Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reuniting Lost Souls

How long had it been for Yuroic? Months, perhaps even a year or more. He had vanished from the SJO after his ship crashed on a jungle planet with no other sentient life. Perhaps his mindset was different now, fighting for survival had made him darker in look and possibly mindset. He still had his lightsabers, those he never kept far from hand. His control with the Force was greater than he realised. Yes, self promoting himself as a Knight might seem arrogant now, but he had gone through trials harder than records showed for Padawans going through them. Scars littered his body, face and mind.

However, he found his way off the planet. Now back in SJO space, not the SJO that he had left but it was the only home he found out. Another reason to promote himself was the absence of his Master. No one could replace her in his mind, he was ready to lead his own life now. A Knight sounded right for him, but there was one loose end he needed to fix. One person still out there he needed to save. Jairdain. When he crashed he wondered if the SJO had saved her. Sadly, they could not locate her. Tortured for weeks and months, she turned, Yuroic was heartbroken when he heard the news. It was an issue he had to fix.

Perhaps believing himself able to turn her back was too bold. But he needed to see her, touch her. Let her know that he never gave up. Likely that she wouldn't believe him, no matter what he said. He had to do it, there would be no try. So Yuroic made contact after much deliberation in his mind. Old contacts were able to locate her and send his message.

Now he sat alone, in a grubby cantina on the neutral planet Nar Shaddaa. It was once home to him, now it meant nothing to him. He admitted that he gained many skills from the planet and its people but his life had become so much more. Yuroic scratched his dark beard before adjusting his long ragged black hair. He was hardly recognisable from when they last saw each other but his Force aura was the same, that was all that Jairdain needed to see being blind physically.

It had been at least a year since Jairdain had been captured and then corrupted to the sith. A place she had never thought she would be. In reality though, she didn't know she had changed and crossed over. She felt the same, just used her emotions more. Having been raised to maintain a hold and control on them, she still did. Now instead of locking them away, she used them to assist in fueling her Force abilities, but never allowed them to control her.

Since her turning, she had focused more on her mental abilities and had learned more about the Dread Masters. Enough that she had acquired the mask of one of them. Each one had a different role and mask, while Jairdain had an affinity for animals, that wasn't where she was strongest. The mask she found though was that of the Dread Master Bestia, who was known to command animals. While she couldn't see it was gold in color, the shape and engravings she could feel.

The ability was not inherent to the mask or the role that came with it, in time maybe she could devote more learning in that direction. Right now though, she was the strongest as a mentalist. Having been released by Krest, she had searched the mask out and now wore it to keep her identity secret when she was in battle. When a message from Yuroic reached her on Bastion, Jairdain knew this would be an opportunity to put a part of business to a close. She decided to keep that mask with her when she went to meet him.

Deep inside, locked away was the person he had fallen in love with. What ruled her now was the new Jairdain, the one Krest had crafted. Carefully manipulating her memories and turning them into negative happenings instead of what had actually happened. Those memories had been washed away and what she knew now was what he wanted her to see. The past relationship with Yuroic wasn't what he know in her mind, her memory it was dark and he had taken what he wanted. It was what she knew of love though. He also promised a rescue if she was taken captive again, but that had been broken. No rescue came for her. Now she was free and she would get pay back for what had happened.

He requested she meet him on Nar Shadda which had been his home growing up and a place she had yet to visit. Now there was a reason for her to go there. Following their now corrupted connection, Jairdain was able to locate the cantina he was in. While unable to physically see the world around her the way a person could with sight, her view was much clearer. In a way, it was better now than when she had been with the Jedi. Her deeper connection to emotions of herself as well as other assisted in this. A natural ability she had with seeing with the Force, she could read people and their auras with more clarity than somebody with actual vision.

