Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rhia Solo

Rhia Solo

Never tell me the odds!
NAME: Rhia “Solo”
FACTION: Freelancer
RANK: Smuggler, Thief, occasional “bodyguard for hire”, dancer, fighter, former pirate
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 4”
WEIGHT: 130 Ilbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Light Tan
+Skilled marksman, years of training and experience in firefights
+Talented thief, shown the skills by other thieves and criminals
+Hand-to-Hand brawler, not an elegant fighter but can still hold her own
+Seducer, will use her “feminine touch” to get ahead when needed
+Disguise artist, not a master but does a decent job
-Shoot first ask later attitude, usually when under pressure
-Not a “side taker”, despite having morals she doesn’t feel the need to commit to any one faction or group
-Gets carried away when partying, especially with enough drink in her system
Rhia is beautiful with long, dark hair and lightly tanned skin; a usual trait from those born on Parnassos. Has a blaster scar on her right arm. Her preferred attire is a tunic uniform taken from a Republic pilot during a raid, blue and white with decorative shoulder pads and thigh-high boots. While the jacket portion is torn with a makeshift patch on the right arm she prefers to keep it regardless. Always has a blaster and a lightsaber, one she pawned from a Jedi, on her person.
Born on the harsh planet of Parnassos Rhia always had to fight to survive. Be it the elements or the intense wildlife Rhia was constantly trying to keep herself and her mother alive until the next day ever since she was strong enough to climb the sheer rock cliffs and brave the deserts. Every day was a struggle and she had to learn to cope especially when her mother became very ill not long after.
Never knowing her father Rhia was the only one to provide for herself and her ailing mother, Demetra, when the infection from a cut sustained while climbing. She became delirious while dying, calling Rhia an angel and her father, whoever he was, like an ancient god that would save her from this life. She did her best to tend to her mother but eventually Demetra passed and Rhia was left all alone.
When she was 16 Rhia saw a ship for the first time come to Parnassos. Following to where it landed she discovered it was a pirate ship lead by a Weequay named Tavos. Desperate for their food and a weapon Rhia tried to steal from them but was caught. Upon being confronted by Tavos she told him her story to which Tavos seemed to show sympathy, though not outright, and offered her a place on his crew. With nothing keeping her back she agreed and was finally taken off Parnassos.
Over the years Tavos and the other pirates showed Rhia the ropes on how to be a criminal. She aided in raids, was taught to shoot and fight, and given she was the only girl in the group she had other benefits with distractions for larger jobs. Tavos grew fonder of her as well, even to giving her a gift of a junked BB droid, albeit badly damaged, when she had turned 20. It took time but eventually Rhia repaired the droid, number BB-G35, calling “him” BeeGee for short. BeeGee proved to be a big help for Rhia and the gang of pirates, hacking into ship and computer systems and providing his own little distractions when needed.
Growing up with Tavos was an experience for Rhia as well, finding him more of a father figure over the years. He often told her stories, many she knew were fake, of how his descendants fought in the wars against the Galactic Empire, the Sith, and the First Order. He even brought up encounters with the legendary Han Solo in many of them, a figure which as she learned more about him Rhia began to admire more and more. Wanting to have her own reputation to follow after Tavos’ pirates Rhia started calling herself “Rhia Solo” as an honor to the famous smuggler/hero.
One highlight of Rhia’s time with the pirates was when they unfortunately caught the attention of a Jedi and his padawan while on Cato Neimoidia. While Tavos and his gang were there to help in a spice smuggling operation the Jedi were there by coincidence and became involved. Needing to keep them busy Rhia dealt with the young padawan while Tavos handled the Jedi. Admittedly Rhia became somewhat infatuated with the padawan even when seducing him, the two sharing some intimacy. But when duty called Rhia returned to Tavos in order to escape capture from the Jedi and the authorities. She did however manage to sake a souvenir being the padawan’s lightsaber which she still keeps to this day.
Eventually both Rhia and Tavos knew that she would leave the pirates. While enjoying their company and seeing them as family she became more wanting to be her own personal, her own professional criminal in the galaxy. Very understanding Tavos offered her a repurposed ship, calling in “the Scarlet Bantha”, despite it being blue, and allowed her and BeeGee to be off on their own adventures.
As of now Rhia still continues to get into trouble in the galaxy. Part of her still searches for whoever her father really was while most of her just does what she’s always done ever since Parnassos: survive.
SS-54 Assault Ship, blue painted with silver highlights. Called “the Scarlet Bantha”; ironically titled in order to throw people off sometimes.
(Just picture it like it says, best I could find lol)
I like freelance characters. I always find it interesting to see how they react to the various conflicts around the galaxy. I look forward to eventually bumping into her, considering the new faction I'm building I'm sure Onyx will eventually want to meet her.

Looking forward to writing with you! [member="Rhia Solo"]

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