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Approved Tech Revnanite

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Manufacturer: Naturally Ocurring.
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average
ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ

Intent: Expand on the metals found in Leven's mines in Grade Noir, Illyria.
Image Source: N/A.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: N/A.

Manufacturer: Naturally occurring on Illyria.
Affiliation: Leven Jeyd.
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: N/A.
Modularity: No.
Production: Minor.
Material: N/A.

  • Revnanite can slowly heal itself from physical damage, restoring its structure in proportion to the severity of the damage. Minor damage repairs within several hours, while more significant damage can take days or longer.
  • When exposed to specific energy fields or stimuli, Revnanite can expand its mass, enabling it to fill gaps or create new extensions/shapes from existing fragments.
  • Revnanite adapts to repeated damage, gradually becoming more resistant to the specific types of force or environmental conditions it has experienced.

Slow Self-Repair: Revnanite's ability to slowly repair itself from damage makes it highly resilient and long-lasting. Given the appropriate time, the metal can restore itself to full integrity, maintaining its structural and functional integrity.
Controlled Propagation: Revnanite can expand its mass when exposed to specific energy stimuli, allowing for efficient repairs or the creation of additional structures without external materials.
Corrosion Resistance: The metal is highly resistant to corrosion, ensuring its durability in harsh environments.

Energy Reliance for Growth: While Revnanite can repair itself, its ability to propagate and expand is heavily reliant on exposure to specific energy fields or stimuli. Without these, its growth potential is limited, confining it to slow repairs only.
Complex Interaction with Energy: If exposed to the wrong type of energy field or stimuli, Revnanite can react unpredictably, leading to uncontrolled growth, retraction, or even damage to its structure.
Vulnerability to Repeated Overloads: While Revnanite adapts to repeated types of damage, if subjected to excessive force or energy in rapid succession, it can become overwhelmed, temporarily losing its self-repair capabilities.

Visually striking, it possesses a sleek, metallic sheen with a silvery-blue hue that gives it an almost liquid appearance, despite being entirely solid. The surface of Revnanite is marked by intricate vein-like patterns that glow subtly when the metal is in the process of self-repairing or propagating, a visual cue of the energy coursing through its structure.

The metal features a slow but steady self-repair mechanism that allows it to heal surface-level damage over the course of several hours, with larger damage taking significantly longer to mend. This capability makes Revnanite ideal for applications where durability and longevity are crucial, such as deep-space exploration, hazardous industrial sites, and military fortifications.

Revnanite also possesses a unique propagation feature, allowing it to grow and expand its mass when exposed to specific energy fields or stimuli. This growth can be harnessed to fill gaps, create larger structures, or even create new extensions from existing fragments of the metal. However, this ability is heavily dependent on the correct type of energy being supplied; without it, Revnanite's propagation is limited to its slow self-repair function.

Over time, as it is subjected to repeated types of damage, the metal "learns" from these experiences, gradually altering its structure to become more resistant to similar threats in the future, This makes it particularly useful in situations where it will be exposed to consistent or repeated stressors.

Its reliance on specific energy fields for growth means that in environments lacking these stimuli, its propagation ability is severely hampered. Additionally, Revnanite can be unpredictable if exposed to incompatible energy sources, leading to uncontrolled growth or even structural instability. Furthermore, while the metal adapts to repeated damage, it can become overwhelmed if subjected to excessive force or energy in rapid succession, temporarily disabling its self-repair mechanisms.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Expand on the metals found in the Aishishhadz'idaks Mines, hidden deep beneath the treacherous mountain ranges of Garde Noir, Illyria.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Leven Jeyd
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: N/A
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

Nice work, but very regrettably I cannot accept it. This metal does not fit SW in this form. I didn't want to deny the sub, so I thought for a while about what I could offer, how this could be edited or reworked.

The problem is that even the Laminanium can only repair surface damage, and it takes hours or days outside of combat. Even the strongest nanotechnological metals cannot repair themselves at this level and so quickly what you wrote, especially not without using another material to do so. And in this case, I could mostly only accept it as Unique.

What I can suggest and recommend is that the ability to self-repair remains, but in a much weaker way. That is, it cannot regenerate during a fight and can only repair surface damage after hours, days, or even more time. And of course, there is a level where metal is no longer capable of this.
ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ
Good morning! No worries, and thanks for giving me the chance to re-work this. When I started making this, I cornerstoned myself on the existance of these: Self-repair System (Model 3 Autroepair - Advanced Repair Unit) and Self-sustaining unit which did hint at the possibility of quick repair through the employ of smart materials. Now - I was aiming to make it a metal mainly for originality's sake haha My question would be if the main issue here is these characteristics being presented in the format of a metallic material, and therefore if by changing the nature of the submission (making it a component, or some other piece of technology rather than a metal) it would be possible to retain more of its characteristics.

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

Think about whether you would be happy if someone bring something like this against you in PvP, and if you saw it, would you report the sub or not. You probably wouldn't be happy and would probably report it for godmodding. Most duels are a few attacks per turn, meaning a few seconds, and it doesn't make much sense or chance to regenerate in seconds because it's essentially indestructible and it is godmodding (and not fits to the SW).

Laminanium repairs itself by being able to melt in any temperature and thus correct itself without adding itself. But this is because of the manufacturing process. If this material is already a finished metal and not just a natural ore, then if it is made in a similar way as Laminanium, then this can be solved. (Controlled Propagation)

However, the speed must not remain this fast under any circumstances, but must be much slower. Outside of PvP, it doesn't matter anyway, there you can say that the droid is damaged, X hours have passed and it can move and function again.
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