Gabriel Sionoma
Sheriff of Sulon

- Intent: To create something for someone Gabe once cared about, in another life.
- Image Source: Source
- Canon Link: N/a
- Restricted Missions: If needed
- Primary Source: N/a
- Manufacturer: Hammer and Honey Workshop
- Model: Ring of Solace
- Affiliation: Closed Market
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material:
- Inverse set Arkannian diamonds (35 total)
- Outer band: 45% Steelstone (for texture), 55% Turadium (for strength and endurance)
- Ring imbues the wearer with a sense of thoughtfulness, blurring the line between empathy and telepathy.
- Because of the materials used, the item is resilient and hard. The turadium gives a slight resistance to lightsaber damage (not immune by any means) and the steelstone was forged to give an ingot appearance.
- Is that Empathy or Telapathy?: For those who seek out apathy or emotional seclusion, this ring isn't for them. Imbued with Jal-Shey, the distinct intention was to impart an ability to understand others emotions and even relate to them. On a certain level, this ring might give the wearer insight into others feelings with the catalyst being a desire to understand them.
- Resilient piece of jewelry: While it was not imbued with any manifestation of hardness or resistance to damage, it doesn't really need it in the first place. The materials within this ring are often used for blast door construction, due to their damage resistance.
- Can't be turned off: If the desire is to not feel, the wearer is going to have a bad time. The nature of this imbuement is that it is encompassing and persistent. The viewpoints one will see, if they aren't used to it, may seem alien and unnatural. It can be overwhelming at times. And the only way they can stop it is by taking off the ring. Or...
- Destroy the ring, destroy the feelings: Breaking the inner banding of the ring or cleaving it in any manner will disrupt and destroy the imbuement. With enough force, it could even be broken, if one were so inclined.
- Possible to Nullify: The imbuement of the ring can be temporarily nullified via traditional means, such as Ysalamir. However, once out of range of the Ysalamir, the ring regains its inherent imbuement.
Catharsis comes in many forms. For some, it comes from going a few rounds in a sparring match. For others, it comes from talking or divulging feelings. And for others, it comes from mindless tasks. While Gabe leans towards that final tendency, the truth is that it is often born from the need to simply hit things with his hammer.
After a request was made, from concealed presence, Gabe decided that he would complete the request - even if he suspected the person ordering the item would never actually receive the ring. Perhaps it was because he was angry or frustrated, because he wanted her to understand where his feelings lied. From that, he took to his forge and anvil.
This particular person is one of the more rigid and stubborn people he had ever known, besides maybe himself. So it only made sense to forge the ring from hard materials, turadium and steelstone being his preferences. The former was used for its hardness, the other was used for the lattice ingot texture that could be easily produced - giving tones symbolic of an immovable rock, just like the intended wearer.
Carving out a chasm in the material during the forge, he laced the rough and shallow canyon with Arkanian diamonds that had been found during an early mining installation raid in the infancy of the Galactic Alliances tenure. Once he was done finalizing the construction of the ring, he got to the easier part. Well, easier for him.
If anything, it could be argued that Gabe over empathizes with people. Quite the opposite of the person who ordered this ring, who as long as he had known her, only cared for her own concerns and feelings. Such was the way of the Sith. Despite the fact that her force presence wasn't entirely darksided, if it even could be considered a true presence at all, it was clear where her desires lied. Taking to the imbuement with a bit of strife, it took some time for him to center himself and overcome the nature of their former relationship. Struggling with some long buried skeletons, he finally found his way to the center for which he was searching.
At the end of that spiritual journey, the ring was complete. Bestowed with an empathic aura, the wearer would be open to the feelings of those around them. Whether it was desired or not, this wasn't a trinket that offered control. It only offered openness, something Ygdris desperately needed. He decided that he would only wear it when he felt it's call, perhaps in hopes that he could one day show it to her. And then throw it in the trash can.