the order and considering it a project of his "perfect" way that he could fix. Hakora laughed though and lightened a little more as the Zabrak's spoke of training Hakora as if Hakora sealed training or could learn anything from him. No matter what Hakora and Krest were too different, Hakora was Grey who would seek justice and live in the dark to bring about the light if he needed. Krest just seemed dark and his purposes were unknown, but his pride was not appealing in a teacher to Hakora at least. " Alexandra, you know I am not blind to the changes you are yourself and I am worried, but I do not trust you any less. I believe when the baby is almost due you should take a leave of absence and not lead an order, but I do not think you should stop being grandmaster simply because your brother has pointed out flaws. Revealing flaws is not suppose to e bad, but to better someone."
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Hakora Cinthra"]

"Then do not question my being here or my decisions Hakora. I was not talking about when my baby is born, you mentioned when my memory was severed for a time and i left the order for reasons of mental crisis and destruction. You of all people know i would do anything for this order and to accuse me of anything less than that is a greater insult then any mark on my being as it was. And last of all, you will not refer to my position as Grandmaster, i hold out of any path decisions unless the council is unable to make them themselves. I am the Historian and Keeper of knowledge, not the grandmaster of the Order." She sighed and looked at Krest. "We will talk more when alone, i need to talk to my brother Krest..."

She would wait for Krest to leave before her eyes turned back on Hakora, staring and speaking after a full minute of silence. "Hakora... You need understand that i know exactly what i am doing. Yes, this place is a school for people to come and join us in the furthering of the force, light and dark. But we can not simply believe people would defend the order if they did not feel home here... Krest has shown his abilities in leadership and in teaching, having taught what i consider one of the greatest people i know, maybe this will turn out for the worst, but you know that i would put my life in the way of the death of those who call this place home. Now is that understood."

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