OOC Account
For as long as galactic history has been going, the planet of Rhiinalh has been largely ignored. It's frigid archipelagos and isolated location left it untouched for eons. However, centuries ago, the planet began to be used for an experiment by rogue scientists. The scientists managed to evolve one of the local forms of wildlife, a species of semiaquatic, carnivorous mammals, into a sentient species after centuries of experimentation. However, at some unknown point, the scientists went under the oversight of mysterious force users. Whether it was through a deal, a threat, or coercion through the force, this enigmatic conclave managed to seize control over the experiments.
Then, at another unknown date, the conclave experimenters began making the evolved species, the Rhiinul, into easy to coerce shock troops. The species was already a bunch of hulking, belligerent beings. However, after this point in the experiments, they became susceptible to mind control through the force, and also became unable to become force sensitive. Yet, the Rhiinul on the planet did not notice the change whatsoever. None were ever known to be force sensitive to begin with, and so the force was a foreign concept to them all. Thus, the sorcery conducted by the mysterious experimentors was left unnoticed by the Rhiinul below them.
Despite the experiments, civilization for the Rhiinul progressed much like any other, however much faster because of the experiments. In the span of approximately 500 years, the Rhiinul went from barbaric primitive savages to a unified planetary Empire that has achieved almost exactly galactic standard technology. From roving bands of primitives to a planet-wide empire beginning space travel. When proper civilization was achieved over 200 years after sentience, countless kingdoms and empires were constantly at war with each other. However, near the latter end of the 500 years, one of the kings began a war of conquest of the entire planet after receiving dreams of leading the Rhiinul to glory as a united Empire. That king was named Wahlrin of Levhithon, and those dreams came from the enigmatic sorcerers who oversaw the experiments. Wahlrin would unleash a massive crusade to bring about a unified Rhiinul Empire with him as its Emperor. Within the span of twenty years, Wahlrin's empire was established. Him and his generals' planet-scale conquest would eventually become so crucial, the Rhiinul historical timeline has dates of "Before Conquest" and "After Conquest" in reference to the period of twenty years known as Wahlrin's Conquest. From there, Wahlrin's reign would see the development of vast industry far beyond what was achieved in the years predating his crusade. A scientific community was created in the military in order to advance technology to the level the newly proclaimed Emperor of Rhiinalh wanted. Eventually, the slugthrowers that soldiers were armed with became more efficient and advanced than previous models in the history of the Rhiinul using firearms in war. More mechanized forms of warfare began to develop with tanks that could float on the water like boats but also drive on land, improved armor after achieving a better refinement of the durasteel ore that lies in abundance within the crust of Rhiinalh. Then, the first hyperdrive powered starships were developed after approximately ten years of progress.
The conclave researchers managed to manipulate the Rhiinul to develop said hyperdrive models and higher technology through subtle influence. Through usage of Sith-adjacent magics long forgotten with them being the exception of knowing them, the researchers manipulated the minds and dreams of the Rhiinul scientists. This influence lead to the Rhiinul having knowledge of which resources on their world they could use for the construction of the ships, hyperdrives, and all other advanced technology they use currently. However, those details would only be known by those affiliated with the conclave of force users and rogue scientists and knowledgeable of the experiments on Rhiinalh. To all others, including the Rhiinul themselves, it just seems the Rhiinul have had an incredibly fast evolution path on their world. The Rhiinul use that knowledge of extremely fast development as a source of special pride to show their superiority to beings they see as inferior and wish to dominate.
The first year of discovering space travel to that capacity was spent mass-producing the first models of ships. The next, a mining colony was established on an outer planet called Stahm by the Rhiinul. From there, more durasteel was being dug up to fuel the evolving war machine of the Rhiinul Empire. Then, the following three years after the colony on Stahm was established, the Rhiinul Empire went beyond their home system and Rhiinalh to the other parts galaxy. It was then they found themselves emerging during a time of interregnum for the Eternal Empire that sprang from the planet of Kalidan. In the chaos, various remant forces tried to survive in anarchy while pirates, former rebels, and general criminals made a living in the turmoil.
