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Revolutionary Girl (Camellia Swift)

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Everything needed a strong defense and Ayumi was looking over the plans that had been sent to her, this was a strong shield one could use and she loved the idea of it while reading over the specs but had no idea if Camellia would be able to make it or if there was a way. They might have to go off and explore a little to get the data and run the tests before it could be fully implemented.... That wasn't such a bad idea and Ayumi was all for spending more and more time cooped in a ship with the CEO... if she needed to do somethings she could always step away and while they awaited for news about the request to work with the council. "Alright I have been looking these designs over and do you think the shielding will hold and work on the ship?"
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Camellia herself was enjoying the time together with the lady Pallopides. She was smart and an efficient and effective business woman, not to mention cute. The Silver Jedi Order was bringing a lot of business to Rendili Stardrive, and that made Cam happy enough in itself. To top everything off and provide the opportunity for the company to put together a massive starship? Now that was a shipwright's dream! To create the biggest and best products, and Camellia was more than happy to see an Inexpugnable exist in the universe again. It made her extra happy that it would be going to the Silver Jedi, though of course it was still being built. They were working on many of the individual systems now, like the shields for example as Ayumi brought up. "In all honesty? No I don't think they will. Your ship will already do a decent job hiding itself considering you have quite the amount of Nightshadow for it, however, if it had to fight a fleet on its own I have a better idea in mind for its defenses. Even if this thing will be the most powerful ship in the galaxy, it will still need some extra help. I think I have just the idea too."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Now that was what she wanted to hear, that they would be able to protect something made for well coordinating... It needed protection, it needed to be able to be kept out of fights but defend itself and now she was wanting to hear this idea. Ayumi figuratively was salivating at the bit as it were to hear all about what the Rendili CEO had thought up. "Oh I am all ears." She was more comfortable from that time they were simply on Shri-Tal's stations and nervous at least now she knew she could relax somewhat and enjoy her time with the woman away from other things.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Honestly once the ship they were building was completed it would possibly be the most safe place in the galaxy considering all the fancy gadgetry and components going into it. Heck and at its size they could probably fit the whole order on board if they made it a dedicated floating temple at the expense of some of the other gadgets. All the same though, Camellia felt a little saddened that the most amazing ship possibly ever designed would be seldom near her. It made her a little depressed the Silver Jedi didn't have the territory around Rendili, or that Rendili wasn't within the Silver Jedi's existing territory. Nonetheless, they were good business partners and Ayumi was certainly becoming a close friend if she wasn't already. "Well many people have moved to layer redundant level shields on their warships. I intend to provide a secondary layer on your ship, but the primary shield layer won't be a normal shield. I'm thinking we'll implement a molecular shield generator on the Inexpugnable for you."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi nodded to that, the idea of a special shielding instead of layers of extra did sound like it could be better at least in theory and she wanted to give it a shot. The silver jedi's floating behemoth of a ship was designed for the express purpose of being protected from the bulk of things, it wasn't going to be seen, it was if encountered meant to draw attention and hold the line against the major problems. As she listened more well she was seeing something in the force but limited range of skills and senses didn't reveal it. Just that nagging at the back of your mind as you listened to a person speak. "Well I like how this shounds, so when and where should we go for the testing?"
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

For a moment Camellia wondered at the distant look Ayumi had for a brief second in case something was wrong, but nothing seemed to come of it. Instead the Silver Jedi representative merely moved on and asked her when they could begin testing. In all honesty Camellia had been preparing for this section of the project already believing that the Silver Jedi would be interested in it. "We can go right now. We've got some targets setup with molecular shield units on them and sensor and data equipment ready to go to give you an idea of how the technology works. Its a few levels down, we set everything up in one of the training rooms for the security teams." To be honest Camellia was a little concerned about how much technology was going on the ship, but there would only be one to make. Still, she was a little biased as a military officer wanting to convert most of the added technology into weapons and defenses.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi nodded her head to that, so much work and that there was a great deal of testing ready to go and show off. She cocked a hip to the side putting her hand on her hip before speaking. "Oh you little mynx... look at you all ready to show off something like this. You aren't reading my mind are you? You knew we might like this and wanted to impress didn't you?" SHe said it more playfully but this was a great thing, they had some of the top ship builders not only taking their ideas but knowing what they wanted or would want before they did... That only solidified the idea that this was going to be a great ship and that they had chosen the right person to build it.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Well not so much as impress, but be ready to go to the lengths to get the approval to apply the technology on the ship for sure. If there was anything Rendili Stardrive's CEO was, it was hungry for any and every opportunity to have her homeworld's shipyards be the one to create the most amazing starship in existence. Something the Silver Jedi's project was shaping up to be, and if this was going to be one of the greatest starships, then Camellia wanted it to have the most capable technology behind it! Still, it made her happy that right off the bat Ayumi seemed pleased with the concept, and how could she not smile and be quite pleased herself as Camellia watched the other woman flaunt her hips. "You could say that. I just want to build the greatest starship in existence, and the Silver Jedi are providing the opportunity. At the very least that means I should and will be trying to make it the greatest starship right? This shielding technology will go a long ways toward it. Shall we go see it? Its very hard not to spoil everything about it before you witness it in action."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

