Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rise and Shine

Hello, friends.

I have been coerced by a close friend into joining this forum, after much arm twisting and kind words about his fondness of this place. I thought I'd go ahead and pop on by, catch the down-low, see what's going on. I'm still figuring out the system and interface this site and board are using, so forgive my newbiness while I get acclimated to your procedures.

Hopefully, it won't take me very long. Until then, I'm going to try and figure out what character to start with... In any event, I look forwards to the roleplay and interactions with all of you.
Oh, I like you Kana. We can be friends, yes.

I have decided I shall go ahead and make a Givin. Givin are p. cool.

So, what sort of important stuff do I need to know about ettiquite specific to this baord? Is there a rather strict posting order, or do you guys tend to recruit for RP's and keep them closed unless you ask and are allowed into an RP? I've been around a lot, it changes place to place, such as having these subaccounts.
Well the biggest thing I had a hard time keeping track of was the timeline. It's fluid and it gets nigh impossible to maintain continuity. I mean you can try but it gets really hard, at least if you're like me.

As for role plays I'd say it is generally a good idea to participate in the role play discussion sub forum and ask to participate. It also helps to join factions to find people on the look for experiences similar as to what you want. Don't be afraid to look into minor factions, you might just help them go major.

Since you're not new I take it you got a good ideas on how to use it?
[member="Commander Xillian"]

Welcome to Chaos sir! I'm pretty new myself but so far have found forum members to be super-helpful and friendly. I also just kinda dove in and started popping up in threads and no one has slapped me yet. The Roleplay Discussion forum (like Kana mentioned) has also been my friend. As well as the Faction recruitment threads.

I'm looking for just about any kind of RP to get this character some contacts. So hit me up or tag me in a thread if you ever want to RP.
[member="Commander Xillian"]

Welcome to Chaos, mate! Seems others have already implored you to ask questions if you have them, and you have taken them up on that and asked! So all I have for you is a warning:

[SIZE=26pt]This Place Can Be Addictive... HAHAHAHAHA.[/SIZE]

Ahem. I hope you enjoy your stay. If there's anything I can do for you, or if you want to pull one of my overflowing handful of characters into a plot, send me a query.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Commander Xillian"]

Welcome to the Chaos - just shout if you have any questions, and have fun on here! :)
[member="Commander Xillian"]

Well, I'm a bit late on this damn welcoming train unfortuanetly. Nevertheless, hope you enjoy yourself here mate.

Half-life is overrated
Okay, [member="Commander Xillian"]...

1) Avoid the Sith Harlot(s)
2) Slap the Gungans
3) Don't feed the wildlife
4) Carry lots of catnip if you enjoy living ([member='Mrrew'])
5) Your beard shall never be better than mine.... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
6) Never read the descriptions of my Liberace/Elvis/80s mix tuxedoes. They are magnificently horrible.

Most of all:

7) Pink Riker is your liege, your overlord, your fearless leader. HAIL PINK RIKER!

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