The silence as they both tried to drink away the memories of those times was a poignant one, and to an outsider would have been unbearable. Thankfully to the two of them it was just a pause for drinks and even when they weren't trying to kill memories of the past could go on for a bit given the propensity for alcohol that they shared. His intent obviously had not been to bring up such thoughts, but here he was doing just that unintentionally yet again, truly a master wordsmith. Probably the reason he had never been given a diplomatic position in any of the orders he had been with. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Mishel. For me I was looking to fill a void that I didn't understand. I knew what caused it yea. Thought I could maybe find solace in either the thrill of battle or the finality it would bring me when I screwed up at the wrong moment. Was I looking to die? Yes and no. Figured I wouldn't take major precautions against it and whoever took me out would deserve it. Put some of those Sith Berserker types to shame back in the day. Why should I care when I wasn't riskin' anyone else's hide but my own?"
So her body was a cloned replacement. Well that was interesting, meant that somehow her Force presence had to be transferred to the new body along with memories. Which meant a memory archive or some similar process. Many possible questions that were best left unspoken. It was a bit uncomfortable, but literally biting his own tongue on purpose while eating helped dissuade him from any further questions when he took another shot because damn that stung.
"Well when you end up dating medics and Jedi healers its easier to stay away from the cybernetics, still came uncomfortably close on a few occasions though. Closest was when I earned the first class bloodstripes. Also the closest I came to straight up death so the details are a bit hazy I know for sure it was recovery of a Jedi and what was left of her strike team. I was piloting an ancient Rendaran class assault shuttle. It was low level insertion for our team. Of course the area was hot, and when we set I grabbed my gear as the ramp was dropping, we run out and grab the team. I'm literally dragging this Jedi back when I see a ping on my HUD from a squaddie who was engaging with an enemy element. Whole thing was an ambush. Not sure what exactly happened but we were pinned for awhile, eventually took a Verpine round to the chest and a thermal detonator went off a few meters away. Not close enough to get through the armor, but it threw me solidly into a column nearby. The Jedi was able to pull me up the ramp and I managed to get my bearings enough to get he shuttle primed for take off. We did get off the ground, but a rocket hit the wing near the engine unit and damaged it enough that we weren't able to make it all the way back to base. Had to ditch it and for keeping the craft together and both of us alive through that and a couple firefights after even when I had no ammo, I managed to earn the first class stripes. According to the doc at base when we got back, the Katarn MK III even should not have kept me going as long as it did even with the bacta injections. I was beat to hell, but only needed a couple weeks in bacta and another few months of PT to get back in fighting shape. Still never got past captain before I left CDF though."
She had a point about baddies looking for a temple on Dagobah, he wasn't one, and he never would have thought to look here. She was also right that it was at least worth checking out to see if there was anything to this gathering. Maybe it would be one that stuck around for a bit, the Outer Rim could use something like that for sure, a little order certainly couldn't hurt out here.
"I can't blame them for not wanting to check out a swamp and evil cave to see if there is a Jedi Temple there now. Not a bad idea to check 'em out and see if they are worth their salt, any ideas who you would be pinging from those days? Villages on Dagobah now? So real estate costs what, 1/10,000 of a credit now per ten thousand acres? Get it while its cheap!"