Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ria Victorian (Grey Jedi)

Ria Victorlan

Name: Ria Victorlan
Age: 36
Rank : Grey Jedi
Faction: Elysium Empire
Home : Londo, Lohron (Esthoriel)
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Force sensitive: Yes

Strength: Insight: Ria is attuned with the force, having a great insight into most creatures' motives and intentions. Her eyes tend to give off a light bluish hue when focusing to do so and it has proven to her advantage most of the time.

Force barrier: Focusing on the force through sentence meditation over the years, she discovered a way to create a frontal force barrier in the direction of her hands, deflecting most standard laser fire and even basic explosives.

Force lightning: Used when extremely impatient and angry but mostly to charge objects or help in a good way..She points her index and middle finger in a central location to create a powerful electric current through the charged atmosphere. This current can strike multiple targets in a blink of an eye..But as with most forces of nature…This comes at a price.

Force Jump: Ria can leap incredible distances in a single bound


Ria’s Force barrier and Force lightning drain her stamina making her weakened and having to rely on saber combat in battle. Although proficient, she is not an expert.

Nightmares: Ria suffers from ongoing nightmarish visions of her undoing. Her beliefs of the force as a universal power for good and evil have caused her to question what it is she actually believes in and the consequences of not belonging to either belief system or lore of the Jedi or Sith that is common throughout the galaxy.

Loner: Because of her stance in the world and being an only child, she prefers travel alone, which often finds her in trouble if her temper gets in the way and she is outmatched.

Height : 5’9

Weight : 136

Hair : Brunette

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Light tanned

Bio : Born in the City of Londo, Ria was a child of an orphanage. She had learned, for whatever the reasoning, She was given up as an infant and taken in by a man named Victorian. Giappa Victorian..Her adopted father had been running the orphanage for years, backed by the funding of the King and the religious followers to take in young ones and give them a safe haven, in belief it was the will of the gods. As Ria grew older, she made some friends but remained close to her adopted father and his teachings about the infamous Moon God from the books of the Religious Kuonja. She believed that peace has its reward, but that peace must be defended with bloodshed from time to time.

Enrolling in one of the monasteries and academies that taught the values of freedom and self-defense, She became a very good student. After some time, being at the academy had earned her an advanced placement in the higher learning academy that was further in the city closer to the Kingdom of Londo. It was there that she learned of her force user abilities. Not by some miracle revelation..but through determination to become the strongest she could be. Ashamed, and confused..She had learned that it was embraced by many..Her being a force user and they regarded her as a great protector and possibly a chosen one to bring an equilibrium to the force. Not quite believing it herself but willing to hone and practice her skills, she continued to train and currently is rumored to have caught the attention of other religious sects…Both good and bad. Her father tries his best to keep her grounded and serves as her personal “wise council”. Ria tried to stay away from political happenings but to no avail, as wars and rumors of wars began to circulate within the galaxy.

Factions have fallen..Others rise..And according to the Londo News Hub (LNH), The Elysium Empire has gained control over the air space and territorial reigns belonging to Esthoriel. Ria, along with her father's blessing, sought to join this growing faction for several reasons. She could explore off the planet which has been a dream of hers. She also has to opportunity to offer valuable insight and recon. Most importantly, She is a Jedi..Belonging to no particular sect but the only one that she knows of. She has only read and been told historical accounts of Jedi throughout history. What happens, remains to be seen…..

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