During this time of confusion, the Rhiinul war effort saw it as destiny. However, their conquest efforts met great resistance even on backwater worlds. The people on planets they did manage to conquer fell in line with the hulking warlords, but these new environments were starkly different from their home, causing much trouble in holding these other planets. As a solution, authorities on Rhiinalh began extorting tribute of resources and food from these weaker worlds while trying to avoid the ire of more powerful remnant groups. This act also managed to drive out criminals and more chaotic holdouts, causing some of the stronger remnants of the Eternal Empire to see Rhiinalh and its native Rhiinul as a potential ally in the resurgence of the Empire. Since an arrangement was made behind closed doors in neutral space between the Rhiinul Emperor, Wahlrin of Levhithon, and the Eternal Empress, Ingrid L'hrem, Rhiinalh has stopped extorting the smaller worlds nearby it and instead became Kalidan sponsored bringers of order and keepers and peace while the Empire was still in the process of reviving.
- Intent: To create a planet that will act as a home world for the Rhiinul species, and, as of making this submission, to create a planet that will be used to expand the Shadow Empire Narrative within the Eternal Empire.
- I submitted planet back in 2021, and then deleted the accounts I used when the stories planned didn't take off. Redoing it now with the return of EE activity. I have made a new account to replace the deleted one.
- Image Credit:
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- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: Eternal Empire
- Links: Rhiinul Species; Wahlrin Bio
- Planet Name: Rhiinalh
- Demonym: Rhiinul
- Region: Unknown Regions
- System Name: Rhiinalh
- System Features: A Red Dwarf Star orbited by (as follows in order of orbit) Rhiinalh and a barren planetoid the Rhiinul call Stahm, that is used by the Rhiinul for mining metal for their star ships, weapons, armor, strucutres, etc.
- Location: The middle-right corner of the bottom-left adjacent hex to where Tygeria and Kalidan-Lysenia is located.
- Major Imports: Raw Materials (metal, meat, etc.), Ship Components, and Weapon Components (blasters and vibroblade components specifically), and coolant fluids
- Major Exports: Soldiers/Mercenaries, Manufactured Goods/Manufacturing Services (may produce tools, weapons, ships, etc. out of imported or mined raw materials)
- Unexploited Resources: None, the native Rhiinul have exploited every resource possible within their system. However, there may be unexploited areas of resources the Rhiinul have exploited in other regions within their system.
- Gravity: Standard
- Climate: Extremely cold. The average temperature year round is -100 Fahrenheit; -73 Celsius
- Primary Terrain: The whole planet is an archipelago with islands of various sizes. The islands are usually barren or covered with lichens and mosses that manage to survive the frigid temperatures. Some of the larger islands may have mountains and hills now being used to mine Durasteel Ore for the Rhiinul war machine. The seas and oceans of the planet are peppered with ice flows on the surface, where icebergs of varying size can be found in their midst. Beneath the waves, one can find algae-covered rocky "plains", kelp forests that grow towards the surface from the deeper regions, geothermal vent clusters, and varying forms of rocky and craggy terrain that could give way to prominant sea-mounts or incredibly deep trenches.
- Atmosphere: Type I
- Capital City: Levhithon; located in the Northern regions of the Eastern hemisphere.
- Planetary Features: Almost all the larger islands have been transformed into cityscapes by the Rhiinul. The smaller islands might be home to private getaways for the elite Rhiinul, small communities of Rhiinul, or are uninhabited rocks in the frigid oceans. Ice bergs are frequent site floating off the coasts of islands. The majority are the regular size of ice bergs while a sizable minority of them are large enough to be mistaken as smaller islands. The capital city of Levhithon has become a burgeoning center of society on Rhiinalh. After the unification of the Rhiinul under Emperor Wahlrin, the city has grown to the point where newer buildings have to be constructed on stilts over the water, or sturdy ice bergs were artificially produced as foundations for newer buildings to expand the city. The Emperor's palace dominates the highest region of the island and towers over the rest of the city. Meanwhile, factories are scattered about the city producing all manner of products needed by the Rhiinul. Every city on the planet is similar in that regard, with a noble palace looming above the city, and factories in all sectors of the cities, though the capital of Levhithon is the epitome of Rhiinul civilization.
- Major Locations:
- Capital City of Levhithon: The seat of the ruler of the Rhiinul. It is the largest city on all of Rhiinalh, and the epitome of what a Rhiinul community is like.
- Emperor's Palace: The palace is as old as the city that surrounds it. The palace was originally built for the Kings back in the early days when proper civilization was growing on Rhiinalh. When King Wahlrin proclaimed himself Emperor Wahlrin, the palace was expanded to cover all the highest regions of the city, and knocked down the estates of lesser elites for Levhithon in the process. Now the palace is a grand, and extremely luxurious estate where the rulers of the Rhiinul will reside for the ages.
