Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Revitalization of Coruscant

What you'll see below is a checklist of things that need to be done for Coruscant in the coming days. Many of the listed items below can be spun into scenarios for upcoming faction threads, and may be the starting points of our campaign to cleanse the core of the One Sith's influence. That being said, I would like to make this clear before we begin. As we are the Alliance and are trying to emulate the Good Guys of Star Wars, it's our mission to leave Coruscant in significantly better shape than how it was during and before the Invasion began. While it may be of little concern to some characters, I'm just putting that out there, so we're all on the same page Out of Character.

As a final note, nothing mentioned here is set in stone unless otherwise specified. Feel free to leave your input in the reply section's below and I will ensure every point is updated with new information as time goes on.

Cleansing the Temples.

From what I understand about Coruscant, there have been some Sith and Darkside aligned temple's that have cropped up on the planet, feeding off the Force Nexus and tainting it with residual energies of the Darkside. As you may have guessed, I'd like to leave this to the interested parties within the New Jedi Order to take upon themselves this burden of purifying the Nexus and thus cleansing the corruption festering at the heart of the world.

Restoring Communications.

At the Behest of the SCNN, much of the local and planetary communications devices, orbital satellites, terminals, speakers and HoloScreens will be replaced, and/or salvaged should they prove to be repairable. I'll expand on this later once more information is in hand.

Toppling Sith Monuments.

Idols erected to worship the Sith, and their dastardly ways will need to be toppled, and not necessarily replaced. I say this because while it's all well and good to swap out the statues of famous Sith Lords for Jedi and various Officers of the Alliance- the message that such an act would send isn't one in our favor. We'll be viewed just like the One Sith were. When it comes to Memorial Walls and sites that were created to commemorate the fallen soldiers of the One Sith, we'll repair any damage sustained during the fighting and leave them be. They may very well be the last thing that some of the local families have of their loved ones, and I will not see us labeled as monsters for taking that away from the populace.

Rout out the Resistance.

With [member="Darth Centax"]'s lovely post mentioning that much of his armed forces have gone to ground, there will be plenty of opportunities to root out their cells in the days to come. To that end, those interested in following through with this Shadow War can work with our friends in the SIS as they pro-actively undertake this tremendous burden. No use of lethal force will be permitted, as we're trying to safeguard the people of Coruscant - not kill them. Those captured will be imprisoned and rehabilitated, before being released back into the public eye. (This includes One Sith affiliated Sith that has remained behind.) Also, if the interested parties wish to make this upcoming thread more entertaining, it can be labeled as a Skirmish thread only if Centax wishes to participate.

Note; The SIS will also be hunting down [member="Pravus Zambrano"] in the underworld, as during the Invasion he had posted that he was experimenting on the select members of the populace. Details for this Faction thread will be placed in its dedicated thread once the Op's ready to begin.

Re-establishing the Guard.

While much of the remaining forces loyal to the One Sith will have been arrested by the time we start posting; the Alliance will begin deploying their units to the surface to comprise the Planetary Garrison and PDF forces. The local militia will be trained by various allied advisors, but will directly report to Alliance High Command to ensure the standard of training matches what the Supreme Commander expects of his armed forces. There will not be a Draft or Conscription drive taking place, and should such a horrendous deed be uncovered - there will consequences. As with the message we're trying to send with the monuments, we're not here to replace the One Sith - but introduce the world to an entirely new system of government that will let the System operate as it sees fit and provide the protection needed to guarantee the populace's safety.

Thus we're accepting Volunteer's only. (Which, considering the currently likely perspective of the Alliance forces moving into the sector, will be minimal in the beginning.)

Also, this will include the installation of various defense emplacements and a Naval Taskforce to patrol and defend the System if required.

The Rebuilding of Coruscant.

I believe that [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] has got this well in hand and is making excellent progress with this portion of the Revitalization Program. If she so desires, I can update this section later with a quick summary of what's to be done and add a massive token of our appreciation to those interested parties seeking to sink their teeth into the Queen of the Core. Damn fine job Mara. <3

Arieth zh'Vranthi

Galactic Alliance Ambassador
[member="Astarii Saren"]

I'll be happy to assist as the point of contact for the Galactic Alliance for outside aid and to keep things organized along with the Faction Staff.

Arieth zh'Vranthi

Galactic Alliance Ambassador
[member="Astarii Saren"]

Lol, I will discuss and bring anything that requires approval from the NPC leaders (Faction staff run) if I believe it is a bit more tricky.

Otherwise, the general fluff I can easily handle.

[member="Zonia Kalranoos"] would be able to help me also in that affect
Cerberus Corporation will be establishing prefabricated refuge areas that can be used as housing for those temporarily displaced.

We would also like to propose the removal of the Valley of the Sith Lords and the rebuilding of the 'Candle Walk' a monument garden designed for the fallen soldiers of the Alliance and the One Sith as well as a specialist area for civilian casualties as well. If this would be suited?

