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Riki Tor'lor

Riki Tor'lor

NAME: Riki Tor'lor


RANK: Pilot


AGE: 28 Galactic Standard Years

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'4" ft (1.67 meters)

WEIGHT: 101 lbs.

EYES: Yellow-Gold

HAIR: Body is covered in red fur, with white tail tips, hands, and feet. With notable black stripes on the tail.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, has minor precog abilities



+.) Professional Elite Pilot: Flight School, military training, experience, and Minor Force Sensitivity have their perks.

+.) Mechanical Aptitude: If its a fighter, he can fix it given the time and tools. Also has experience with computers and blasters

+.) Tech Savvy: The Amaran can do wonders with computers, graphing gear, and starfighter sensors.

+.) Agile: Explains itself

+.) SERE Training: During flight school he was trained to survive in hostile truff and avoid enemy capture.

+/-.) Combat Skills: While trained in basic blaster and ground combat, Riki lacks in experience and is unlikely able to wield anything bigger than a pistol and grenade at a military level

-.) Size and Weight: Despite being compact, lean muscle, this Amaran is rather outweighed by most soldiers and is lacking in brute force.

-.) Daredevil: He makes a living and life off risks, and enjoys it a tad too much.

-.) Not a Melee Fighter: Not a melee fighter.

-.) Glory-Seeker: Almost as bad as a holo-star

APPEARANCE: Riki is the spitting image of an Amaran despite his rather short cut fur and height. He is a vulpine species with vulpine features as expected, his fur is red with black and white on his tail, hands, and ears. Unlike most of his species, his fur is adorned with faded black stripes that dot the entirety of his body in a similar way to striped hyenas. His build is lithe but lean, standing about 5'4" with a proportionate waistline.

He is normally seen wearing a jumpsuit or similar apparel with a thick utility belt when on base or on duty, off of such his clothing varies from Ryloth Silk to Nerf-leather jackets depending on his mood. Riki always has a light repeater pistol strapped to his thigh or his belt.

BIOGRAPHY: Riki was born to Amaran Merchants on Naboo like many of his species, his younger childhood was spent in a lavish apartment with a top-noth education. Everything was really, honky-dory and never, ever changed.

However, once the vulpine started to grow into his teenage years he began to dream of a life beyond average mercantilism despite his family's wealth and stature. He wanted to be more than a peddler of exotic materials and pets like his father and father before. So at the age of seventeen he enlisted (much to his parent's dislike) in Naboo's Navy.

From ages 17-21 he spent his tike training to be a Nubian pilot. His eyes drawn to the wide reaches of spaces and the wings of a bomber or fighter like no other. The Amaran displayed moderate flight skills at first (only because of his Force Sensitivity) and was able to make his way into the Nubian ranks as an average pilot. That was not the end of his training however!

Around 23, he transferred once more to a Confederate Elite Pilot School through bribes from an inheritance from a pass uncle. It was here that he became the pilot he was meant to be. For two brutal years his repertoire of skill expanded in the new training type and he flourished in his new environment (Force Sensitivity helps, huh?), the Amaran graduated top of his class and became regarded as one of the best pilots at the particular Academy he attended.

Once Academy was finished, both Nubian and Confederate, he entered the CIS' grand navy and soared across space, helping capture smugglers, Sith Rebels, and Slavers. The Amaran was most noted for being a 'bridge-burner', specifically targeting the bridges of bigger ships whenever he was behind a bomber's controls. This exploits landed him in the eyes of the CIS' premiere squadrons and he soon had multiple positions to chose from.


Standard Utility Belt
Flight Gear (Modified for his Species)
One IR-5 Pistol with a personalized grip and ionized cross-bred bolting for more stopping power.





(All RPs will be posted in chronological order.)

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