Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Richard deWinter


NAME: Richard DeWinter

FACTION: Agents Of Chaos



AGE: 21

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6’0ft

WEIGHT: 175lbs

EYES: Hazel

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Caucasian

FORCE SENSITIVE: Extremely force sensitive due to his bloodline


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Is a genius when it comes to technology, software, computers, armour, infrastructure and planning. Also due to his force sensitivity he is very good at modifying and manipulating people’s genes.
  • He is extremely good looking and charismatic. Therefore despite his abilities in combat he is brilliant at negotiating himself out of terrible situations.
  • Often doesn’t need to fight as his technology often fights his battles for him.
  • Logical and is brilliant at dealing with administration and bureaucracy
  • Is also a brilliant businessman and has an eye for money and trade.
  • Is quite stealthy and has a knack for slicing and picking locks
  • Is not good in physical combat situations.
  • Despite being force sensitive he does not know how to use the force. He often uses it out of instinct or by accident.
  • Relies on his tech and often pushes it to its absolute breaking point
  • Despite being force sensitive he doesn’t want to train in the force as it seems like magic to him and illogical. It doesn’t appear to obey any laws.

When in public situations and in meetings he is often very well dressed and has his brown hair slicked back. He knows that he can use his looks in these situations to influence those at the negotiation table. However when he is by himself in his workshop working on his secret projects he looks very different. His brown hair is often sweaty and matted with a combination of oil and sweat. He often looks sleep deprived with big bags under his eyes. His leather pants will be covered in oil and his black t-shirt will somehow be even darker than normal as it is covered in sweat. He will often be found at his desk staring at a screen or hologram as he thinks about how to perfect his latest creation.


Richard grew up as an orphan on the lower levels of Coruscant. It was during this time that he learned to survive not through his physical strength, but through his intelligence, ability to steal and negotiate his way out of sticky situations. In his teens he began to salvage scrapped pieces of tech and use the working pieces within to create his own makeshift technology that would help him in the lower levels of Coruscant. However at the age of 19 he was caught trying to hack into one of Coruscant’s top level banks and take all of their funds. He was then sentenced to death. However a CEO of one of the top software companies had heard of his exploits and decided to take him under his wing. As a result Richard would begin his probation under this company. Within a year he quickly rose to be a senior software developer within the company. However in his spare time he had begun to research how to create his own personal, conscious AI. Realizing that he wouldn’t be able to continue his secret research under the oversight of the company in question. He didn’t want them to bastardise his pure research and mass produce it. Before this happened Richard smuggled himself aboard a freighter on it’s way to the unknown regions with his research, not sure what he would find.





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