[member="Astarii Saren"]


When we're at the replacement of Sith buildings and stuff, we should also have a Jedi meditation garden. Like a large one, even though we're not gonna move our capital there.

Tobias Wrynn

Lilin Imperieuse said:
When we're at the replacement of Sith buildings and stuff, we should also have a Jedi meditation garden. Like a large one, even though we're not gonna move our capital there.

The same way that the Alliance Military utilizes sub-bases and multiple command centers, I think it would be somewhat prudent to establish Temples, Academies, and the like on major hubs of the Alliance. This would allow for Jedi to train in many different cultures, and would be conducive to the learning of such roles as Diplomats and Ambassadors, which may not have the same role due to the lack of a senate, but could still be utilized for the sake of promoting peace between worlds.

Not only that, but it would be good for the Jedi to not all hole up in one place like the Temple on Coruscant. Order 66 happens and all that.

Having Jedi presences in every sector would be good for keeping the people happy, and it would serve as a deterrent for ne'er do wells. It's one thing to hear "Oh man, the Hounds might come for us," it's another thing entirely for them to be staffed on your doorstep. (Also, Jedi Watchmen could be utilized as well, if we wanted to generate a larger roleplaying presence in a given area.)

[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]


[member="Tobias Wrynn"]

Yeah, different outposts and stuff around our territory are a definite. We should definitely flesh these things out in the future.


Well-Known Member
I will be subbing a militia unit soon, so feel free to use it.

Also any house Thul unit is yours to use other than housecarls
I'll leave that decision to the Jedi in regards of what's to be done with the Valley of the Sith, as they'll be purifying it and if they have plans for that area I'd rather not steamroll over them. As a counter proposal for your Candle Walk, what about converting the processional way leading up to the Senate building into a massive memorial for both fallen Alliance and Sith soldiers?

[member="Fortris Sonn"]

Once the Black Pyramid's been purged of evil juju, what do you say about making the meditation gardens there akin to the Room of a Thousand Fountains?

[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

Naturally we'll help the Jedi build any facilities they so require. ;)

[member="Tobias Wrynn"]

I'm sure we'll find a use for your troops. Many thanks.



Well-Known Member
[member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Fortris Sonn"]
The Black Pyramid was laid waste to by [member="Darth Carnifex"], pre invasion.
Then sometime during invasion, [member="Elaine Thul"] my character would have laid waste to rest of it, using artillery.
It may be slightly radioactive, from our good sith lord. Also very much charred by my artillery.
[member="Astarii Saren"] this is a wip, what do you think?
Also any feedback from anyone else is appreciated

Name: Coruscant Security Force C.S.F.
Intent: To provide a militia force for Coruscant, that can double up as law enforcement
Affiliation: Coruscant and The Galactic Alliance
Availability: Common
Quality: D - Untrained
Type: Law Enforcement and Crowd Control
Strength: 150 officers and Personal
Description: The Coruscant Security Force are designed to help keep law and order, throughout whole of coruscant. They had been vetted to make sure they have no ties to The One Sith, and then taken through some basic training. They are not soliders combat is not there primary role, if situation requires troops. They would call on the alliance soldiers to take the lead. There job is to make sure the civilian population, does not riot and to stop crime waves. They also make sure crowds when gathering, don't become a danger to them or others.

Recruitment and selection criteria
1: DNA taken to make sure they are who they say they are
2: Four references to make sure they are of good character (Also these would be checked by personal, to make sure the sith not trying to create a fifth column)
3: A basic medical, to make sure they are fit enough to carry out there duties without much PE.
4: A basic level entry exam, to make sure they are bright enough to do the job.
5: An interview to make sure they are right person (Though for now, anyone who passes the other four would have to do some stupid to be rejected.)

Training plan, before going out
1: First aid
2: Basic combat skills
3: Equipment training
4: how to use a holo communications properly
5: Crowd control techniques
6: Securing an area

Further Training
1: Basic law enforcement skills
2: Improving Combats skills
​3: Detective work
4: Securing a crime scenes
5: Conflict management courses

They operate out of precincts each have number, each one is unique. They operate on a roster system which means, at all times they are four teams of five on foot patrol. Then sixteen in the office doing paper work, and ready to respond to an emergency. At all times there are a minimum of thirty six men. During the day this will increase as precinct captain is on duty as well, review everything. Making sure everything is in order, and he can get extra manpower in if a upcoming event requires it. This can come from his own men doing over time, or pulling resources in from other C.A.G. precincts. They equpided blaster pistols and stun baton normally, but in certain situations they will get issued carbines.

Light Armour
Blaster Pistol
Stun Baton

Need a speeder bike and some type of personal carrier
As much as I appreciate the gusto in which you've drawn something like this together, [member="Elaine Thul"], I don't think it's appropriate with the idea of the Alliance and our style of governance. The Coruscant Security Force will be the primary Law Enforcement Agency on Coruscant. They'll enforce both Local and Alliance laws to keep the peace, but I do not intend to have the Alliance directly meddling in planetary affairs.

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