Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rhohlha


Rhohlha, Daughter of Wahlrin

Age: 23 GSY
Species: Rhiinul
Gender: Female
Height: 9 feet, 7 inches
Weight: 670 pounds (combination of muscle and blubber)
Force Sensitive: No


Rhohlha appears to be large and imposing, which is rather common for her species. She has a broadly framed and hulking physique that is very consisent for what is found among female Rhiinul. As the species is mammalian, she also has features consistent with that nature typical of her species. While bodily, one might assume she is male, the tusks she sports function as the clear sign of sex. She then has had them ornamented with metal caps that have spiked ends to appear as improvised weapons, as well as gold rings that add further ornamentation. She has more dark gray skin, with eyes that are bright yellow. Her face has the usual large mouth, small eyes, and broad round shape consistent with her species. Lastly, she is often dressed in ornate armor when seen in public, but will wear simplistic robes when in private.

  • Rhohlha's Armor
  • Rhohlha's Spear
  • Rhiinul Slugthrower Pistol


Rholha's personality was shaped through the fact that she is the oldest child of her father, the Emperor of Rhiinalh and the Rhiinulh, Wahlrin. While the Imperial family has proven to have grown into a sizable litter of children, Rhohlha has done much to assert herself as the strongest and most capable of Wahlrin's spawn. All of her life, Rhohlha has spent every effort to prove her ability and strength. While female Rhiinul have been known to lead armies and Kingdoms in the species' history, none have had such a fanatical drive to carve out their place. Rhohlha is tremendously ambitious, but also ruthless and calculating. She puts on displays of brute strength, but places more of her own stock into her mind and strategy. She believes that naval pursuits will be the future of the Rhiinul species, and has strived to further develop her people's ship building potential. She also has strived to learn as much as possible from the previous Eternal Empire her people found themselves in the shadow of. It was her who orchestrated the tributary state that the Imperials of Kalidan discovered. It was her who enforced Wahlrin's will upon small and weak planets in the Unknown Regions. With that, comes a worry that all she has done to prove herself will be ignored by her father, and one of her siblings who she sees as inferior, would take the spot she carved out for herself.

  • Rhiinul Strengths: Rhohlha has strengths consistent with her species.
  • Calculated: Rhohlha is far less impulsive than many in her kind, making her hard to predict compared to other Rhiinul as well as a potent mind.
  • Fleet Commander: Rhohlha is the most skilled Fleet Commander of the Rhiinul species, and would be regarded as a very competent Commander in other species' terms.
  • Fighter: While her skills as a Commander are more profound, she is also a capable warrior in terms of physical prowess and strength.
  • Adaptable: Rhohlha's mind thinks for the future of her species and how it will find its place in the galaxy, and she looks to the example of other peoples to learn from in any way to further her people's rise to dominance.

  • Rhiinul Weaknesses: Rhohlha is subject to the shortcomings of her species.
  • Abnormal Demeanor: While her calculating nature is potent as a weapon against her rivals among her own kind, many Rhiinul do not trust her completely and see her as potentially weak due to her not very boisterous nature.
  • Young: While not a weakness forever, her youth makes her lack much experience compared to more seasoned Commanders, even among her belligerent species' culture.
  • Paranoid: In her pursuit to carve out her own place among Wahlrin's children, she has grown tremendously distrustful of others by seeing them as unworthy rivals to her own achievements.


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