Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ringo Vinda?

Because the last map update placed Ringo Vinda outside its canonical hex, we have no choice but to dom it. But I have always considered Ringo Vinda as being SSC and, later, SJ territory since we dommed the Wheel hex (its canonical hex).

I'd prefer a T1 but T2 will force us to choose one among the following:
  • Metalorn
  • Bimmisaari
  • Cerulean
I don't think a T3 would be wise at this time.
Before we actually decide on dom objectives, I wonder whether it would be best to go for a T1, a T2 or a T3 - there is no point in starting the thread without having the player base on board. But for Ringo Vinda proper, I would like to credit [member="Connor Harrison"] for the first two:

Objective 1: Investigation

After 3 Silver Knights are killed within 24 hours, a serial killer is on the loose on Ringo Vinda, targeting Jedi. Ties to the Sith Order are suspected. The Order must investigate who - or what - led to their deaths

Objective 2: Race against time

When a Silver Jedi ship is hijacked and stolen, we must find it and stop it from being used for a devastating plot to strike at Ringo Vinda. The hijacked ship is carrying a time bomb and is on a collision course towards the orbital ring station

Objective 3: Starship development

Several new classes of starships are under development at once, based on ships whose remains are floating in orbit since the Clone Wars: the upper administration of Ringovinda StarYards has requested crowdsourced assistance for their development in an attempt to bring the costs down due to the taxes levied by the Order on Jedi-owned corporations
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
As a tier 5 jedi owned corporation I do not get taxed

I don't think Corellian Digital does either.

and where is the variety? Yes we have action, action and something to help you (which I did for Malachor hex as a secondary objective anyone could do) but what about our people who want to be diplomatic, or roam around and meet the people, want to explore the culture of the world?
It would be more prudent to do this dom as Tier 1. Consider the fact that we are in a Rebellion current (only allowed one tier 3 a month I believe) of which the outcome is unknown. Now we have Sith to the north of us, regardless of the outcome we need to focus on this area for the time being.
[member="Matsu Ike"] Here's an additional objective of the more "roam around the world to explore the culture":

Objective 4: Gungans and the Netherworld

Since the Netherworld happened, where people disappeared left and right, whereabouts of Gungans rematerializing in its wake have been spotted up here in the Aldanna Range. Details about the sudden change of lifestyle for the Gungans and their differences compared to those who remained on Naboo should be explored for the greater benefit of the Silver Jedi.
Objective 5: Referendum

The Ringovindian "lottery democracy" is holding a referendum for Ringo Vinda to leave the Silver Jedi, citing that their affiliation to a magocracy is rendering them vulnerable to attacks from all sides. Try to curry favor with the local population in an attempt to keep Ringo Vinda in the Silver Jedi fold.

And, of course, the classic "bring-your-own": with these six objectives we have enough for 100 posts.
Pending how active myself and my Padawan ([member=Kianna Auli'i]) can be tonight and/or tomorrow night, I would like to stage a Medical Relief objective.

Every world.... EVERY world, has an impoverished region that always needs some relief, be it food and supplies, and/or medical.

Should my Padawan be game, do i have any objections against it?
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

I was not aware we'd greenlit this dominion, especially so soon after the last one - which is still ongoing due to the rebellion, mind you. Not very good timing for another dominion.

Furthermore, I don't see the sudden and urgent need to dom this particular world. Nor do I recall it ever being under SSC/SJ control. You say it got moved out of our cloud, but would you mind telling us where it used to be? Because I can't find it on any of the older maps.
I don't know the pseudo-political jargon involved with this lol.

And [member="Matsu Ike"], could you PM a link of where I could find these to make proper requests and link them to my inventory in my Bio accordingly? It would be most appreciated.
I tend to agree with [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]. Hold off on this until the rebellion is over.

I really question why we're trying to creep further towards the Mandos. As much as I'd like to pick up planets like Ceraluen (beach party 24/7, brah!), that's just making more targets to tempt the Mandos.

It'd be nice to know what our dom strategy is. Is it free for all? Should we be moving galactic west towards the Mandos as a buffer zone? North into Old Primeval/Sith territory? South towards Hutt Space? Filling in the gaps? Some combination of this?
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Probably because she didn't want to risk another rebellion, but that's beside the point.

The point is this one world is not a priority right now, nor have you provided a reason why it should be a priority. Also, the timing of it is bad - again, considering the ongoing rebellion.
The nice thing about the Korriban hex dom, was that had we finished it and gotten the hex(still possible if the rebellion ends in our favor), it would fill in a gap near the Mandos that would help shore up defenses. As for RIngo Vinda, I don't see where it is needed that we dom it. You have the ship production facilities no matter who owns the planet. When I picked up Nubia StarDrive Inc. Nubia was GR held. Didn't matter. So other than the OSJ holding a planet you have personal interest in, how would it benefit us to take it?
[member="Jerek Zenduu"]

Our current strategy is to fortify what worlds we already have, as well as fill in the gaps. Some expansion to the south of Voss would be preferrable, to keep our capital away from the frontier.

Since there is no more One Sith to be wary of, there is little need to go west. What we need to be careful of is the Mandalorian juggernaut to our north, so I'd say we'd do well to stay out of their way. If they want to expand eastwards, let them.
Coci Heavenshield said:
It would be more prudent to do this dom as Tier 1. Consider the fact that we are in a Rebellion current (only allowed one tier 3 a month I believe) of which the outcome is unknown. Now we have Sith to the north of us, regardless of the outcome we need to focus on this area for the time being.

My above comment, was suggestion only, as we are discussing this as a possibility for a next dominion. I also mentioned we need to talk about SJO direction after the rebellion is over. And the result of it is in.

Just because I posted here did not constitute a greenlight to start the dominion.
[member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Arda is also a beach party planet, and would extend our cloud to buffer the south.

From there, the canon (Legends) world of Sanctuary would be in dominion range. Also 24/7 beach party.


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