
|| Rhaellor ||

Species: Vahla
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Height: 1.85 meters
Weight: 77 kg
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Red
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: Yes
Voice: Lee Pace as Ronan

Blessed by Vahl: Rhaellor was born with Force sensitivity, and wields it quite effectively at a Knight level. He is a particularly powerful pyromancer, using abilities similar to the Shapers of Kro Var. Flexibile: Being a Vahla, Rhaellor was born with a cartilage skeleton. This allows him increased flexibility and agility than his human peers.
Glass Cannon: If anything, having a skeleton made of cartilage makes you compariably weaker than those from hard boned species. Thus, it is compariably easier for his body to be broken from blunt force.
Branded: For his beliefs, he was literally branded as a herectic by his people. It is very dangerous for him to be upon a world where the mainstream Cult of Vahl has a large presence. It could cost him his life.

One would consider him as atypical of his species. He lacks the shrewdness and total hatred of the Jedi many other Vahla harbor. He is charismatic, choosing his words carefully to sway his audience. He gives an aura of calmness. Yet, the spark of a warrior also lies with him, not hesitating to diffuse a situation with a blade if words are not enough. BIOGRAPHY
Almost thirty years ago, a red headed child was born on a Vahla flotilla. His red hair was seen as a blessing upon his family. The son was name Rhaellor. He was raised among the Cult of Vahl, while simultaneously taught thievery and piracy, the economic way of the Vahla. He was devout in his praise to Vahl when he was young, but things changed with one day.
Rhaellor was granted a vision, one he interpreted as from Vahl herself. A woman, wreathed in fire, spoke to him of her grievances on the Chosen, the high priests of Vahla religion. They had become too reliant on the darkness, that they had corrupted her teachings. Awakened from this vision, Rhaellor felt that he had saw his destiny. He became an increasing critic of thr Chosen, and the strengthening ties to the Sith outsiders that seemed to seep into the Ember like poison in a well. For his vocality, he was branded a heretic by the cult, his left hand marked with a burning iron. He was excommunicated, and his life would be forever forfeit should he find himself before the Ember again.
Thus, he threw himself into an exile. In this solace, he honed his skills with the Force, guided by the Lady of Light who had first came to him in his dreams. Now a grown man, Rhaellor has joined up with the Confederacy, seeing an opportunity to forge a new home and to proselytize to others in relative comfort. To this bright future, he offers his blade to the CIS.

His armor
Brightflame, his Force Imbued blade that emits a fiery aura when held.
The Lightbringer, his Solo-II class freighter