Lord of Saijo

Volton Technologies Headquarters
Planet Saijo
Equipment: Robes, Armor, Lightsaber
The sleek dark tower rose above the darkened skyline of Saijo, welcoming all to it's newly finished construction. Adding another modern skyscraper to the already clustered metropolis. Sai City was the administrative and cultural capital of the planet. It was also the largest and most heavily defended, which is saying something considering the planet one was giant fortress world to begin with.
Though it's main avenues of interest were in everything military, thanks to it's new Governor and benefactor, Saijan City as well as the rest of the planet, was turning into a industrial and economic hub. New starports, factories, warehouses, markets and corporate offices had been constructed. It was turning into a glowing center in this part of Sith space. And considering it was the capital of it's own sector it made sense it's development would be invested in and turned prosperous. It had only required a talented Governor to see it through.
Darth Fury was that man.
Since his arrival and appointment, Fury had invested in his new homes prosperity. It's defense legion and fleet had been expanded and improved. The planets defenses had been upgraded and now covered the entire planet in a interlinked web of sheer destruction for any attacking force, whether ground or air. It's people were purged of those who held adverse opinions and galvanized via imperialism and nationalism. For only a loyal population could benefit from it's toils.
And the people of Saijo were nothing if not loyal.
Fury stood at the dark, glasteel windows and gazed across the city. His city. A thunderstorm was peppering the lit skyline of Saijan City, creating a haze in the dark of night as a misty fog ran through it's bustling streets. But those way down below, sloshing around in the wet streets were of no concern to him. Not tonight. Not while he gazed down upon them from up high in his ivory tower.
Tonight was about new beginnings. Both for himself and House von Volton. His house. A noble Sith lineage once thought extinct from the planet Velmor, now born again. Once royalty and rulers from their seat of Den Velmor they now instead ruled from Saijo. Once again claiming high office.
They would be stronger than before.
Fury knew it. He would make it so. And to this end he turned around. To the people gathered around a large conference table, black and marble with inlaid gold streaks. And at the center of the table; the sigil of House von Volton claimed its centerpiece.
They had returned.
Seated at the table were various people of various backgrounds and talents. Some were Sith, some were not. But what they each had in common was their new shared goal;
Volton Technologies
The newly established corporation dedicated to the advancement, design, manufacture and production of wartime assets.
Though they mainly served the Sith, for now, it was Fury's eventual wish to expand beyond the Outer Rim and embrace private contracts as well, regardless of the clients allegiance. And while they already had a strong start upon Saijo, he design was to expand further.
And already they had their first success on the market for the wider Sith Order, secretly for the Tsis'kaar of course, which was already being deployed beyond the Saijo system. The first produced Sith Shipyard had already been established in orbit of the planet, scheduled to begin production of it's first starships by the end of the next month.
Things were looking good for the return of House von Volton. And Darth Fury would be at it's head. The Sith Lord smiled, his square jawline flexing and accentuating his handsome features as he placed his palms face down upon the table and gazed at his new Board of Directors.
"Let us discuss the future."

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