- Luxurious in native Rhiinul standards involves the palace having imposing and brutalist architecture style, large open halls and chambers, gilded features on parts of the structure, palatial kitchens and feasting halls, the most comfortable beds a Rhiinul posseses (or an effort to have that be so), expansive pantries, heavy amounts of fortification, and an elaborately designed private fighting pit.
- Levhithon Coliseum: Fighting pits are a common site in all Rhiinul settlements, and the one in Levhithon has become as grand as the palace. A place for the bloodthirsty Rhiinul to watch others of their race fight in mock battles, compete in feats of strength, or play the violent games the species has played for centuries before the Wahlrin's Conquest.
- Emperor's Palace: The palace is as old as the city that surrounds it. The palace was originally built for the Kings back in the early days when proper civilization was growing on Rhiinalh. When King Wahlrin proclaimed himself Emperor Wahlrin, the palace was expanded to cover all the highest regions of the city, and knocked down the estates of lesser elites for Levhithon in the process. Now the palace is a grand, and extremely luxurious estate where the rulers of the Rhiinul will reside for the ages.
- Polar Ice Fields: The poles of Rhiinalh are the coldest regions of the planet. So cold that no Rhiinul settlement exists within them. Within those regions lie the only unspoiled lands on the planet. Most technology seizes up and fails due to the severe temperatures while hardly any life exists in the polar regions for the same reasons. These regions are considered cold by the Rhiinul who have evolved to dwell in the extreme cold of Rhiinalh.
- Kreytor Stahm: The second largest city on Rhiinalh. Located on another of the large islands, the city is the largest industrial hub on the planet. The largest factories can be found here, and the most factories have been constructed there as well. Because of its importance in supporting the industry of the Rhiinul, the original nobility who ruled the island had their rulership repealed by the emperor, leaving whoever is emperor in control of the city.
- Capital City of Levhithon: The seat of the ruler of the Rhiinul. It is the largest city on all of Rhiinalh, and the epitome of what a Rhiinul community is like.
- Native Species: Rhiinul
- Wildlife is primarily aquatic or avian. Flying species closely resemble that of sea-birds while the seas are home to crustacean-like, fish-like, urchin-like, and molluscoid creatures. Many of these animals are hunted or fished by the native Rhiinul for food and sport.
- Immigrated Species: None as of submitting. Immigration is very unlikely due to the extremely cold climate that is inhospitable for most other species. In addition to the climate, the native Rhiinul are not the most pleasant population to join considering how they are driven to find a means to dominate all possible things in one capacity or another.
- Population: Crowded - The population of the natives has been exponentially growing, and with the planet being ruled by one ruler, there is not as many Rhiinul dying which causes the increase in population to be more intense than in previous eras of Rhiinul civilization. The cities and towns on the various islands of the world are incredibly dense with millions upon millions of residents.
- Demographics: As of this submission, the only population living on Rhiinalh is the native Rhiinul. Most other species would find the planet inhospitably cold. The Rhiinul are not necessarily xenophobic. If another group or species is known for dominating others, they would earn the respect of the Rhiinul. However, less dominant races would be considered inferior and deserving of domination by the Rhiinul.
- Primary Languages: The only language spoken on Rhiinalh as of this submission would be the native language of Rhiinul. However, as integration with the greater galaxy happens, the Rhiinul may begin to learn other languages to communicate with their neighbors. Most likely the elites of Rhiinul society will learn languages like Galactic Basic first.
- Culture: The Rhiinul are a belligerent species that value competition, violence, domination, and physical prowess while seeing pacifism as an anathema. For the entire history of civilization on the planet, war has been occurring. Kingdoms and empires would battle against their rival neighbors constantly. Territories and lands would be conquered by others while regions rebelled into new kingdoms. It was not until recently that the planet has been unified under one ruler. Despite the wars among the Rhiinul ending, the prospect of galactic conquest is one that the Rhiinul work towards achieving however possible. The Rhiinul are very individualist in nature, looking to dominate all others around them to some degree, always seeking to advance their station in society to dominate others in some fashion. Industrialization has caused workers to become just as prized as soldiers in Rhiinul society.
- Government: Imperial
- Affiliation:
- Eternal Empire: As of submission, the planet lies within space adjacent to the former capital sectors of the Eternal Empire (Kalidan)
- Emperor Wahlrin: Formerly King Wahlrin of Levhithon, he lead his armies in planet-scale conquest and managed to conquer all other nations within a span of twenty years. After the conquest he proclaimed himself as Emperor of Rhiinalh and the Rhiinul. From there, he would start to initiate the research into more advanced technology to achieve space travel with hyperdrives, more advanced forms of slug thrower weapons, and other forms of technology considered to be at galactic standard.
