OCC Account

FULL NAME: Rikaa'nor
CORE NAME: Rika Anor [Ree-kah Ah-nor]
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Outlaw/Pirate/Mercenary (all fit the bill); former slave
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: Early-twenties
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 132 lb
EYES: Green; pear green
HAIR: No body hair except long dark eyelashes. Eyebrows are tattooed on.
SKIN: Orange: orange apricot technically, not peach!
CYBERNETICS: Prosthetic lekku; right head-tail

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Short-tempered; has chronic PMS or so it seems, more attributed to her missing lekku and the constant headache she feels than actual monthly girly stuff.
Determined; she doesn't like to lose
Self-reliant; trusting others hasn't always paid off
Best works alone, though has been forced to work with others to survive.
Exotic beauty, enough said.
Can drink most men under the table; two stomachs ;-)
Has an addiction to Andris. Helps with numbing the chronic headache she has.
Weaponist; she loves her toys and knows how to use them. Aims to kill, guts to show.
Fighter; martial artist, enjoys kicking butt and taking names later.
Agile and lithe

Rika has orange apricot-colored skin and pear green eyes that compliment her tone and shapely exotic alien body that has one major flaw, an amputated right brain-tail. The Twi'lek now has a cybernetic prosthetic lekku in place. Her attire is that of a spacer, though usually showing more skin as typical of her species.
Being born into a lower class of Twi'lek clans on Ryloth, Rikaa'nor was sold into slavery at a young age as most are in her situation. The orange-hued Twi'lek hated every minute of it and vowed one day she would be free. When that day finally came as a teenager, it cost Rika her right brain tail in the process as she made a daring escape. Rika turned to a life of crime and spacing to survive rather than sell herself, which often had her hiring on with merc companies or as a crew member with a smuggling, salvaging, or pirate operation.. Rika's especially handy with weapons and isn't afraid to use them leaving the questions till afterwards.
Security Droid N-33-0 "NEO"