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Work In Progress Rhiinul Species

  • Name: Rhiinul
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Planet of Rhiinalh, located in the Unknown Regions
  • Average Lifespan: Approximately 100 GSY
  • Estimated Population: Planetary- The Rhiinul population has grown exponentially on their home world of Rhiinalh.
  • Description: The Rhiinul are a hulking species of humanoids. From evolving on an extremely cold planet, they have evolved to have thick leathery skin, and multiple layers of blubber over a lot of muscle. Their heads are round, flabby with the thin layers of blubber, and their mouths dominate their faces. They show signs of evolving from a species of semi-aquatic, carnivorous, mammals.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: Over 3 meters tall (10 feet)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Varies between either grey or brown. Albinism is also possible, but extremely rare.
  • Hair color: Hairless
  • Distinctions: Their bulkiness is the most notable part of their appearance. They are very tall, and are rather muscular underneath several layers of blubber. Their faces are the next notable feature as they have round heads, small eyes, noses located close to the forehead, and large mouths with 3 rows of teeth on average. The Rhiinul also have a sexual dimorphism where the females grow tusks while males do not. However, males do tend to be larger compared to females with more muscle and girth in comparison as well.
  • Races: Their hastened evolution has lead to them having a single form across their home world.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Extreme Evolution: The Rhiinul have evolved to thrive on their home world which is extremely cold.
  • Slightly Amphibious: Their home world of Rhiinalh is an archipelago world with islands of various sizes scattered across its frigid seas. Before their accelerated evolution, the Rhiinul were a semi-aquatic species of mammals. Today, as sentient beings, they still have signs of this aquatic affinity. Their feet are flatter than terrestrial beings with trace amounts of webbing between their toes, and their hands are broad with flat looking fingers that seem to have once been fins of their species before sentience.
  • Hardy Diet: As evolving from carnivorous animals on their world, the Rhiinul have hardy stomachs which allow them to eat meat and eggs whether they are raw, cooked, or burnt. They are capable of eating various things within their food range that other species would find indigestible, or appalling in taste, with little to no issue. This also comes into play in regards to poison. Most conventional poisons can work to kill a Rhiinul, however their large size and hardy digestive systems require so much poison to be used it could be detected before consumption.
  • Very Strong: On average, members of the Rhiinul species are incredibly strong. The life style of physical activity and violence then enhances the strength beyond their anatomical predisposition. In comparison to a standard human, the average Rhiinul would be about 20 times as strong.
  • Accelerated Evolution: Scientists from other worlds would take specimens of the the animals species that would become the Rhiinul to accelerate their evolution. The future species was bound to be shock troops this group of rogue scientists from the Eternal Empire remants. As a result, the Rhiinul are bred for what they excel at. Though they fulfill a niche purpose in existence, they are exceptional for being strong, brutal, and ruthless soldiers in an army.
  • Nonadaptive: The Rhiinul have evolved to live on their extremely cold home world. As a result, their evolution has specified them for living on such planets to so much of a degree that planets with warmer climates would start at severe discomfort with temperate climates being inhospitable to them. This effect is possibly a side effect from their accelerated evolution.
  • Easily Swayed by The Force: The scientists who accelerated their evolution also had the Rhiinul grow to become especially susceptible to mind control through the force.
  • Not Force Sensitive: In comparison to others in the galaxy, lacking sensitivity to the force, and any resistance to it as well, has various drawbacks.
  • Food Needs: Their hulking size, carnivorous diet, and relatively active lifestyle means that they require incredibly large portions of food to avoid starvation. Also, due to being carnivores, anything other than meat and eggs would give a Rhiinul severe indigestion.
  • Animalistic Tendencies: Though they are sentient, a result of their accelerated evolution means that their behavior can be be equitable to animals, but rationalized and considered completely normal within their society. These more primitive elements of their society, and tendencies in their behavior, make them somewhat repugnant to others in the galaxy.
  • Diet: Carnivore: As long as it is meat, they will eat it whether it is raw, burnt, or anything in between with no issue. Conventional poisons can work on them, but due to their large figure and hardy digestive systems, huge quantities would be required. They are incapable of digesting anything other than meat or eggs. Severe indigestion will follow for any Rhiinul that eats something outside of the two types of items. Eggs are considered a delicacy in their culture, and usually reserved for the elite to have in meals. They also require portions that rival a Hutt's appetite in order to avoid starvation due to their hulking physique, and somewhat active life styles.
  • Communication: They communicate verbally. The Rhiinul language is very guttural and primitive sounding (an approximate IRL equivalent would be how hippopotamus grunts). However, they do have the biological capacity to speak Basic and other languages in the galaxy if they decide to learn other languages.
  • Technology level: They have just achieved galactic standard technology, though their native technology a lot less refined than the rest of the galaxy's technology. A mixture between the advancements the galaxy has achieved, but with the efficiency of industrial age technology in comparison to other species' native technology.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Rhiinul are a species with violent and competitive tendencies with a polytheistic religion structure. When they attained sentience in their accelerated evolution, they took to worshiping gods of war, competition, physical prowess, and domination. Then, the god their species considers as evil, would be their death god, who also has the theme of pacifism. From such a belief, non-violence is an anathema to them. When not at war, Rhiinul would wrestle and play games that encouraged violent behavior in order to win so that they do not fall into the clutches of the pacifist "Death God".
  • General behavior: The Rhiinul are very belligerent, and their culture encourages violence, competition, and domination over others. As a result, Rhiinul try to excel at a given task in order to advance themselves in society so they can dominate others, or dominate more people. They gravitate towards jobs that allow for violence (be it mercenaries, soldiers in a given army, gladiators, bounty hunters, etc.). The Rhiinul have polygamous relationships, where females compete for the attention of males who decide who to have as mates. It is common for a Rhiinul male to have 2 wives, though there are records of Rhiinul males having up to 5 wives. The Females keep their tusks long and clean as a display of attractiveness to males, and may use them in brutal unarmed fights with other females while a male would watch with intent. Family life is similar in intensity. Rhiinul raise their young like a brood. The children get fed, bathed, taught the ways of Rhiinul life, but are then encouraged to compete against each other. The children are showed little compassion from their parents, and the relationship between mated Rhiinul is not necessarily loving. The whole family is structured on mutual respect, but some members would be respected more than others. The mothers would do most of the home making for the many children while the male would go out and provide for the family by either being a worker or a soldier. From this, the Rhiinul are very individualist in culture, but understand the idea of cooperation as a result of their species' history during the sentient period of their existence. A Rhiinul would interact with other species in the galaxy with the intention to dominate the other individual. Smaller species are looked at as inferior while larger ones are seen as potential rivals. The Rhiinul would try to dominate the other however it can, and will not stop trying to be dominant in a situation when interacting with other beings.
The planet of Rhiinalh has been ignored throughout all its history. However, eventually malicious forces found the world, and began doing experiments on the local wildlife. Specifically, a species of semiaquatic, carnivorous mammals. The scientists stationed in orbit of Rhiinalh would frequently come down to the surface of the extremely frigid planet to influence the evolution of those mammals. All of those experiments were designed to accelerate the evolution of those mammals to sentience in order to have a species of shock troops for the scientists' employers. The species of mammals has been forgotten after nearly a decade of experiments. However, the end result would become the Rhiinul.

