Bombshell Genius

Corporation name: Ringovinda Systems
Chief executive officer: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Headquarters: Ringo Vinda
Other locations: Soceras, Hosnian Prime, Glyss, Geonosis, Tatooine
Starship components:
For sale:
Bulkhunter heavy ion cannon - Want to roast enemy electronics to a crisp, even being able to damage hulls in the process, no matter the power cosumption? This heavy ion cannon, counting for 12 standard turbolasers, is for you! (50,000 credits per tube)
Castameer tactical display - This is a must-have for any ship that is to be used in large-scale combat, due to its ability to display information about a large number of ships at once (10,000 credits)
Gatling rapid-fire turbolaser - Feel like firing faster than your enemies will give you an edge? This rapid-fire turbolaser, firing 4 times as fast as regular turbolasers, counts for 4 standard turbolasers (20,000 credits per tube)
Guernica ordnance launcher - For those who plan on using different types of ordnance of different calibers on a starfighter (6,000 credits)
Heavy tractor beam - Ideal for towing capital ships or space stations, the heavy tractor beam counts for 20 standard turbolasers towards a ship's weapon complement (100,000 credits)
Lusankya super-heavy turbolaser - For when even Bulkhunters or Nekogals can't get the job done: counting for 30 standard turbolasers, prepare to be forking over the money to get one (100,000 credits per tube)
Nekogal heavy turbolaser - Comes with 7 power settings, it can be used in a variety of situations. Counts for 12 standard turbolasers (50,000 credits per tube)
Kami 88 mm hypervelocity cannon - Firing explosive rounds, the Kami can be fitted to any capital ship. However, turreted Kamis require rigates and larger, counts as 10 standard turbolsers (25,000 credits)
Summer heavy long-range hypervelocity cannon - Firing explosive rounds, the Summer is the weapon of choice when you need to blow big holes on an enemy starship hull. This triple 380mm/50 can only be mounted on heavy cruisers or larger; counts as 90 standard turbolasers (300,000 credits)
Roto-Rooter autochef - For when you lack cooking skills but can still pilot a ship (5,000 credits)
Watchtower collision avoidance system - You want variable geometry landing gears to actually make use of their variable geometry features? This piece of technology will allow you to! (2,000 credits for the small craft version, 6,000 for the corvette version, 10,000 for the frigate version, 25,000 for the cruiser version; the cruiser version can also be mounted on Star Destroyers. The system can accommodate three landing gears in its stock configuration, add 500 credits for each additional landing gear on a ship)
Hedeek intermodal cargo container - When you want fast loading and unloading of cargo in a crate whose format can fit into a wide variety of cargo ships (300 credits stock coniguration, 500 credits for reefer or for tanker configurations)
Jessica variable geometry landing gear - For those times when you want to land on uneven planetary surfaces and ordinary landing gears won't do. Can be equipped by frigates, cruisers and Star Destroyers, a minimum of three per ship (100,000 credits)
Marcia repulsorlift generator - Landing gears alone won't get the job done on cruisers and larger ships, a repulsorlift generator is required to ensure that a cruiser or Star Destroyer can actually land. The alusteel casing makes containment of repulsorlift generator failures easier (300,000 credits)
Ship-wide neural net (jointly with Meran Mechanics) - Usable on a lot of different ships, the number of droid brains required allows decentralization of the ship's computer infrastructure (cost varies by the size of the ship, ask for a quote)
Hammurabi artificial intelligence (jointly with CTAE) - When you want ships to fly themselves, power armors (or droids) to avoid accidentally harming people. May develop personalities pretty quickly
Sabrina waste heat recovery device - For when you want to reduce the strain of life support systems on the reactor: it is recommended to mount 1 unit per reactor or sublight engine and 1 unit around the hyperdrive (500 credits per unit on a subcapital, 1,500 per unit on a corvette, 2,500 per unit on a frigate, 5,000 per unit on a cruiser, 10,000 per unit on a Star Destroyer, 25,000 per unit on a battlecruiser)
Volksgrenadier assault concussion missile launcher - The only launcher capable of launching the Volksgrenadier cloaking heavy MIRV missiles, can also launch regular assault concussion missiles and Volkswagens, with the proper sabots in the last case. Counts for 14 heavy launchers (300,000 credits)
Vanderhing linear ion drive - For when you want a destroyer engine with an emergency mode, allowing 2x thrust in a pinch (100,000 credits)
Zak sublight drive - For when you want a battlecruiser engine with an emergency mode, allowing 50% extra thrust in a pinch (300,000 credits)
Weapons systems:
For sale:
Ultra-tritonal - A mixture made up of 97% tritonal and 3% detonite (therefore 78% TNT, 19% aluminum powder and 3% detonite) for all your explosive needs: 5,000 credits per ton
Deathball proton bomb - For when you need to rain down destruction on the ground. Available in three sizes: light (which is the standard size; 1,000 credits), medium (weighs 500 kg; 2,500 credits), heavy (weight 1,000 kg; 5,000 credits)
Korriban heavy machinegun - For when you need to deploy suppressive slugthrower fire at range against Sith Lords: it fires 12.7x108s at 80 rounds per minute at a muzzle velocity of 3 km/s (2,000 credits; 100 credits per belt of 100 rounds)
Morcus heavy proton torpedo - A guided 533mm heavy proton torpedo (10,000 credits per round)
Stalgasin crowd control bomb - - For when you are engaging an army on the ground, and want to incapacitate them before moving in for the kill, while also wanting to fry their electronics. Available in three sizes: light (which is the size of a standard proton bomb; 5,000 credits), medium (weighs 300 kg; 15,000 credits) and heavy (weight 1,000 kg; 30,000 credits)
Tearstunner crowd control bomb - For when you are engaging an army on the ground, and want to incapacitate them before moving in for the kill. Available in three sizes: light (which is the size of a standard proton bomb; 2,000 credits), medium (weighs 300 kg; 6,000 credits) and heavy (weight 1,000 kg; 16,000 credits)
Volksgrenadier heavy MIRV missile - For when you need to launch missiles at long range, using a cloaking device. Firing seven Morcus warheads, it can hit multiple ships at once. However, no more than a quarter of the complement of the associated Volksgrenadier launcher can be of this variety (100,000 credits per round)
Weasel retractable rotating flail - Having made their debut in the Zamboni minesweeping tanks, the mine detector comes with a rotating flail and will extend the rotating flail to take out enemy mines (10,000 credits)
Tambor-class foreman droid - A droid that can optimize an assembly line (2,000 credits)