"Yes lets go and see it." She was liking it and now she was feeling and seeing it that satisfaction and maybe pride but she rather liked it when Camellia was talking about her goal of being the best. She was on track and liking the idea of seeing it while she motioned with her head. "Well alright lets go and see it, oh this is just getting excited I am almost giddy as it were. We could do so much with it and there is so much Rendili will be enjoying itself. Hopefully after this you will have shown the galaxy you are one of the if not the best shipwrights."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Well at the very least the design would certainly make them a force to be reckoned with in the Galaxy. Rendili hardly had as many locations as it used to have once before. Many old docks and branches in the Corporate Sector had been lost after the Gulag plague had wiped out so much of everything. There locations for the docks above Humbarine, Shri-Tal, Voss, and one of the other Silver Jedi worlds with their permission, but very few elsewhere. The Corporate Alliance's dealings with the ASA were slow to kick off, but if they ever did Rendili Stardrive's CEO was going to be very happy to have a mining operation and secret shipyard up to spec somewhere. For now though she kept herself focused on she nodded and smiled to Ayumi and started leading the other woman out of the room.

"Well Kuat Drive Yards is still a big contender. They have the largest shipyard over Kuat itself, and many other locations. Santhe & Sienar are also rather large and capable competitors. They could handle projects like this without as much preparation as Rendili Stardrive has needed, mostly because we're still trying our best to catch back up to our former glory." Passing several levels as Camellia led them to a nearby lift, the Rendili woman grinned as they came in front of a testing chamber and entered inside, several engineers within already busy setting up a mechanical dummy droid at the end of a set up firing range.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

"Yes they could but there would be more then just credits. Distrustful or shady business people are not interesting to deal with. There is something good about danger, but I like getting my credits worth not paying more for less quality." She was sure they weren't all like that but walking was more then enough time for Ayumi to fix her looks and hair, she had the equipment in her belt as she took a band out for her hair. Her amulet on her necklace under the bodysuit before she was looking. "Besides having dealt with Seinar and Santhe for ships before I can say it wasn't fun. I don't like being in a room and the only one listening it my computer."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Personally Camellia could attest as the CEO of Rendili Stardrive that the head of Kuat Drive Yards was a very reasonable woman. She had been very helpful and had negotiated very reasonable conditions when Camellia had approached her for support with the issue of initial production of the Noblesse class. Santhe on the other hand she hadn't worked with before. Camellia knew that Santhe and Seinar had many popular patents and were a well established company with a slew of resources and markets. "Well I've never worked with Santhe before but Lorelei Darke and Kuat Drive Yards were highly helpful in completing the Noblesse Class for the Republic. Baktoid seemed nice to a degree. Their head seemed paranoid, but seeing what happened to her I suppose it was within reason. . . . . .we can start when you're ready by the way. They have the droid set up and shield unit active."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was ready to begin and avoided talking about the subject more. Companies were like some force users if you talked about them enough they appeared. For now she rubbed her hands together ready to begin the real fun of this all. "Yes lets begin." Oh she enjoyed this, it was far more exciting then just reading reports, hell she had preferred testing some of the ionite grenades on mayferria even though they had been duds. That captain in the Republic had been so proud of himself and then afterwards he was gone."Who knows might have more contracts afterwards."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"Sounds like a wonderful plan then. Alright let's get started then. Let's turn on the dummy fellas, no need to wait anymore go ahead and bring out the blaster cannon too." Nodding to the technicians and Ayumi as she spoke, Camellia watched as the engineering teams went about and brought out a tri-pod blaster cannon and settled it into place for a very close and unhindered shot at the droid test dummy set up at the edge of the range. After a few moments more a shield unit would be activated around the droid, and the technician at the controls of the blaster cannon looked around at his comrades and then the CEO and Silver Jedi representative waiting for the go ahead to fire.

