The Crown Prime Casino
One of my favourite places to stay away from home... huh. Home. I had lived on Dohmus Prime for a while now, but up until now I hadn't ever considered it truly such. It had always been my base of operations, my secret hideaway... but yes, I realised as I lounged in the VIP section that... it indeed was, finally, truly, my home. I liked Dohmus Prime. More than just a planet to use, I felt like it was a mirror of myself in a way; tucked away, hidden, not special on the surface, but with secrets hidden within.
And, like Dohmus Prime, I had come so far in relatively little time. Alliances had been forged, and more presenting themselves every day. Not that I would presume to take all the credit. I am well aware that I stand--well, sit--on the shoulders of giants. The VIP section was quiet, having been cleared out for this most important of meetings. Security had been tightened, staff checked and re-checked. I had even taken the time to personally meet them all, so that should a face appear to serve drinks that I did not recognise, I would know straight away.
They had been told that it was a security drill, those who had pressed had been fed false rumours that we suspected a mole.
I was taking precisely no chances.
There was a glass held poised in my fingers, sparkling crystal glinting in the soft mood lighting. However, the chinking ice cubes cooled only water as I awaited my guests, reclining in one of the fine seats. It was... something to keep my hands busy, mostly. I needed a most level head tonight; this was a most important meeting, after all.
The Dawn of a new era, some might say.