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Rildonmark - Clan Sabina

[SIZE=26pt]Clan Sabina[/SIZE]​
The Village of Rildonmark is located in the south of the Realm of Midvinter. It is home to Clan Sabina, Chieftain Thaerd Thawbearer and Steward Ærin Firebrand. Clan Sabina’s pride comes from a long tradition of equine husbandry, breeding and training horses for heavy and light cavalry and well as domestic uses.


Clan members are of warrior stock, hardened to the field of battle, which they have excelled in over the centuries. Primarily they take to the field as cavalry in vast numbers and serve the Crown under the reign of [member="Thrand Dawnbringer"]. In recent times, Clan Sabina fought at Tháinbroek alongside Dawnbringer and was victorious in nullifying the war machines of the Usurper allowing the ground warriors to advance.

Like most Valkyri, Clan Sabina members are hunters and learn from a very early age to use the bow and arrow. They are tutored in the art of fletching and bow construction. As warriors they train in the use of the sword, and participate in tournaments within the Clan and in competition with other Clans.

The equine stock:

Primary breeding stock
The king of horses. BlackWing is the companion of Aerin Firebrand. A war horse that has seen her through many campaigns and battles on Midvinter. He is a stallion of the best breeding, given to her by her father when she turned of age and became a woman. The two companions became close as Aerin has the ability of animal friendship through the force and they formed a bond.

BlackWing is muscular especially around his chest which gives him above average speed on the battle field, he has the ability to be able to carry heavy loads including Aerin in her full armour.

After the battle at the gates of Tháinbroek, Aerin vowed that that battle would be BlackWing’s last and would return with him to Rildonmark to be released and run free.

[SIZE=26pt]Clan Sabina Warriors[/SIZE]​
“Our enemies will tremble at the sound of thundering hooves and brandished sword”.​
Specialising in warfare on horse back, with bow and arrow and sword and pike.

Code of Honour:
With Valour and Grace
We ride as one
With fire of heart
And steel of ice
We vanquish foe
Or ride onward
To the gates of the Grand Hall
To the Gods of Old.
[SIZE=26pt]The Forge[/SIZE]​
The early morning song of Midvinter, when hammer meets anvil.
The forge of Rildonmark.

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