Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Revisiting his homeworld

Richard Von

Location - Uiscephlean

Richard landed at his private mansion's landing pad, he exited the Corvette walking to the door where he had a palm print reader for security. This was his first time visiting this place it was built for Von royal family hundreds of years ago, it has been updated and renovated many times since. He searched the property entering the basement that leads to the catacombs below, the cave opens up and dead ends in the middle was a stone stump with ancient carvings in them. He could feel small waves of energy radiating off the area, Von reached forward putting his hand on the stump and went still.

Richard was seeing visions of the ancient Jedi after one of the many wars, 6 Jedi exiled themselves to this island 2 Masters, 3 Knights, and 1 Padawan. They had survived many attacks and were being chased by Dark Jedi, they stayed here undetected meditating and growing in exile until they were ambushed. The Jedi were attacked first on the outside they singled out a lone knight who was gathering fruit, three Dark Jedi attacked and killed the knight. They made their way to the catacombs engaging the remaining two Knights at the entrance. Outnumbered and outclassed the Knights retreated deeper into the catacombs until they reached the bottom. Backed into a corner with nowhere to go the remaining two Jedi Masters and two Knights dueled the three Dark Jedi, the Jedi managed to disarm the first Dark Jedi by slicing off his right leg. The second Dark Jedi would strike down the weaker Knight before being killed by the other, the last Dark Jedi attempted to flee but was caught in a force push by one of the Masters knocking him unconscious.

The remaining Jedi would tie them up and the two masters would band together and do a combined force light ability to cleanse the Darkside from these former Jedi. This combined force light and previous weeks of training and ancient rituals stained the area with a slight light side aura. It was not very potent, it would help a force user meditate deeper and hone their connection to the force easier than other locations.

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