Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Rip Off The Bacta Patch


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai


Makai grabbed the pencil behind his ear and looked over the piece of wood again. Iced blue eyes triple checked the measurements before marking the plank. Power saw would cut the sound of the ocean for a moment before stopping, the end falling onto the ground. Not that he had much space to work with. The porch was basically his impromptu workspace.

Pencil was replaced behind his ear.

Bare feet were careful to avoid the gaping hole where he had pried up the old plank. Hands on his hips, wearing nothing but bright pink trunks and sunglasses, he looked more his former frat boy self home for the weekend than someone's husband and father-to-be. Grabbing the power drill, he put the new plank into place, securing it down with several screws. He stepped on it as if that would somehow test its security.

"You know, don't let Dad fool you. He could have did this when he was here. He would have complained the entire time but secretly he would have enjoyed it."

Makai had made his mother sit and relax. Do something she wanted, not watch him do menial labor around her home. He could have easily paid for someone to do the work but she would never allow such a thing. So, nothing else to do but carve out a bit of time and do it for her.

Sun beat warm against his bare back and he reached up to scratch the patch of scales along his right pec. He had been methodically working through the list with only two trips to the hardware store. Not too shabby in his opinion.

"When you have some time,before I leave, we need to talk."

Thessa wore a pair of light green shorts and a sleeveless tanktop. Scale-speckled arms gleamed in the sunlight that filtered through the kitchen. The doors between the kitchen and the deck where Makai was working - open. A light, comforting breeze from the Ceto waters drifting through and keeping things comfortable.

She was making a plate of sushi.

"He would've growled and grumbled and howled a good amount of the time," she agreed with her son and grinned. She was sure there would've been an incident with the hydrohammer and a lot of curse words where a finger would've been involved. Truth was? Thessa was as good as anyone at fixing things. Perhaps it came with being around ships for so long and being a mechanic.

But any excuse to have her son over? She'd take it and feign ignorance. Even if Makai probably knew as much.

Bare feet padded across the kitchen and outside, holding the plate of sushi.

"I have time," she called, eyes taking in his handy-work. "You want to take a break and eat something?" She motioned to the two chairs on the deck.
Makai was looking over his list when his mother mentioned a break. He lifted his head and saw a tray of food, figuring even if he declined Thessa Kai Thessa Kai wasn't going to take no for answer. Power tools were set down and he placed his list back into his pocket, pushing his sunglasses to the top of his head as he walked over.

"Sure, I can take a break. I'm always starving, thought that would have went away by now."

Naturally, he had never known food insecurity or hunger. More of that constant gnawing teenage boy bottomless pit feeling. He thought as he matured it would have went away but not quite yet. Makai could easily pack away the food as if he was still fifteen and growing. At this point, he was fairly certain his growth was done.

"Thanks Mom."

Grabbing the bottle of water he had brought out, Makai settled into one of the chairs in the shade as the tray was set down. He grabbed a piece and dipped it in the salty brown sauce before popping it into his mouth. It was delicious, amazing even. Since Ellie was pregnant, they had cut out raw fish and these kind of dishes, at least for now.

"Funny, I took Ellie to visit Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma made me whitebait fritters. Poor Ellie couldn't stomach them since you could see their little beady eyes through the batter. I packed away so, so many. I must have gained at least six pounds that day in fritter weight alone."

Picking up another piece and popping it into his mouth, he started with his mother first.

"How've you been?"
Legs folded beneath her as she sat in the opposite chair. The one Judah had occupied not long ago where they'd had that awkward conversation about dating others. Scooping up some sushi, she put some miso atop one and swallowed it down.

"Their fritters are the best," she smiled. "Grandpa isn't doing so well so I'm glad you and Ellie got a visit in." Before they'd gotten the bad news. His health was rapidly declining and Thessa spent part of her time helping her mother care for him here on Ceto. They were just a few clicks away in a retirement community.

