Before we actually decide on dom objectives, I wonder whether it would be best to go for a T1, a T2 or a T3 - there is no point in starting the thread without having the player base on board. But for Ringo Vinda proper, I would like to credit [member="Connor Harrison"] for the first two:
Objective 1: Investigation
After 3 Silver Knights are killed within 24 hours, a serial killer is on the loose on Ringo Vinda, targeting Jedi. Ties to the Sith Order are suspected. The Order must investigate who - or what - led to their deaths
Objective 2: Race against time
When a Silver Jedi ship is hijacked and stolen, we must find it and stop it from being used for a devastating plot to strike at Ringo Vinda. The hijacked ship is carrying a time bomb and is on a collision course towards the orbital ring station
Objective 3: Starship development
Several new classes of starships are under development at once, based on ships whose remains are floating in orbit since the Clone Wars: the upper administration of Ringovinda StarYards has requested crowdsourced assistance for their development in an attempt to bring the costs down due to the taxes levied by the Order on Jedi-owned corporations