NAME: Rigmor Stardim.
FACTION: Sith Empire.
RANK: Acolyte.
AGE: Fourteen.
GENDER: Female.
HEIGHT: 4’9 inches.
WEIGHT: 109 ibs.
EYES: Blue.
HAIR: Red.
SKIN: Pale with freckles on face.
A small yet sturdy girl, Rigmor grew up on the streets. Despite her small stature, which is likely due to her age, she is physically strong and agile. She prefers to keep her hair cut short, but it may grow longer from time to time.
Growing up a street rat meant she could not be picky with clothing. She wore simplistic clothes growing up. Secretly, however, she longed for the flowing robes, colorful dresses, and fancy jewelry of the rich and wealthy. Now that she is within the Sith ranks, even if on a lower end, she has begun experimenting with what styles and looks she would like.
Rigmor is black and white, a believer in justice, a survivor, and a craver of power. Rigmor grew up within the lower levels of Corusant, amongst criminals and gangsters. She developed a loathing for the uncontrolled Underworld and desired for more control in her life. Rigmor is an A Class control freak. She wants total and complete control. She believes that through power, power found in the Sith and Dark Side, she can grow strong enough to beat all the “bad people” into submission and enforce the laws the justice system has not.
Rigmor has bought into total and complete propaganda the Sith have enforced on their citizens. She believes the Jedi and Republic are evil, and she trusts the armies and Sith to protect them from outsiders.
Rigmor is a rule follower. She believes that laws are there to protect the public and works hard to be a trustworthy citizen. Any troublemakers and law breakers are bad, and she wishes for them to be brought to justice. Rigmor is disciplined and by the book. She had precise control in all she does and believes nothing short to perfection is enough.
On top of this, Rigmor loves any knowledge and skills she can grasp. It gives her power after all. She taught herself to read, write, and more all from an early childhood as an orphan. She has never been able to quench the thirst for lore and sciences. She hopes the Sith will do well in teaching her everything she can.
Stubborn and stuck in her ways, the kid is surprisingly grounded for a street rat. Rigmor hates chaos, yet is still very emotional. She believes that emotions should be allowed, yet she also believes in self control in those emotions. She is guided by a single goal, an emotional one with a lacking logic. To reach this end game, however, she articulates discipline and precision. She even taught herself unarmed combat and blaster use to the best of her abilities.
Rigmor has a powerful moral compass and sense of right and wrong – even if it is severely twisted into a Dark Sider’s way of thinking. Rigmor wants to wipe out “evil” from the face of the galaxy, using brute force to usher worth a utopia. In other words, she is an extremist with good intentions, but awful execution.
An orphan who grew up in the Underworld, Rigmor never had much going for her. Within the slums of the Sith ruled world, she had to fend for herself against numerous criminals and gangsters. Growing up, Rigmor became simultaneously emotional and stoic, passionate and disciplined. Fueled by a sense of justice, yet lacking mercy, the damaged child yearned to bring the world to a place of peace and prosperity through any means necessary. She was stubborn. She was naïve. Yet, she was a pessimistic perfectionist.
She was a bit of a ruthless anti-hero on the streets. She took up arms and wiped out entire gangs in the slums in the name of justice. It was strange, yet through time another weird ability formed… She had always had sharp reflexes, yet it soon was apparent that she was Force Sensitive. She took a test and the results were positive. Suddenly, the world opened up to her.
In her young teens, she eagerly joined the Sith Order, hoping to learn everything she needed to fulfil her lifelong dream of perfection and order through brutality. Her time would come…