Talyn Krane
Imperial Navy
Aboard the Anarchy's Doom, Talyn Krane paced the bridge like a nexu pacing its cage. Soon, her trap would be sprung.
In the time since the Imperial Remnant had formally declared itself a sovereign state, establishing a capital at Kamino and spreading its promised peace and security outward from that watery world, the New Order had encountered no small number of challenges and setbacks. Some of the most significant of all had come in the Rishi system, a known haven of pirates, smugglers, and other undesirables. The Remnant had arrived to bring stability and establish the rule of law - and to secure the deposits of exonium that abounded on the surface, to be used to fuel the Imperial Fleet. But not all of the criminals had been as cowardly as the fleeing majority, and that was where the problem began.
Talyn's fists clenched as she considered the problem of the Grimwing Corsairs. Little more than a ragtag band of raiders, looters, and thieves, these pirates had nonetheless made a great nuisance of themselves when it came to establishing Imperial supply lines. Half a dozen exonium transports, bound for Kamino and the many ships refueling there to ferry stormtroopers across the stars, had already been hit and stripped of their cargoes by these lawbreakers. Their activities were now putting everything behind schedule, and they were beginning to show that the Remnant could be fought and defeated through guerrilla warfare. Talyn could not permit either of those setbacks to persist any longer.
So she had conceived of the interception, a covert operation to draw out the Grimwing and destroy them. At that very moment a convoy of exonium transports, lightly defended as the others had been, was departing from Rishi. But its cargo bays did not contain raw materials; instead, they were packed with loyal stormtroopers. When the pirates attacked and boarded the transports, they would get more than they bargained for; the soldiers of the Remnant would cut them down and counter-board their ships while Talyn swooped in with the navy to ensure that none of these enemies of the state escaped. They would crush this rebellion with one swift stroke.
The waiting was the difficult part. Talyn liked to be in control; to be forced to await the appearance of the enemy, to fight on their terms, was frustrating in the extreme.
Outside the main viewport, Rishi hung in the void like an aquamarine jewel on a field of black shimmersilk. Talyn's task force was waiting just around the curve of the planet, within the shadow of the Rishi Moon - they had already plugged in the microjump coordinates that would take them right to the convoy, and waited only for the pirates to show themselves. Members of all branches of the Imperial armed forces had been requested for this operation, from the Imperial Knights to the Army to the Navy. No dissent could be tolerated within their borders. The deaths of these criminals would prove to all that the Remnant could readily remove any threat to the stability of its territory.
If the plan worked. If the pirates took the bait. If Talyn and her allies could make sure they didn't escape...
In the time since the Imperial Remnant had formally declared itself a sovereign state, establishing a capital at Kamino and spreading its promised peace and security outward from that watery world, the New Order had encountered no small number of challenges and setbacks. Some of the most significant of all had come in the Rishi system, a known haven of pirates, smugglers, and other undesirables. The Remnant had arrived to bring stability and establish the rule of law - and to secure the deposits of exonium that abounded on the surface, to be used to fuel the Imperial Fleet. But not all of the criminals had been as cowardly as the fleeing majority, and that was where the problem began.
Talyn's fists clenched as she considered the problem of the Grimwing Corsairs. Little more than a ragtag band of raiders, looters, and thieves, these pirates had nonetheless made a great nuisance of themselves when it came to establishing Imperial supply lines. Half a dozen exonium transports, bound for Kamino and the many ships refueling there to ferry stormtroopers across the stars, had already been hit and stripped of their cargoes by these lawbreakers. Their activities were now putting everything behind schedule, and they were beginning to show that the Remnant could be fought and defeated through guerrilla warfare. Talyn could not permit either of those setbacks to persist any longer.
So she had conceived of the interception, a covert operation to draw out the Grimwing and destroy them. At that very moment a convoy of exonium transports, lightly defended as the others had been, was departing from Rishi. But its cargo bays did not contain raw materials; instead, they were packed with loyal stormtroopers. When the pirates attacked and boarded the transports, they would get more than they bargained for; the soldiers of the Remnant would cut them down and counter-board their ships while Talyn swooped in with the navy to ensure that none of these enemies of the state escaped. They would crush this rebellion with one swift stroke.
The waiting was the difficult part. Talyn liked to be in control; to be forced to await the appearance of the enemy, to fight on their terms, was frustrating in the extreme.
Outside the main viewport, Rishi hung in the void like an aquamarine jewel on a field of black shimmersilk. Talyn's task force was waiting just around the curve of the planet, within the shadow of the Rishi Moon - they had already plugged in the microjump coordinates that would take them right to the convoy, and waited only for the pirates to show themselves. Members of all branches of the Imperial armed forces had been requested for this operation, from the Imperial Knights to the Army to the Navy. No dissent could be tolerated within their borders. The deaths of these criminals would prove to all that the Remnant could readily remove any threat to the stability of its territory.
If the plan worked. If the pirates took the bait. If Talyn and her allies could make sure they didn't escape...