She stopped before entering the cantina, took a breath to center herself and hid her own aura away from the viewing of others. Hiding herself in the Force, she walked in. Seeing the man who was once her love, her breath caught. She hated him, but that Jedi deep down inside loved him. For a moment she was torn and her control of herself faltered. In that moment, she revealed herself through the Force and if Yuroic was watching, he would know who she was.

Regaining that control, her aura was hidden again and she walked over to the table. While her mask hid her face, he would know who she was. Taking a seat, her eyes revealed through the openings would remain unfocused, but he would know she was looking at him.


[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic was sat at a table, elbows on the edge as he closed his eyes and allowed himself go into deep thought. He had promised to save Jairdain, do whatever it would cost to bring her back safely. However, how was he suppose to know that Arisa would vanish, that the SJO would forget her while he was trapped on a planet where they ended up forgetting him as well. He didn't resent the Order for not saving him, there was conflict growing around the SJO territory, their focus was being drive into survival and ensuring the Jedi Order didn't fall. Yuroic stroked his beard slowly as he sensed the presence of his long lost love.

His eyes gazed over to Jairdain, he easily recognised the mask as a former Dread Master's. She had him look into them when they were together due to her nightmares, they destroyed a phobis device to prevent her becoming one. Sadly, it seemed that she had turned to one no matter their attempts. When she stared at him, he shook away the chills and goosebumps that appeared on his skin. While she did not look at him with the love and affection she once had for him, he was still in love with her, at least what was once her. Breathing heavily from his nose, he turned away from the mask, refusing to look at it.

Remove the mask Jairdain. No one here cares for your identity and besides me, no one else would know who you were. I wish to talk to you, not some mask. If I wanted that then I would have worn my own. His voice was deeper than before, rougher from a lack of use over the year of his exile. His robe was the only reminded of that period on him, it was ripped and tattered but he refused to use another as he needed it to be a reminder of what he dealt with.

Waiting till after she removed the mask or not before speaking once more, I ended up crashed on a planet with no sentient lifeforms. I was trapped for a year on the planet. By the time I escaped, you had turned and Arisa had vanished. I don't even recognise the SJO anymore really. I am sorry that I was not there to save you, but you know that if there was a way to get to you then I would have. I was only on that blasted planet because I was scouting planets that could have been where you were hidden. Behind the SJO back, likely why they didn't know where I was.

His voice was low, while he knew that others would not be trying to listen in, he rather none heard of their conversation. Cantina as busy as this one made it easy to not be eavesdropped. Yuroic waited on what Jairdain would have to say on his reason before talking anymore.

Yuroic said he only wished to speak with her and the now sith felt more comfortable removing her mask. She had only worn it in case they were going to battle. Knowing he was Jedi though, Jairdain should have just left it on Bastion. He wouldn't have called her to meet if he wanted a fight. So she took the mask off.

Her appearance was almost the same. Long black hair and violet eyes, her skin a lighter shade of tan since she had started using the Dark Side more and more. This change she did not know about. Her eyes may even have started taking on the yellow hue, but she couldn't see them to know. The clothing she now wore was different than when he saw her last. She wore a white shirt under a black vest and gloves. Instead of a skirt, she wore black pants and boots. The only thing that was the same was her cloak.

"No one may care for who I am, but what I am becoming."

She listened to his excuse for not coming to rescue her and his apology for not keeping his promise. A promise that had been given to her by two people. Both of them lied to her and broke that promise. He was one of them.

"You expect me to believe that? Oh I'm sure you were crashed and stranded, but I highly doubt you were searching for me."

Her face would clearly show what she thought of his words. Even if he was telling the truth, she didn't see he was. Her own clouded feelings kept her from doing that.

"Why stay with them? There's so much more out in the galaxy than a single order can offer."

