Mago Leomax
The Miralukan Padawan didn't get out of the Temple much. Between the wars outside and the cozy library inside the Jedi Temple, he had no reason to. But now things were calming down and he wanted to try out some food in the city. Jedi Temple cooking could be great sometimes, and not so great other times. But Mago knew that the city must be full of wonderous vendors and merchants, there had to be something tasty out there. So the little boy wandered and found himself in a more crowded narrow street of the city.
He wasn't too sure what level he was on, but he was following his nose. And there it was, a small food cart with a bar and stools. Smelled like broth and noodles and herbs and meat. Delicious. He sat on the stool next to someone and ordered a bowl. Oh boy would this be delicious. And he'd be able to tell the other padawans of when he got outside the Temple for once!
Darth Malum of House Marr
He wasn't too sure what level he was on, but he was following his nose. And there it was, a small food cart with a bar and stools. Smelled like broth and noodles and herbs and meat. Delicious. He sat on the stool next to someone and ordered a bowl. Oh boy would this be delicious. And he'd be able to tell the other padawans of when he got outside the Temple for once!