Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returning to China

I’ve been home for a couple months (actually much longer than I intended, damn visas), but will soon be returning to China where I live and work. I'm expecting to fly on Thursday. I am going back to a new job and a new apartment, which I’ve mentioned to a few folk already, so there is the possibility I will a: need time to adjust to the new pace and schedule, and b: potentially have to set up a new internet connection at my new place, if one is not already provided (doubtful).

So this is just a heads up to those I am in threads with. I may either be very, very slow for a few weeks, or not on at all. I’ll keep those I’m in threads with in the loop over Discord/here. I’m sorry in advance for the expected delays.

Those affected:
Auron: [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] / Dragon School fam, [member="Anora Vahn"], [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] / Jedi kinsmen

Magdalene: [member="Evoros"] (I’m so sorry I have taken forever to even post in the first place!)

If I can post in the SJO invasion before I leave, I will do my best.

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