"I've been fine. Taking care of dad and helping mom. Running my flight school. The usual." A sideways glance at her son. "What do you want to talk about, kiddo?"

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

"Very good. I'm a great cook so maybe I can replicate the recipe. Watched her enough times, might be a new goal in my small bits of downtime during whitebait season. I'm glad we got a visit in too."

Makai picked up another piece and debated as his mother spoke about what she was up to. Apparently the usual, the flight school seemed to be taking off. A good thing in his opinion, it would keep her busy. He still had to get Persephone squared away, although it might interfere with the start of her studies, he wasn't too concerned. He paid handsomely for private tutors, so there was flexibility.

"Sounds like you're busy, which is good."

Another piece of sushi gone and he decided he would be just as brash as he was when they told Danger. There was no reason to dance around the subject.

"Right, so Myra is pregnant. Everything is going well, she and our baby are fine, just more tired than normal. Looks like you can add grandma to your busy schedule."

Cooking was something Makai hadn't gotten from her. While she could get by, she was no chef. In fact, she typically stuck to raw or easier-to-make foods. And she didn't eat any land meat.

Ears burned and her eyes widened.

Mouth opened like the fish in the water just a few steps away she stared at her son.

"Oh my stars!" Hand clapped over her mouth as soon as she managed to finish chewing and not choke on the shushi. When her hand lowered she had the biggest smile ever on her blue lips. "Honey," standing, she grappled her son in a tight hug.

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for both. This is great news," she pulled back and released him just enough to look at his face. "Great news, right? And I prefer Nana, actually. Grandma will just take away any already lacking dating prospects."

There was a cracked grin so he knew she was joking about the dating prospects part.

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

Makai hugged her back tightly before letting her go. Thankfully not a horrible response. Would have been more than a bit hypocritical of his parents but that was here nor there. His mother struggled a moment before pulling back to look at his face, questioning him.

"Of course its great news. We're both excited. A little nervous too, but I think that is to be expected. I mean, imagine me being someone's father."

A wry grin at his own little joke.

"Nana it is. Hell, this might improve your dating prospects. A lot of granny lovers out there." He chuckled and just shook his head. "I think we can accommodate Nana."

He paused and took a deep breath. Now for the worst part.

"More importantly, I'm going to need all the adults in our baby's life to get along. You. Dad. Danger. I just want everyone to get along for the sake of the kid. This isn't going to be the last so everyone will be seeing more of one another."

She gave a light kiss on the top of Makai's curly-haired head (Judah's inheritance) and then ruffled it like she used to when he was a boy before sitting back down across from him.

"Listen kid, you'll be a great father. No doubt in my mind. And you have our support so you won't be alone. As for the getting-along thing. I don't have a problem with Danger or Judah." There was a pause.

"Can't speak for them."

She leaned back, not able to keep the smile off her face. She was going to be a grandparent. No other news could've made this day any happier than it was already turning out ot be.

"And I'm happy to be as involved as you want me to be."

She knew there was still some tension Makai felt on his end whenever she was around Judah...and supposedly Danger. Thessa couldn't remember why. The accident had stripped from her a lot of memories that lead up to her separation with Judah. And after. If the others wanted to live in the past, that was their problem. She was moving on with her life.

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

Makai sat back down and picked up another piece of sushi, pleased this went slightly better than last time. Although so far all three grandparents said they had no problems with the others. How much of that he believed he wasn't sure, but the burden was on them now. Time would tell how things went.

"Great. So you're willing to help out from time to time? Or hang around? Obviously I'd want you to be as involved as you feel comfortable. I'm sure Ellie and I will figure that out more in the coming months. If there is anything figure out at all...who knows."

Makai smiled and leaned back a little into the patio furniture.

"This means you'll have to come see us on Joiol and Hapes from time to time. Depends on how we plan this out. It all comes down to where Ellie wants to be, she's the one that has to give birth."

A small pause.

"Any advice?"