When the Rhiinul achieved sentience, the scientists began to back off and watch their creations develop. As fast as the evolution to sentience was for the Rhiinul, their civilization's progress took much shorter than what was natural. Their stone age was a period of unbridled barbarism that lasted for only two centuries. In it, the primitive clusters of Rhiinul would operate only slightly above the animals around them, and would keep to many of the old animalistic behavior. However, kingdoms and empires on the planet began to form after three hundred years of sentience. The wars never stopped between the rival realms on the frigid archipelago world of Rhiinalh. The wars were what drove technological advancement among the Rhiinul. Technology for killing enemies would improve to the point of firearms. Then, only in recent time, have the Rhiinul been united under one banner. One of the kings of the larger kingdoms decades before current time named Wahlrin began a war of conquest to unite the Rhiinul under his, and his decedents', rule. His war of conquest was also inspired by the presence of the forces that brought the Rhiinul to sentience in the first place as well. Through the overlords of the scientists manipulating the force, King Wahlrin was getting sent dreams of being emperor of Rhiinalh and having the Rhiinul dominate the stars. After a twenty year conquest, King Wahlrin conquered all of the other kingdoms of Rhiinalh and proclaimed himself as Emperor of Rhiinalh and the Rhiinul. His next ambition from the dreams were next to be fulfilled, and the Rhiinul were tasked with creating ships to reach to the stars. As a result of sublime influence from the masters of the scientists, the first starships created by the Rhiinul were complete with functioning hyperdrives too.

They then took to the stars to see what other worlds they could conquer and dominate. They soon would find themselves as a new player in the area of space that was once the heart of the Eternal Empire. At the time, it was fractured into remnant states where former Barons, Wardens, and even criminals mixed with former rebels were all scrambling for survival. It was a prime target for their efforts to expand and dominate. While many of these groups would hold off their conquest efforts, the Rhiinul began to adapt and learn how to deal with these newfound neighbors. While conquest was not profoundly successful, extracting tribute from the more weaker groups of survivors would do well. Soon, a network of tributaries was formed on former backwater worlds that were unable to produce as much of a presence compared to other former Eternal Imperial planets. Through operating as a tributary state, many Rhiinul would venture out as mercenaries and marauders of their own while the homeworld would soon become involved in the revival of the Empire their species was picking off what they thought was its corpse.
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