In Umbris Potestas Est
NAME: Rexutu
FACTION: Mandalorians
AGE: 1 year old clone, mind and body of a 25 year old Taung
HEIGHT: 2 Meters, 6'10
WEIGHT: 102 Kilos, 225 lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: A pale green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Resilient Skin/Bone Structure: Being a Taung, Rexutu can withstand more punishment than most species, his skin is tough and his bones are above average in nature. If he so desired, he would be able to punch through a concrete wall with little to no damage to his skin or bones. Combine that sharp claws at the ends of his fingers, which could easily rip through human flesh, Rexutu could use his own body as a weapon if he so desired.
Warrior: Despite being cloned, Rexutu was imprinted with all of the knowledge and desires of his people, knowing all of the skills that an average warrior would know he is no slouch in a fight. Combine that with his immense size and strength he would make a formidable opponent for anyone who stepped in his way.
Strong sense of honor: Rexutu believes that fighting is the truest form of honor a person can achieve. His dream is to die a noble death on the battlefield so that he may bring honor to his people. Even though he is the last remaining member of his people, kind of, he would gladly put his life on the line for a noble death. He will not back down from a fight, believing only cowards do, and he will stand up for those he is close to.
Determined: Rexutu believes that Taung's are the only real Mandalorians and he seeks to put his species back on top by gaining the title of Mandalore.
Lone Survivor of an Extinct Race: Being a clone, Rexutu thinks of himself as an abomination to his people, wishing he had never been born. He can find no one to share his misfortunes with as he feels out of place in the world. Because of all of this, he is careless with his body, and will rush into battle to bring glory to his extinct race even if the odds are stacked completely against him.
No Formal Training: Despite the knowledge he possess of battle and his people, he has never actually been in battle, so he is not battle tested. In theory, he knows everything he needs to know, but whether or not it will be implemented properly on the battlefield has yet to be seen.
The Galaxy is new to him: Everything Rexutu knows is from thousands of years ago, the Galaxy is more advanced and much more vast than his memories lead him to believe, so his knowledge is outdated. Does that make him stupid? No, not stupid, just out of touch with the realities in the Galaxy.
A clone, an abomination, a fake, whatever you want to call it that is what Rexutu is. Created by the Sith Alchemist, @Valik, Rexutu is the last living testament to the Taung race. Extinct for thousands of years, Valik set out to create a perfect Taung clone for his own personal gain, what his goal is Rexutu can only guess. The first memories he had were imprinted into him the moment his heart began to beat. Reliving battles, history, learning the Mando'a, Rexutu knows everything that a Taung of average age would know. How to fight, how to speak, who he really is, it was all imprinted into him while he was being created.
While in his cloning tank, he only had one thought, and that was to take his rightful title of Mandalore. It belonged to the Taungs, and he would bring glory and honor to his people by getting the title back, through any means necessary. Day in and day out, he was flooded with knowledge, but it was like a dream to him. It was like he lived one life and was being born into another. A new Galaxy, one he did not understand, one where he did not belong.
Created in the image of Rexutu the Unconquerable, Rexutu was no small Taung, a menacing figure to behold. When the cloning process was complete, Rexutu was finally awakened, and in his fear he lashed out. When he became conscious, he immediately smashed out of the tank, destroying anything in his wake trying to figure out who had created him and for what purpose. But, as if an unseen force was controlling him, his anger subsided and he focused on his original goal: To seek out the Mandalorians and become the next Mandalore.
Given nothing but a set of clothing and a small transport ship, Rexutu sought out the planet of Mandalore, to be among his people and bring the Mandalorians back to their former glory. Lost in a world where he knew no one, he did the only thing he knew how to do, he fought for the glory of Mandalore.
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