Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ringing in the New Year with a DDoS Attack

Our service provider is currently being DDoS'd. The site is running fine, but network connectivity to it will be slow and up and down until I give the all clear. Seems some vengeful nerds didn't have New Years' plans and decided to muck it up for the rest of us.

I am not concerned with data loss or a crash currently, so please be patient, as all we can do now is batten down the hatches and wait it out.
Pricks! I might be a chic, but if it were up to me, and these pricks were caught, I would order 1200 whip lashes to each offender. That's 100 lashes a month for a whole year. I guess lucky for them that they can be greatful that it is not up to me.
[member="Arthur Pendragon"]. Yeah true good thing. Because if I were really a Knight, and if the Force were really real, I would turn Sith and turn these guys into Kentucky Fried Morons with my Sith lightening. Lol

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