How long had it been for Yuroic? Months, perhaps even a year or more. He had vanished from the SJO after his ship crashed on a jungle planet with no other sentient life. Perhaps his mindset was different now, fighting for survival had made him darker in look and possibly mindset. He still had his lightsabers, those he never kept far from hand. His control with the Force was greater than he realised. Yes, self promoting himself as a Knight might seem arrogant now, but he had gone through trials harder than records showed for Padawans going through them. Scars littered his body, face and mind.
However, he found his way off the planet. Now back in SJO space, not the SJO that he had left but it was the only home he found out. Another reason to promote himself was the absence of his Master. No one could replace her in his mind, he was ready to lead his own life now. A Knight sounded right for him, but there was one loose end he needed to fix. One person still out there he needed to save. Jairdain. When he crashed he wondered if the SJO had saved her. Sadly, they could not locate her. Tortured for weeks and months, she turned, Yuroic was heartbroken when he heard the news. It was an issue he had to fix.
Perhaps believing himself able to turn her back was too bold. But he needed to see her, touch her. Let her know that he never gave up. Likely that she wouldn't believe him, no matter what he said. He had to do it, there would be no try. So Yuroic made contact after much deliberation in his mind. Old contacts were able to locate her and send his message.
Now he sat alone, in a grubby cantina on the neutral planet Nar Shaddaa. It was once home to him, now it meant nothing to him. He admitted that he gained many skills from the planet and its people but his life had become so much more. Yuroic scratched his dark beard before adjusting his long ragged black hair. He was hardly recognisable from when they last saw each other but his Force aura was the same, that was all that Jairdain needed to see being blind physically.
However, he found his way off the planet. Now back in SJO space, not the SJO that he had left but it was the only home he found out. Another reason to promote himself was the absence of his Master. No one could replace her in his mind, he was ready to lead his own life now. A Knight sounded right for him, but there was one loose end he needed to fix. One person still out there he needed to save. Jairdain. When he crashed he wondered if the SJO had saved her. Sadly, they could not locate her. Tortured for weeks and months, she turned, Yuroic was heartbroken when he heard the news. It was an issue he had to fix.
Perhaps believing himself able to turn her back was too bold. But he needed to see her, touch her. Let her know that he never gave up. Likely that she wouldn't believe him, no matter what he said. He had to do it, there would be no try. So Yuroic made contact after much deliberation in his mind. Old contacts were able to locate her and send his message.
Now he sat alone, in a grubby cantina on the neutral planet Nar Shaddaa. It was once home to him, now it meant nothing to him. He admitted that he gained many skills from the planet and its people but his life had become so much more. Yuroic scratched his dark beard before adjusting his long ragged black hair. He was hardly recognisable from when they last saw each other but his Force aura was the same, that was all that Jairdain needed to see being blind physically.