Having spent most of his life aboard ships, Rilus is quite comfortable in both space and close quarters.
Growing up around ships, fighters, and the like gave Sieron considerable piloting experience.
As a pilot with an eye for trouble, Rilus learnt to think on his toes and act on it.
has to have his morning cup of Stimcaf at the very least, or he'll be quite grumpy.
Modern technology prevents lung cancer and other negative side-effects of smoking, but it can still lead to some awkward situations.
Otherwise known as an eye for trouble. Rilus has a tendency to get into situations without thinking of
all the possibilities.
One of Rilus' mottos is "What will it get me?". He doesn't do much of anything unless it directly benefits him in some form.
Relatively average, Rilus lacks significant traits such as scarring, tattoos, or otherwise immediately noteworthy aspects of his appearance. He is on the taller side of average height for his age, and is of healthy, if slim, weight and semi-athletic build. His hair is often unkempt on the verge of messy, but is well-maintained and clean. He keeps his facial hair in line and one would wonder at his skirting the line between looking dishevelled and presentable in some strange balance. The most notable aspects of Rilus are his eyes. An unusual, pale blue colour that nearly appears green in the right light, they're mystic orbs that allow glimpses of his spirit.
Rough around the edges with a polished centre, Rilus can come across as brash, aloof, or generally unpleasant until he finds some reason to be nice. Then he can be as candid, formal, or generally pleasant as he feels he needs to or can be. At the root, he's seventeen and full of life, wonder, and other things that teenagers are known for. He merely layers that more typical behaviour under layers of formality and/or curtness.
Born aboard a bulk freighter to a Corellian father and a black sheep of an Alderaanian, Rilus was destined to find life in space at an early age. He was never planet-side long, and was raised by droids while his parents were busy crewing, captaining, pirating, or otherwise existing aboard starships. As he grew, he adapted to the lifestyle and grew into something of a pirate. While he never truly did anything illegal, he still got into the rings of smoking, fist fighting, sex, and drinking. While only the first two really stuck, he had plenty of run-ins with the rest from age fifteen. By seventeen he had his mother breathing down his neck to live up to his grandfather's name and become her Star Lord, while his father tried to break up his shenanigans and all but jettison him from an airlock to get out and make something of himself. They wanted a stand-up boy for a son, not a rogue with an addiction problem.