The voice she spoke with while the voice he knew, was pitched so that only he could hear her. Her tone was a controlled anger.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He had anticipated that she would not believe that he would have been still searching for her. It was clear to him that Kaden twisted her mind to ignore truths that he might speak. So instead he pulled out a carved and polished piece of wood. The wood had deep engravings of the night sky from which he was saw when trapped on the world. It was the only leisure activity he did that was not training, it was the only activity he did that kept him sane most nights. Taking her hand slowly, he guided her fingers over the smooth dips and cuts that he made into the wood. It was a near perfect representation of the night sky and it wouldn't have been achieved unless he had been on the planet and studied the sky as long as he had.

Feel those stars? These are the stars that I had to see every night for a year. If you feel them, you know how close to Bastion this planet was. How out of SJO space I was. This is the evidence to prove I still searched for you. Yuroic informed her. He could feel the anger in her tone, through the Force but it wasn't natural anger, it was something twisted through lies and remembering events incorrectly. It was anger that he knew wasn't from the Jairdain he loved.

And these people will never care what Force User you become, what evil you commit against Jedi. These people only care for themselves, only wonder about the Hutts who will always rule this space. So, remember that. Remember that no matter how powerful you become, there will also be people who will never know you name. It is in a way a reminder to keep one's ego in check. Yuroic spoke calmly, without anger, without emotion.

He pondered on what she said about being restricted by a single Order. But how I am restricted Jairdain? I travel where I want and can do what I want within the Jedi Code, within my own moral code. I am now a Knight, not a Padawan. I have no restrictions bar those I put on myself, and only then because I do not wish to harm those unarmed, enslave people and commit crimes that will harm others. The Jedi are not restrictive as Krest has you believe.

Her now gloved hands felt her from feeling the carving he had made to the wood, but the unaltered memory of their night out on Voss surfaced for a moment. That was a false memory though, one that had been fed to her by Yuroic. He should know she couldn't see the stars from Bastion to know how close or far away he claimed he was.

Pulling her hand back from Yuroic, she still felt the heat from his touch through the fabric of her glove. That heat she felt when they met and then again now was undeniable. The love between them that Krest had used as something to exploit was still there.

"Remember looking up the ancient Dread Masters? Everybody feared them. These people will care and it's not evil that would be committed. They would become enlightened. My name and face are not important yet and that is why I wear a mask. There will be a day when they will be."

He spoke her name and that recalled her back to the present-not the future or the past.

"The code is restrictive. I'm glad you're a knight, we are on equal ground finally."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic listened to her. He knew that even if she couldn't see the night sky of Bastion there would have been records of what it looked like, however, he doubted that such knowledge interested her anymore. He looked around and pondered on the history of Dread Masters and the fear they inspired. They affected the Force and people who used it feared their power, it was why Empire joined the Republic and Jedi Order to fight them, however did refugees, slaves and other lower beings know of their existence. Did they even know which fight was fighting to protect them any more. Or was it all down to a someone with a lightsaber fought another one. Yuroic looked into Jairdain's violet eyes, the corruption of yellow infecting them, destroying their beauty.

Your eyes were always beautiful the colour they were. Shame the Dark Side takes that away from you. Yuroic casually commented not answering or debating Jairdain on the Jedi Code yet. These people won't know your name, they are only going to see you as something that uses magic. They will see me in the same light. To these people, we are one and the same. Doesn't matter that you want to conquer them, restrict them and I want to liberate them, let them be what they want to be.

See, the Jedi Code might seem restrictive to you now. But it liberates others, they don't have to do my bidding, I don't want them to either. They get to live their lives, they are happy. If that means I don't let my emotions consume me, don't let the Dark Side take over me, then it is a little price to pay. But tell me, why do you think the Code is restrictive? Yuroic leaned forward, interested in hearing her thoughts. I don't want to hear what Krest told you about the Jedi and how flawed we are, how restrictive we are. I want you to tell me, your thoughts, not his words, because I think if you move past his words then you might struggle to see the difference between us. So Jairdain, tell me why you personally think the Code you once followed is now restrictive?

"I don't want them to know my name! What conquering plans do I have? None. Nor are there any restrictions."