Giving a simple hand signal for him to have at it, Camellia watched as the normally data oriented researcher grinned madly before pulling the trigger as loud whumps were heard as the cannon fired bolt after bolt of energy into the droid. However, the only noticeable effect was the shields glowing where the blasts hit, and this continued for several minutes as the assault went on to show that the shield had no intention of going out.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi watched it all being brought out and she had a look on her face... partially anticipation and intrigue. It was always fun to see a good test and she was a senator from the edge of the unknown regions they had weapons, they had cannons.... She liked big things that fired white jets of warm.... what was she thinking about... Oh yes large cannons and the shield as a small nod of her head came for the beginning of the test. Oh she held her breath in anticipation of the shot looking them over. She watched it go on and on as shte sound came and she looked from the one firing to the shield then back again several times. "Perfect."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

No comment was made by Rendili Stardrive's CEO when Ayumi made her remark, instead she just smiled supremely as she watched the spectacle carry on before them. The rotary blaster cannon continued its assault on the droid fitted with the molecular shielding as the test went on and on, not stopping as time continued. "It won't go down. The difference between a regular shield and molecular shielding is that a molecular shield absorbs the energy directed at it and converts it into more power for the shield itself. While still vulnerable to physical armaments like Mass Driver cannons and warheads, Turbolasers just make it stronger. In theory it could be overloaded though, though it would take immense amounts of power in order to do so and obviously the larger the shield the more energy required to overload it. Its also quite expensive to engineer . . . . ."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi kept her eyes on it and rubbed her hands together, there was a certain grace to this and looking at the shielding as it continued to work she had some ideas. "That will work out great and with the right hull plating mass drivers should be able to be managed at least. There will be some capacitors the additional energy could possibly go into? Or do you think it might not work as I am thinking it will." She had some ideas but it seemed if there was a risk of overcharge maybe they could have something like an overdrive bank that would store the energy and it could be used to power systems or overcharge the weapons for a time. She'd leave it in Camellia's hands and ideas as the smarter shipbuilder.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Well that was certainly a possibility, but that was something that would have to be left to the engineer's and technician's to judge, not the CEO. Camellia prided herself on understanding ship schematics and components certainty, but she knew that she herself wasn't trained and studied in actual construction techniques or sciences that went into making each part work properly. She knew what was good and what production would be like, and she could certainly tell Ayumi now that the Inexpugnable they were building was far beyond standard already. It wasn't going to be a mass produced model ever with everything being packed into it. That was for sure. "That might possible, but it might also be impossible if we also try to install anti-electronic warfare packages onto the ship to prevent it from having its sensors and communications being jammed. We'll certainly see about it, but if you're pleased with the design we're ready to install a unit on the actual ship in construction though."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

She nodded in agreement, an answer like that was understandable. Overdrive reactors were not somethign often seen on ships, they were for a few places and she had faced them when fighting the sith. Could be the best thing for quick battles when you needed to come in and let loose a volley of shots then could stick around because you had killed everything. That had been one of the earlier ideas of the empire before they had built a Tulak. "That shall have to do for now. We'll see, there aren't many ships in the galaxy with overdrive capabilities and only a few times have they been encountered." Now she was rubbing her hands together looking over the layout for sensors. Some other ideas coming for what could be done.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"Right, as for the hull plating, I agree if we went ham on that as well it would certainly make it more difficult for physical rounds to damage it, but at the same time the ship will be slow as it is. So we can definitely go either with it for the Silver Jedi, it just depends on whether you would like the ship to have better maneuverability, even if it is just a little, or have it be more defensible. There are benefits to both and neither will really have an impact on the sensor suite we'll be enhancing or the communication relays either." It the ship was faster it could travel quicker into or out of battle, but it wasn't exactly meant to be rushing everywhere itself. So more armor might be better for it to weather out the enemy as it moved around, but then at the same time if it did need to get places within local space it would be a pain to do so at a crawl and force the rest of the fleet to do the same.

"Still this will be the shield design we run with for the ship. Shall I go ahead and clear them to get a generator sized up for it then?"

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