Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Reyla Litre


R E Y L A * L I T R E

  • Faction: Silver Jedi Concord
    Rank: Master
    Species: Diathim
    Age: Unknown
    Sex: Female
    Height: 2.4 Meters
    Weight 170Ib
    Eyes: Navy blue
    Hair: Jet black
    Skin: White
    Force Sensitive: Yes

    Appearance: Reyla is a towering, yet slim figure. Often donning her peoples robes, or her own Jedi ones. She is always calm and glows lightly, making sure not to blind anyone.

  • S T R E N G T H
    • Kind
    • Calm

    N E U T R A L
    • Active Listener
    • Self-Assured
    • Patient

    W E A K N E S S
    • Un-strategic
    • Light Expectations

  • Reyla grew up on a world where they were forced to hide. As a child she grew up scared of the 'demons.' The rival race of the Diathim, the 'angels.' Her world was forgotten and they were forced to flee as refugees. They were hunted though, the bounty that had been placed on them was significant enough to attract major attention.

    She was found by a master of the Silver Jedi Concord and saved from 2 bounty hunters, her family didn't make it. She was trained in the ways of the force, quickly rising through the ranks becoming a Knight of the Order. There she took a padawan, she trained him endlessly to protect him, but one fateful day they were in a battle, and the padawan was lost. Reyla was heartbroken for years, and when she became a Jedi Master, she left. The Order gave her the offer of coming back one day, but she wasn't sure when she would be ready.

    She hid on a world in Eternal Empire space known as Tygeria, and vowed to one day return and continue training those who could not defend themselves. She would not allow what happened to her padawan to happen to anyone else.

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