He chose not to fight with weapons, but picked to battle with words and wits. To know why the Jedi code was so restrictive compared to what she knew now. To her these codes were personal, while still able to applied on a grander scale.

"You wish to have a debate with me? Do you want me to recite your code and pick apart each line?"

She leaned back on her chair and ignored the comment he made about her eye color. Though if her eyes had started changing, then her skin was also paler and not the light tan it was when they met. Her beauty or lack of it didn't matter to her, she couldn't see what she looked like.

"The faults of the Jedi code, in my personal opinion are in the first part of each line. There are emotions, there is ignorance, passion and chaos. Look around us. Even if I can't see it, I can feel it. Death is also a part of life, a fate that can't be escaped. As for the second part of each line, they each seek to constrain with peace, serenity and harmony. Knowledge is the only word in that code and means a damn thing."

Her voice was no longer angry or mean. Now while not exactly calm, was focused. There was a fierceness Yuroic wouldn't have heard before.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic noted fierceness in Jairdain's voice, but he felt the anger and annoyance were swept away. She challenged him to a battle of wits and words, he did not want to battle at all with her. But it seemed that she sought a fight between nonetheless. Yuroic let out a sigh and listened to her arguments, he shook his head. They were too familiar from Krest's own words. He had heard the Sith Lord say them to him when they fought. How the code contradicted itself, how emotions and death and such were part of every day life. It seemed that Jairdain no longer saw deep into the code but the outer layer itself.

There is no Emotion, there is Peace. This does not mean that emotion does not exist, it means that to gain peace one must set aside their emotions. Think clearly. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. Ignorance does not really exist, for all one must do is seek knowledge and no longer will they be ignorant. There is no Passion, there is Serenity. What we had was not passion, it brought us calm and peace. Our love gave us serenity, passion can make one action without thought, lead you into danger. There is no Chaos, there is Harmony. This one is simple, Nar Shaddaa is the best example of harmony that looks chaotic, Coruscant is the same. Could such busy worlds work if they were chaotic, no, they would crumble like every Sith Empire. There is harmony at the core here.

There is no Death, there is the Force. This one means that while our bodies die, our spirits survive in the Force, we become part of the Living Force. It means that we are never truly going to die as long as we embrace the Force. It is all around us. This part of our Code is most similar to the Sith's, they want to break the chains of death and control the Force to never die, however, we Jedi seek to embrace the harmony of the Force and let it be one with us. For in the Force we never die.

The Jedi Code never tells you to act justly, to never feel or never use the dark side. It is a Code to explain the world, to explain how to live forever. I might not always agree with the Jedi Order, but the Code itself is words, words that to any Jedi will be different in their meaning. You once believed that the Code was similar to your own beliefs. Why was that? Why did you think you would fit into the Jedi Order best at first?

Yuroic questioned her, he knew why she had. She told him before that the Jedi best suited her because they wanted to do good like she did. But he was curious as to what her answer might be now. Also, you're looking pale. Perhaps the Dark Side isn't as healthy for the body as the Sith like to think. Never see the Jedi physically change due to following the Light Side... Yuroic pondered on that thought. Was there something toxic in the Dark Side, beyond what the Jedi said, was there a glimmer of truth in their beliefs. To Yuroic's eyes, Jairdain didn't look threatening but ill. Surely the Dark Side had something toxic to cause such a look.

However, that was a matter for another day.

Yuroic seemed disappointed in her answers. Yes, they were just the surface meaning of the words to the Jedi Code. In a way, she was testing his own fortitude and belief in it.

"The sith code is all about person empowerment, Yuroic. Much more than the jedi code. Yes, I picked on the surface meaning only since so many others do. Neither is fully my code though. To this day, I still stand by my own code and ethics. Just go about it differently than I did."

He commented more about how her looks had changed and she shook her head.