She nodded even as she felt that knot gnaw at her chest. The thought that Ellie might not want her around or as involved in the baby's life was painful. Driftwood brows pinched together for a moment.

And of course it was Ellie's choice.

Thessa took a steadying breath, trying to push those thoughts of self-doubt away. Makai's next question breaking through the thought spiral she was about to be pulled under and drowned in.

A surprised look in his direction.

"Advice about...raising a kid?"

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

Another piece of sushi went down the hatch. He had never been keen to pick up on subtle reactions, and was considered quite oblivious, so he missed the fact his mother was spiraling down a hatch of what-ifs. He did catch the surprised look on her face though.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

He didn't wait for her to respond, continuing on.

"Yeah. Raising kid. Giving birth. How I can help Ellie after. Of course I'm going to make sure she has nothing to worry about except the baby and recovery one gives you like the little dirty details. Like its a secret club or something. Just want to be prepared."

She was about to off-load her insecurities on her kid, so she just shrugged off his 'why are you looking at me like that' question.

"Just remember you'll both be so tired and to give each other grace for that." It was true. Even with help from family, the first few months of a newborn was no joke. There was little sleep and only one parent could really provide the nutrition if they decided to go that route.

"I remember when we had you, Grams came over and it was so amazing just to be able to take a shower. Have time to grab a power nap. But also keep in mind everything is just a season. It might be not a lot of sleep or all-consuming for a few months but things quickly change. As for giving birth."

She leaned back in her chair and shook her head.

"I'd suggest you two take a birthing class together so you'll be prepared. I heard they make both sets of parents watch holos for what can happen." Natural birth...c-sections, etc. Better if he saw it for himself than her trying to describe it.

"Just be there for each other like you already are. I think you two will be just fine. Danger is a strong woman and if Elllie is anything like her, which I have no doubt in my mind she is, she will be able to handle anything. Especially with you there by her side. Makai, I'm so proud of you. You two will adjust to this new rhythm of life. Are you two going to have a baby shower?"

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

"So you're telling me Dad was so useless you couldn't even shower? I guess he might have been busy with Salacia too though, so not hating too much on him. Things can get hectic."

Makai couldn't help but laugh when his mother mentioned seeing a birth on the holos. He shook his head, trying to recover from that bit of amusement.He wasn't laughing at his mother, just more of the memory attached to what he said triggered the response.

"I've already seen a holo of a natural birth. All part of "the talk" I had around...oh how old was I? Fourteen or so. Traumatized me I think, didn't even want to know...not that it was on my radar at that point in time. Dad just was covering all his bases I think."

He shook his head.

"Thanks, yeah she will be fine, I know it. As for baby shower, I doubt it. I think instead maybe closer to the date we can have a big family and friends dinner. Invite everyone over to enjoy some of our last days of being kid-less."

"No, he wasn't useless. We were both severely sleep deprived for a bit there." She smiled, looking at Makai. Picturing him as he was a baby and when he could fit into her arms. When he was so little. And so fussy.

Her smile turned into a laugh at the next part.

"So glad I had a boy knowing your father would be in charge of explaining about sex." Her laugh echoed off the porch and out into the water. Yes, thank the stars for boys.

The retired star-fighter pilot took a moment to shift her attention to the sea and the distant horizon. The memories she still had bumped and drifted back to her memory. Makai's first steps. The way he always loved sushi. How much he enjoyed water and bathtimes. Judah was there, too. On the comms a lot.

Still present but...she sighed.

"A family dinner with friends sounds lovely," she leaned forward again and clasped his hand giving it a squeeze. "I'm so happy for you both, really. I can't wait to meet tadpole two."

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

"She's already having trouble sleeping now. Seems cruel can't even get sleep in before the kid comes. Making it work though, going to go on a trip again and spend some time together uninterrupted. Closer to the date."

Makai squeezed her hand back.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Better than the reaction I'd thought you'd have. Of course too, when the time for the family dinner comes I'll let you know when and where well in advance."


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