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Approved Ranged Weapon RI (Righteous Indignation)- 19 Assault Rifle

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd.
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average
The only easy day was yesterday.

  • Intent: To create a strong assault rifle Special Forces units
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: My Subs
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Blaster/Assault Rifle
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Average (3 different rates of fire, single shot, 3 shot burst, and automatic)
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Average
  • 3 different types of sites, standard, laser, and thermal
  • Telescoping barrel to switch from Close Quarters combat to long range (Sniper)
  • Same barrel as "SMR" rifle for increased damage output.
  • Detachable Underbarrel 40mm grenade launcher
  • Detachable Underbarrel Vertical grip.
  • Detachable Underbarrel positional lamp(flashlight)
  • Detachable Underbarrel BiPod
  • PACKS A PUNCH: The high-capacity power cell, the oversized barrel, these components give the weapon a strong shot for a weapon of its type.
  • SURPRISINGLY ACCURATE: Maybe it's the three different types of sites, but the balance of the weapon allows for a surprisingly accurate shot.
  • KICKS LIKE A MAD RONTO: If you're not ready for it, or if you're on "auto" for too long, your shoulder is hurtin' for certain.
  • BARREL CAN OVERHEAT: This weapon is not meant for constant sustained fire, or the weapon will overheat and the barrel will have to be replaced.
The RI -17 is a result of being tired of having his team's hands proverbially tied, Aien began using every authorization he could give, use every advantage that his position, and can muster, and every connection he could call in to begin untying them. The Ronto, the armor, The FIST, this is in a long line. This is a designed assault weapon for the assault, tech, and demo members on the team. It will not be the only weapon in their upcoming arsenal, but it is the start that they need. The RI-19 takes this further, eliminating the need for mission specific weapons; modular weapons that can change and adapt with the mission are what rules the day.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a strong assault rifle for Special Forces
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: RI-19 Assault Rifle
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Burst Fire
Material: Durasteel Internals, blaster components
Ammunition Type: Powercell
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Assault Rifle
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