"I was raised to follow both codes, to have them combined. I tried the Jedi path and it wasn't meant for me. Now I'm here."

Her hands opened slightly, one of the resting on the table in front of her. While she had pulled away from his contact before, she now craved it. The Jedi within her was struggling to resurface. For a moment, she was there, the Jairdain he had fallen in love with. In that moment, she spoke.

"What have I become?"

Then she was gone, the new Jairdain was back and looking in his direction.

"My name is now Aurai Horaen. Jairdain is dead. So a new name was given to what I am now."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic pretended to not notice the momentary change in Jairdain. However, hearing and sensing the woman he loved still inside her, it gave him hope. Kicking his feet onto the table, Yuroic slouched into a comfortable pose, indifferent to Jairdain's talk on how she has combined the codes, sort to strengthen herself. That she remained true to her beliefs and codes, just seeing them differently. In his mind, Yuroic knew that she was twisted into believing this, no sane person would be able to think they were not changed or abandon their old belief system.

Sith Code is a code of lies. Passion does not give a person strength, it blinds them of danger, make them act stupid. Strength does not gain you victory, victory can be earned through knowledge, wisdom. Sith ignore these things because they desire instant gain, instant power, learning not to take patience to learn from the past. However, let us move past the beliefs of Sith and Jedi, focus on you. How have you interpreted your old beliefs differently now? How do you see them?

Your people were never followers of the Dark Side, they despised all things Dark Side related. You know this, you know that if they met you now, they would kill you. Jairdain, do you really think your parents would be proud of the woman that stands before me?

Yuroic gave another sigh before grabbing a toothpick and picking at his teeth. Not seemingly paying attention to her, however, he was just not being obvious. Jairdain is not dead. You cannot kill what is a part of you. You will be forever Jairdain to me.

"Flowing through all, there is balance.
There is no peace without a passion to create.
There is no passion without peace to guide.
Knowledge stagnates without the strength to act.
Power blinds without the serenity to see.
There is freedom in life.
There is purpose in death.
The Force is all things and I am the Force​.

"That was the code my people or close enough. We didn't call it the Force."

She fell silent to allow him the time to think about what code she said. How it was a combination of the two.

"My people didn't fight the Dark, they embraced both aspects. It was only when control was lost that there was punishment. That was where they were executed."

While Jairdain had started teaching Yuroic about being a mentalist, her lessons given to him were never finished. In their year apart, she didn't know what he had or had not learned, but if he could read a person, he would know that the code she spoke and what she said about her people was true. It wasn't a lie told to her by Krest or influenced by him.

"I have the control needed for this. To have felt what I denied myself out of fear, I can't go back."

He said that she would always be Jairdain to him and she shook her head.

"I've changed too much for Jairdain to be me anymore, Yuroic."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic chuckled, the understood the code in part. It was something that he could have to study in detail at a later date to truly delve into. However, what he took from the code was somewhat humorous to him. For in part, he agreed with it. It wasn't a code that he would follow himself but it held roots that were similar to his own beliefs. While Krest might not affect the way that she remembered her people with the code and the way they saw her, he seemed to have twisted the way she saw it, for to him, it was not similar to a Sith's view at all.

Your code, it is not similar to the Sith yet you wear something inherit to the Dark Side and side with them. The code stems more into the Grey Force, in fact, Arisa would have followed a code like that more than Krest or any Sith would. She was a Grey Jedi, she dabbled in the Dark areas of the Force standard Jedi wouldn't touch. So it amuses me that you follow and help people who would rather strike you down than accept you. To a Sith, only their way is the right way, but your Code, your belief is not Sith and not even that similar. I would be careful Jairdain, they will let you live only while you prove useful, you lose that usefulness and they will kill you. For you are not one of them and following your people's Code will never make you one either.