- For future reference; The Rhiinul value strength and the ability to dominate. If there are factions, groups, organizations, individuals, etc. that show strength and dominance, they would earn the respect and potential partnership with the Rhiinul.
- Wealth: High - Because of the ruling elite that serve as officers in the emperor's armies at the highest rank and the emperor himself being extravagantly wealthy, this is considered. However, it would not be ranked higher due to a large gap between the ruling elite and common Rhiinul that would be considered at moderate level wealth. As a result, the categorization of High wealth becomes the average.
- Stability: High - It has only been a matter of 10 years since Walhrin's Conquest, and the proclaimed emperor of Rhiinalh rules the planet with an gilded, iron fist (as of this post, however future Rhiinul rulers are likely to use similar methods). When a crime is committed, and the perpetrator caught, the punishment will be swift and often physically maiming or disfiguring if the perpetrator does not get killed. The only alternative to that is to fight as an indentured gladiator in the countless fighting pits across the world. Because of a rather strong centralized government, Rhiinalh is very politically stable. The Rhiinul would not necessarily be dangerous to outsiders that manage some way to not die of the cold, yet engaging in certain activities with the Rhiinul could cause injury due to the violent nature of many Rhiinul activities.
- Freedom & Oppression: The government is imperial, and thus very authoritarian. The proclaimed emperor of Rhiinalh rules with an iron fist, and crushes all opposition to his reign (as of this post, however future Rhiinul rulers are likely to use similar methods). The provincial commanders serve as the highest ranking officers in the Rhiinul army, and enforce the emperor's will in the planet's provinces. Violence towards others is not necessarily permitted, but more so controlled. The smaller fighting pits are used as a means for two Rhiinul who have a dispute to fight until the other relents or dies while the larger fighting pits are used to punish criminals who prefer not to get a maiming punishment. There are little secrets the elite have too. The Rhiinul are a rather blunt and straightforward people, and thus various elements of court intrigue like espionage are a near-foreign concept if not considered a spineless means to dominate. Whenever there is opposition among the Rhiinul, it is brazen and openly shown. However, there is little opposition as of the times following Wahlrin's Conquest.
- Military: The military is the heart and soul of Rhiinul society. The belligerent species native to the planet has been engaged in wars among kingdoms and empires for much of the Rhiinul's history. The unified empire the planet exists as currently was founded because the emperor waged planet-scale war against every other nation on the planet and won. The current lesser nobility are actually the highest ranking officers in the Rhiinul army. Due to only recently achieving space travel, the Rhiinul navy is still in its infancy, but the armies of the Rhiinul are steeped in brutal tradition. Most of the ships being developed by the Rhiinul are drop ships for their armies in anticipation of planetary conquest. Because of the hyper militarization of the imperial rulership of the planet, the only disadvantage Rhiinalh has when it comes to the Rhiinul potentially defending their world, is that other forces in the galaxy may have superior numbers and would certainly have more advanced spacecraft. Therefore, as of being discovered by the Eternal Empire when submitting this, Rhiinalh finds itself in a situation where its forces are being utilized by the resurging Eternal Empire after the years of interregnum have allowed the native Rhiinul to make poorer planets in its vicinity into tributaries.
- Technology: A more clunky version of galactic standard. The overseers of the scientists that oversaw the accelerated evolution of the Rhiinul utilized the force to manipulate the technological development of the species native to Rhiinalh as well. That is why in a manner of 500 years, the Rhiinul have achieved their level of technology. They manage space travel with hyperdrives, and have advanced slug thrower technology for their weapons that functions on paar with other galactic tech. However, the rest of the galaxy is more refined with the level of technology. A summarized explanation could be that the native technology on Rhiinalh, as of this post, is a clunkier version of Galactic Standard tech.
For as long as galactic history has been going, the planet of Rhiinalh has been largely ignored. It's frigid archipelagos and isolated location left it untouched for eons. However, centuries ago, the planet began to be used for an experiment by rogue scientists. The scientists managed to evolve one of the local forms of wildlife, a species of semiaquatic, carnivorous mammals, into a sentient species after centuries of experimentation. However, at some unknown point, the scientists went under the oversight of mysterious force users. Whether it was through a deal, a threat, or coercion through the force, this enigmatic conclave managed to seize control over the experiments.
