Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rhiari Saffia

Rhiari Saffia, Countess of Dirt
"Everybody suffers, even those who hide it well; I know because I feel their pain"

  • Known Name: Rhiari of Saffia
  • Actual Name: Rhiari Lorr
  • Alias: Countess of Dirt, Rhi
  • Force Rank: Padawan
  • Force Alignment: Ashlan
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Race: Epicanthix
  • Age: 7 Standard Years
  • Height: 3'7"
  • Weight: 52 lbs
  • Eye Color: Icy Grey
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: Not Applicable
  • Voice Sample: Anna Paquin
  • Planet of Birth: Serenno
  • Father: Eli Lorr
  • Mother: Asha Seren
  • Siblings: Not Applicable
  • Spouse: Not Applicable
  • Children: Not Applicable
  • + The Force Is Strong: Rhi has a strong connection and affinity towards the Force, yet she has no way of tapping into it or understanding it at present aside from her natural Empath-abilities.
  • + Dexterous: Due to her means of survival, Rhi is quick, agile and is well versed with acts requiring sleight of hand.
  • + Epicanthix Heritage: Born an Epicanthix, Rhiari has an impenetrable mind and has a larger and stronger build than other humans/near-humans.
  • +/- Empath: Rhi was born naturally gifted with Force Empathy, however it can overwhelm her around extreme emotions, and her understanding of it is non-existent.
  • +/- Moral Compass: While Rhiari has a very strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, and tries to stick to the former, she understands that it is the human condition to have some flaws where this is concerned: especially when one is defenceless and without.
  • - Street Urchin: Rhiari was raised with nothing to her name, her understanding of the Galaxy is extremely flawed and tinted, and while she knew it to be morally wrong she has participated in acts such as petty theft to keep herself alive.
  • - Trust Issues: After seeing the truth of the Galaxy and it's harshness from a young age, Rhiari is slow to trust. Within her lies a very slight hope that the Galaxy has redeeming factors, however.
  • - No-Violence: Rhiari is no fool, and she realises that sometimes violence is required; with that said, she herself despises it, avoiding it at all cost, and thus will always try to find another way out of a situation so that no one is harmed.
  • - Slight Deafness: Rhiari was born with partial deafness, which only seems to be worsening as time goes on and her age increases. It is possible that one day she might be wholly deaf.
  • N.A: N.A
  • [Innate] Force Empathy
  • [Minor] Telekinesis
  • N.A

Eli Lorr was a distinguished Knight in the Jedi Order, a fellow student who learnt alongside Asha when they were both Padawans. Together, upon Knighthood, the pair formed an Academy on Talus to ensure the safety and future of the Order. Years passed while the pair continued their work, however with time they grew ever closer until they did what each had vowed to never do: they broke the Code of their Order through infatuation, and a sincere and deep love blossomed.

It was inartificial to a fault, and in truth their relationship was not even physical to begin with, merely an increased kinship. As things began to grow tough for the two Jedi, however, their passions ran deeper. They married in secrecy, and Asha became with-child. Before it was noticeable enough for Eli to realise, however, a drastic turn of events took place. Eli disappeared off the face of the Galaxy, having fallen to the lure of the Darkside found upon Korriban. He returned only once to see her, their love still ever-present.

Just before the birth of Rhiari, Asha fell ill. It was a sickness of both mind and body, and in her confusion she fled from the Order, disappearing for several months. When she returned all memory of Eli and her child was gone, the product of a self-induced Flashburn. Asha had tipped over the edge, and in order to save herself from the darkness she had sacrificed all she had. From then on she continued her Jedi lifestyle, all the while Rhiari remained without her parents.

Everyone regards the inhabitants of Serenno to be self-important, pompous fools with grand, yet worthless, titles and a wealthy plot of land, right? Well that's not the case. Rhiari was initially raised as the unwanted child of a Countess of Serenno, within the City which gave her the name she wears: Saffia. At first her adoptive Mother, wife of a notable Count, raised her in secrecy, fearful of what the Count might say should she present him with a babe.

Soon it became too much for the woman to upkeep the child without his knowledge, and after three strained years the child was left outside the door of a Temple, deemed a burden and not a family member. But they too could only do so much, and soon Rhiari was a child who was forced to scavenge for herself. Some people would take pity on her, but never would they do more than hand her a little food or some old clothes their children no longer fitted in.

Despite this she couldn't find it in herself to loathe the Galaxy: there was always a small spark of hope that somewhere out there there were better worlds than this. Over time her innate Empath skills began to flourish; at first they terrified the young girl, but that only made it worse. Once she accepted it as a part of who she was, albeit she didn't understand the power all the same, it grew easier to handle. And as her Empathy grew so too did her worldly understanding.

There grew within the child a longing: the desire to help, to make things right in the Galaxy. She had seen so much wrong, so much hardship, while a select few enjoyed their wealth and luxuries. Rhiari had to turn her moral compass on its head and perform petty theft just to remain alive, hoping to find a few credit chips or something of worth through sleight of hand. She knew it wasn't right, but what else was a child to do? One day, however, Rhiari made a mistake.

She chose to pickpocket the wrong person...

  • Not Applicable
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I'm just over here like
"How is it possible for one person to have THAT many good ideas without exploding?"
And a bit of
"How to people find such good playbys for children characters? It took me two months to find one for Darren..."
@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"] @[member="Darth Malificete"]
I will not lie, finding good child playbys is the most difficult and infuriating thing known to man, but since I always begin my characters as children... Well I keep my eyes out for possibilities when watching shows :p

Also thanks :O ^-^;'
@[member="Rhiari Saffia"]

But still, the thing which amazes me is the concept of your characters. They are all so interesting. Honestly, I'm nearly satisfied with only one of my characters. Nearly satisfied. But yours, on the other hand...

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