Yuroic paused to let that sink in. He wasn't being dramatic, he wasn't even playing with the truth. History showed them that Sith only tolerated those who were not Sith for so long. Yuroic was warning her, trying to keep her safe even if she remained with the Sith. No matter how much she claimed not to be the woman he loved, she wore Jairdain's face, it was enough to make him want to help her, protect her from harm best he could.

To me, you will always be Jairdain. No matter how many times you change your name. I know Jairdain is still in there, no one could kill her. Not Krest, not Lykos, Not even this new persona you have taken. Jairdain is still inside you. I can tell you feel her in there too, just afraid that she will take back what is hers if you let her.

It was a sort of goad that Yuroic gave the woman, but at the same time, he believed it to be true. He knew that given an inch, Jairdain would be able to fight Krest's control, even if she never became a Jedi again. At least she would be free of the Sith.

It was the same code she had followed while with the Silvers. With them though, she had left her emotions alone and not mixed them into her skills. Her own people used both and while those that went chaotic were executed, those that remained calm were allowed to live.

"Arisa lied to me!"

Her voice was a hiss and her body stiffened at the thought of the Grand Master. That woman had the power, ability and resources to have rescued her. It had not happened. If that false promise had been kept, things would be far different than what they were now. Her eyes blazed for a moment with true anger.

"The sith code is all about person empowerment and growth. It states nowhere in it that one has to be evil."

If Yuroic wanted, they could talk about this for the rest of their lives and they wouldn't agree on the specific points. Of any of these codes, not just hers, his or the sith.

"I have told that code to only two people. Not Krest or Arisa even know it. It is mine alone to follow."

Of course if she ever had children, she would attempt to pass that code of ethics on even if they couldn't use the Force.

"I am who I am."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic raised an eyebrow at Jairdain as her anger took over. The pain of Arisa's disappearance affected him greatly, he might never know where she went but if she were to ever return she would have to answer his questions. Especially those concerning why no one went to rescue Jairdain. A task that Yuroic thought of great importance.

Arisa has vanished. No longer part of the SJO. Currently there is no Grand Master. While one might think that Yuroic was sharing too much and stating they were weak, he did not see them as such, perhaps in need of harmony but not weak. Likely that in the turmoil, chaos of her absence, the others distracted from rescuing either of us. But such is the way with chaos.

Sith Code does not state one has to be evil, yet have you met a Sith that was not fuelled by their anger to cause pain, torture, suffering or slavery. The Sith, by nature it seems, are inherently evil. They allow their emotions to rule them. Become the chaotic people your people would kill. Because to them, one gains power and strength through the blood and suffering of others. However, I don't think there has to a wipe of Sith entirely. If the Sith decided to not fight, not destroy all other beliefs and ways of the Force in their aim for dominance then there could be peace, there could be friendship.

Yuroic had attempted himself to broker peace with Sith, it was Krest he tried to convince to end the conflict with the Dominion but the Sith Lord wanted nothing to do with ending the violence with the "weaker" Sith. It was through that he realised that Sith, at least from the Sith Empire wanted to consume and destroy all that opposed their ways. Even if the opposition wanted peace.

I just want you safe, and safe you will not be with the Sith. Not in the long run at least. Just think on that. Yuroic ended his thoughts on the Sith with that. He was prepared to move their discussion on. So, why seek out the Dread Master's mask? You once hated what they stood for. We destroyed their device because you were worried of becoming one.

"Maybe she was captured too."

It was all the young woman said about Arisa being missing. That anger had flared and went away quickly, only there for a moment.

"Too many different ideologies are around. Everybody feels only theirs is the right one. While I do not agree with any of them, I'm not going to kill somebody for not following mine. If that were the case, then I wouldn't have been a Jedi nor would I be what I am now."

His comment about the sith being fueled by anger which then caused the pain, torture and suffering was wrong. Slavery was not supported either so his own views were skewed. Both of them were stubborn so it was unlikely they would change the other's view on things.