Then, at another unknown date, the conclave experimenters began making the evolved species, the Rhiinul, into easy to coerce shock troops. The species was already a bunch of hulking, belligerent beings. However, after this point in the experiments, they became susceptible to mind control through the force, and also became unable to become force sensitive. Yet, the Rhiinul on the planet did not notice the change whatsoever. None were ever known to be force sensitive to begin with, and so the force was a foreign concept to them all. Thus, the sorcery conducted by the mysterious experimentors was left unnoticed by the Rhiinul below them.
Despite the experiments, civilization for the Rhiinul progressed much like any other, however much faster because of the experiments. In the span of approximately 500 years, the Rhiinul went from barbaric primitive savages to a unified planetary Empire that has achieved almost exactly galactic standard technology. From roving bands of primitives to a planet-wide empire beginning space travel. When proper civilization was achieved over 200 years after sentience, countless kingdoms and empires were constantly at war with each other. However, near the latter end of the 500 years, one of the kings began a war of conquest of the entire planet after receiving dreams of leading the Rhiinul to glory as a united Empire. That king was named Wahlrin of Levhithon, and those dreams came from the enigmatic sorcerers who oversaw the experiments. Wahlrin would unleash a massive crusade to bring about a unified Rhiinul Empire with him as its Emperor. Within the span of twenty years, Wahlrin's empire was established. Him and his generals' planet-scale conquest would eventually become so crucial, the Rhiinul historical timeline has dates of "Before Conquest" and "After Conquest" in reference to the period of twenty years known as Wahlrin's Conquest. From there, Wahlrin's reign would see the development of vast industry far beyond what was achieved in the years predating his crusade. A scientific community was created in the military in order to advance technology to the level the newly proclaimed Emperor of Rhiinalh wanted. Eventually, the slugthrowers that soldiers were armed with became more efficient and advanced than previous models in the history of the Rhiinul using firearms in war. More mechanized forms of warfare began to develop with tanks that could float on the water like boats but also drive on land, improved armor after achieving a better refinement of the durasteel ore that lies in abundance within the crust of Rhiinalh. Then, the first hyperdrive powered starships were developed after approximately ten years of progress.
The conclave researchers managed to manipulate the Rhiinul to develop said hyperdrive models and higher technology through subtle influence. Through usage of Sith-adjacent magics long forgotten with them being the exception of knowing them, the researchers manipulated the minds and dreams of the Rhiinul scientists. This influence lead to the Rhiinul having knowledge of which resources on their world they could use for the construction of the ships, hyperdrives, and all other advanced technology they use currently. However, those details would only be known by those affiliated with the conclave of force users and rogue scientists and knowledgeable of the experiments on Rhiinalh. To all others, including the Rhiinul themselves, it just seems the Rhiinul have had an incredibly fast evolution path on their world. The Rhiinul use that knowledge of extremely fast development as a source of special pride to show their superiority to beings they see as inferior and wish to dominate.
The first year of discovering space travel to that capacity was spent mass-producing the first models of ships. The next, a mining colony was established on an outer planet called Stahm by the Rhiinul. From there, more durasteel was being dug up to fuel the evolving war machine of the Rhiinul Empire. Then, the following three years after the colony on Stahm was established, the Rhiinul Empire went beyond their home system and Rhiinalh to the other parts galaxy. It was then they found themselves emerging during a time of interregnum for the Eternal Empire that sprang from the planet of Kalidan. In the chaos, various remant forces tried to survive in anarchy while pirates, former rebels, and general criminals made a living in the turmoil.
During this time of confusion, the Rhiinul war effort saw it as destiny. However, their conquest efforts met great resistance even on backwater worlds. The people on planets they did manage to conquer fell in line with the hulking warlords, but these new environments were starkly different from their home, causing much trouble in holding these other planets. As a solution, authorities on Rhiinalh began extorting tribute of resources and food from these weaker worlds while trying to avoid the ire of more powerful remnant groups. This act also managed to drive out criminals and more chaotic holdouts, causing some of the stronger remnants of the Eternal Empire to see Rhiinalh and its native Rhiinul as a potential ally in the resurgence of the Empire. Since an arrangement was made behind closed doors in neutral space between the Rhiinul Emperor, Wahlrin of Levhithon, and the Eternal Empress, Ingrid L'hrem, Rhiinalh has stopped extorting the smaller worlds nearby it and instead became Kalidan sponsored bringers of order and keepers and peace while the Empire was still in the process of reviving.
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