Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rhurek Thane

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.

NAME: Rhurek Thane
RANK: Knight
AGE: 46
HEIGHT: 6' 2"
WEIGHT: 205 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown; slightly greying
SKIN: White

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Thane is a cocky, maverick anti-social individual who will do whatever it takes to solve a case or complete a mission. He generally cares little for anything that is irrelevant to his current case or mission, but he is brilliant in what he does, so the other Jedi tolerate him. He doesn't care if others think he is a bad person, but at the same time, he doesn't care if others think he is a good person. He would be satisfied doing a good thing, and not having anybody knowing about it. Frequently sarcastic, unless the situation concerns what he is focused on, Thane takes nothing seriously. He generally thinks of cases or missions more as puzzles than involving saving someone's life. He likes the complex, and will only take the cases or missions that no one else will take, either because they cannot do them, or they will not do them. He is also the kind of person that will go to any lengths to prove that he is right or to get what he wants, even if it means being completely unethical and seemingly disregarding the moral code. He'll do it anyway because he sees a better way. But no matter how many times he screws up, he usually comes out victorious, because he does not quit until he finds his answer. When dealing with others, Thane is completely devoid of any mannerisms or bedside manner. To him, everyone is either a moron or an idiot, but mostly because he knows that everyone lies.


WEAPON: Thane's cane is interlaced with a cortosis weave that allows it to withstand a lightsaber attack. Also, if the hilt is disconnected, it doubles as a green bladed lightsaber which he only uses on rare occasions.

To keep things short, Thane's life was rather ordinary. He grew up on Taris, living on the upper level, enjoying the comforts of the high society. He had always had an interest in medicine, so when time for higher education showed itself, he took it and enrolled himself in medical school. Being at school, he was becoming increasingly popular, as he aced every test, gained every honor, and achieved more personal goals there than any before him. He made it on the Honor's list, the Dean's list, he even had many papers published in medical journals all across the Inner and Outer Rims. He was known widely for his brilliant mind. When one day, without him knowing, his good friend cheated off his work, and handed his project in early. Once Thane had handed his in, he was accused of plagiarism and cheating. Everything was stripped from him, including his dignity. He was left with nothing. Ultimately, he was unfairly kicked out of school just a few months before it was time to graduate and start his career. It was at this point where his mood and demeanor began to change, and not for the better. He became broke and beaten down, bitter and alone. He resented the school, his peers, friends, and even Taris. He caught the next ship heading to Coruscant.

One passenger headed to Coruscant with him was a young Jedi. She seemed to want to help him, but he just kept pushing her away. Though, she began to wear on him, and unbeknownst to him, she had felt the strong power of the Force in him. Upon landing on Coruscant, she had successfully convinced him to stay for a short while at the Temple as her guest. The events were put into place, one thing led to another, and next he knew he was being trained as a Jedi. He advanced quickly through the ranks, from padawan to knight, from knight to master, and he began to feel like his old self again. He had purpose and resolve once again. At one point, he even had his own team that consisted of three padawans that he hand chose to train. Everything was beginning to make sense for him.

Of course, history has a way of repeating itself, as once again, everything began to fall out of place in his life once more. Thane and his team were called upon to investigate a mysterious illness that had befallen a planet. After being planetside for a few days, they were digging up some serious information that led them to discover that the illness was being released by a Sith Lord in an attempt of a massive genocide. Thane was separated from his team at the time, but he ordered two of them to go after a key ingredient to help cure the population, while Thane and his other student went after the Sith Lord. However, the Sith Lord had anticipated this move and met the two padawans searching for the cure. Thane and the other student learned of this and went after the Sith Lord who had captured and imprisoned his other two students in his hideout on the planet. Also being held there, the key ingredient they needed for the cure. The Sith had been hunting down this ingredient and destroying it all. This was the last sample left. A battle ensued and it would seem that the Sith Lord was winning the fight as Thane went down with a severe lightsaber wound to his right thigh. The lightsaber had sliced and cauterized through skin, muscle, and even part of his femur. The battle was thought to be over until the padawan fighting with him had been seduced by the darkside and made a last ditch effort move to bring down the Sith Lord once and for all. He overloaded the systems which caused a chain reaction as the entire place of operations began to blow. The Sith Lord escaped and took the newly fallen Jedi with him, as Thane was left to make a decision. He only had time enough to save his other two padawans, or to save the last remaining key ingredient known to save an entire planet and species and countless wildlife. Making a decision no one should ever have to make, he went for the ingredient to save the world as the other two students protested and pleaded for him to save their lives. As Thane limped over to secure the last ingredient needed, an explosion claimed the lives of his two former students. Thane himself had barely managed to make it out of there alive himself.

Needless to say, Thane, after getting some badly needed medical attention, was able to regrow the herb in a garden on the planet, and as the herb began to produce seed, they replanted it and grew more. It took a year, but Thane and a few scientists finally had enough to counteract the effects of the illness that plagued their land. Though many had suffered and died through his terrible ordeal, mainly the elderly and the younglings, the planet and species as a whole survived due to Thane's efforts and the ultimate sacrifice his students made.

Unfortunately, living on the planet for a year without the proper medical attention Thane needed for his leg back on Coruscant, his leg was rendered completely unrepairable, even with surgery, medicine, or the Force. The only option Thane had left to him was to amputate his leg and get a prosthetic robotic leg. This was out of the question in Thane's mind. This was his leg they were talking about cutting off. He refused, and instead decided to live with the constant pain as a reminder of the sacrifice he made and the padawan's lives that were lost due to his decision he made.

The Council met with Thane to debrief him. While they agreed with him that what he decided to do to save the planet was the right thing to do, Thane did not. He argued openly with them that even though a Jedi's life means sacrifice, he shouldn't have condemned his students to death. This argument and the fact that he was unwilling to part with his leg left the Council in agreement that Thane himself had become too attached to such things. Attachment was forbidden. They strongly urged him to get the surgery to fix his leg, and Thane could no longer take it. He convinced himself that the Council was uncaring about his situation, and insensitive concerning his leg. From that moment, he turned his back on the Council, and stormed out of the Temple, leaving it for good. He was stripped of his rank and command in the Order, and Thane himself tried to severe his connection with the Force entirely. This left a behind a problem. He had been using the Force to keep the pain in his leg at bay and to keep him sane. Only without it, he was forced to turn to self medication. And what better place to turn to than a hospital for the medication he needed. He got a job working at Coruscant Medical and they even gave him his own team again, and all the medication he needed for his leg. However, this time around, it was different, there was no attachment, all that was left behind of Thane was his commitment to his duty, and an all out uncaring attitude and the relentless sarcasm that went with it.

((Updated history coming soon......))





Two for the Show
I'm Having Amnesia and Deja Vu At The Same Time
From Master To Padawan; Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen
A Call To Arms

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
Oh TiCira....
You and your fingers....
How they tug at my cane. :p

Thanks Kaine. I don't know why, but I really think you have a great name.

Parfaits have layers. Parfaits are delicious.

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