Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returning To That I Once Enjoyed

I was once part of this site and thought only briefly, I truly enjoyed writing here and reading everything that was written. It has been a long time in the works for me to be able to once again pick up the proverbial pen to write once more. My muse has returned and since I have gone through a lot of changes since I was on last, I would like to give my roleplaying muscles a workout. I doubt anyone remembers me and what I had written, but I do hope that for the time that I will be on here we shall weave remarkable tales.

I look forward to seeing what we can write together and see if this old dog still has some teeth left in him.

As I look at my old threads, I can only shake my head and smile. Idealistic and naïve at the time. And then I was hospitalized for a long time. -Chuckles- Well, I am alive and now working on restoring everything.

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