"You want me safe? I was captured twice while I was with the Jedi, saw battle in my time with them. With the Sith, I have been safe. No battle, no threat of further capture. I have been able to learn more with them than I did with the Jedi."

Her speech was more self-centered than when she was with the Jedi. Showing that even she couldn't keep the sith code from integrating itself into her personality.

"I sought it for a symbol. You're wrong, I didn't hate what they stood for, I feared them. Now I know what they did and their abilities are what I do. Peace is not an option in this galaxy. War, pain and suffering will always be there."

Gripping the mask, but not picking it up, Jairdain drew attention to it for just a moment. She did not turn her head in its direction and continued to face across the table at Yuroic.

"That device wasn't destroyed."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic stood, wandering to the bar he ordered a drink. Returning, he sat with his feet on the table once more and sipped his drink slowly. He thought on what she had to say, it seemed that the Dark Side had taken a deep hold of the woman he loved. No matter, perhaps one day she would see the fall and change that had happen to her. Arisa left known space on her on will. One day, the Sith will make you decide. One day you will have to fight and kill for them or die against them. That is a fact.

Also, the Sith were the ones who captured you. They were the ones that tortured you, made you suffer until you became one of them. I find it funny that you believe them to be so good now, doing justice and helping people. Yuroic chuckled sarcastically as he took another drink. Dread Masters were not that powerful, only a handful know of their existence and we are two of them. After their death, no one remembered what they did. Perhaps you should remember that when you use the device.

I am disappointed you didn't destroy it. We swore we would. Yuroic gave a sigh before standing and looking at her. Maybe when you see yourself as the monster you feared, you never wanted to become. Perhaps then, you will realise that the Dark Side makes a person chaotic. I do not believe that Jedi are perfect, I think there needs to be balance but you are not balanced Jairdain.

Yuroic had said his piece. He left her the constellation he made for her while in exile, a memory of their past. Then patted her on the shoulder before heading outdoors. Breathing in the air slowly.

She waited while Yuroic went and got himself a drink, when he returned and sat down she listened to what he had to say. Arisa had left on her own. Why? Maybe there was a chance she could get revenge on the woman for lying and breaking her promise. The next part of his statement she shook her head in disagreement.

"No, if I chose to fight, it won't be because they forced me to. It would be because I choose to. Not once have I had to do that."

He threw into her face that was sith that captured her.

"I wasn't tortured, Yuroic. Treatment was good. What they did was tell me the truth."

In reality, she had been brainwashed into thinking the Jedi had lied to her. That they had deceived her. Even her most intimate relationships had been altered in her mind.

"More people know of the Dread Masters than what the Jedi lead us to think. Their memory is still alive.'

Looking away from him be​fore she spoke again, though the action didn't mean she wasn't looking at him through the Force.

"The device was stolen before it could be destroyed."

While it was the truth, she was glad it happened. The secrets held within that single device were amazing and for that to have been lost...that knowledge gone. Would have been bad.

"I'm more balanced now than I was when I locked my emotions away in a box. Now I can feel them."

He then got up and walked away from her. Leaving behind the piece of the sky he had carved. At that moment, she came to a conclusion, one she would broadcast only to him.

I will not fight you.​

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic felt the familiar presence of Jairdain in his mind. He smiled somewhat, she had taken the non-violent path which was a sign. A sign that perhaps deep inside her there was still some good. Replying to what she sent, Yuroic pressed the truth of his words in the message so that she would know that he was not lying.

One day though, you will have to choose. Kill me or admit the Sith are evil. Know that I will never harm you as long as you never harm others. Even then, I will try only to distract you and protect myself, never will I attack you. I still love you Jairdain. After he sent the message, he gave a long and tired sigh. Perhaps he shouldn't have gone to the planet and crashed. If he hadn't how different would life be, would Arisa still be around, would Jairdain still be a Jedi? Too much to think on what could have been.

Live in the moment. Yuroic reminded himself.


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