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Rishi Interception [Imperial Remnant]

Aboard the Anarchy's Doom, Talyn Krane paced the bridge like a nexu pacing its cage. Soon, her trap would be sprung.

In the time since the Imperial Remnant had formally declared itself a sovereign state, establishing a capital at Kamino and spreading its promised peace and security outward from that watery world, the New Order had encountered no small number of challenges and setbacks. Some of the most significant of all had come in the Rishi system, a known haven of pirates, smugglers, and other undesirables. The Remnant had arrived to bring stability and establish the rule of law - and to secure the deposits of exonium that abounded on the surface, to be used to fuel the Imperial Fleet. But not all of the criminals had been as cowardly as the fleeing majority, and that was where the problem began.

Talyn's fists clenched as she considered the problem of the Grimwing Corsairs. Little more than a ragtag band of raiders, looters, and thieves, these pirates had nonetheless made a great nuisance of themselves when it came to establishing Imperial supply lines. Half a dozen exonium transports, bound for Kamino and the many ships refueling there to ferry stormtroopers across the stars, had already been hit and stripped of their cargoes by these lawbreakers. Their activities were now putting everything behind schedule, and they were beginning to show that the Remnant could be fought and defeated through guerrilla warfare. Talyn could not permit either of those setbacks to persist any longer.

So she had conceived of the interception, a covert operation to draw out the Grimwing and destroy them. At that very moment a convoy of exonium transports, lightly defended as the others had been, was departing from Rishi. But its cargo bays did not contain raw materials; instead, they were packed with loyal stormtroopers. When the pirates attacked and boarded the transports, they would get more than they bargained for; the soldiers of the Remnant would cut them down and counter-board their ships while Talyn swooped in with the navy to ensure that none of these enemies of the state escaped. They would crush this rebellion with one swift stroke.

The waiting was the difficult part. Talyn liked to be in control; to be forced to await the appearance of the enemy, to fight on their terms, was frustrating in the extreme.

Outside the main viewport, Rishi hung in the void like an aquamarine jewel on a field of black shimmersilk. Talyn's task force was waiting just around the curve of the planet, within the shadow of the Rishi Moon - they had already plugged in the microjump coordinates that would take them right to the convoy, and waited only for the pirates to show themselves. Members of all branches of the Imperial armed forces had been requested for this operation, from the Imperial Knights to the Army to the Navy. No dissent could be tolerated within their borders. The deaths of these criminals would prove to all that the Remnant could readily remove any threat to the stability of its territory.

If the plan worked. If the pirates took the bait. If Talyn and her allies could make sure they didn't escape...
Location: Aboard the Skyfall
Objective: Deal with the troublesome pirates.
Task Group Beta:

[*]4 Karakter Class Pocket Carriers (Polaris, Sirius, Canopus, Arcturus)
  • 12 Tie Fighters (6 to a side) (Each)
  • 6 Tie Bombers (3 to a side) (Each)
  • 6 Tie Interceptors (3 to a side) (Each)
  • 2 Umbra Class Dropships (1 to a side) (Each)

[*]Hellfire-Class Missile Cruiser - Sidious
  • No Compliment

[*]2 Cluster Class Frigates - Aegis, Bastion
  • No Compliment

[member="Talyn Krane"] was leading the strike on these Pirates and Edric had been called on to aid with it. His hands curling up and providing a place for him to rest his chin while he waited for the signal. It wasn't hard to wait for such and while he waited he had been catching up on information sent to him by his overseers on the Kesh. It was important he keep in contact with his overseers from time to time, knowing an absent ruler can cause a bit of distrust in his people but he was not weak enough to let that distrust turn into dissent. He had trusted men put in positions that could run his world without him being there so he was not distracted by the data he was going over. He had also personally requested the men surviving under him today considering recent events.

A Bounty was a curious thing and he was surprised by the one on his head which was why his favorite Librarian had come along and stood off to the side, the dark haired man with blue eyes watching Edric and providing a calm and controlled voice when he needed it. As always he had Nida Vaal beside him as well, Edric's eyes watching as the woman looked up and over at that Librarian and he smiled a bit to himself at the woman's actions.

He returned his focus to the battle plans and his hand moved to change the exit vector so that they could cut off retreat back to the planet. He was sure Talyn would easily be able to stop them from leaving the system, knowing she would have with her one of those gravity well producing ships that would be able to latch onto a ship and drag it into real-time against its will or stop those from leaving the space they would be anchored to. Fighting against a gravity well was stupid and those that did invited the damage that came along with it. But of course, there were those fools that thought they could do so and no problems would come with that.

"Captain Krane, Estimated time till their arrival?"
A big meaty fist whistled through the air. It impacted with Desmond’s lower jaw and time seemed to slow for a moment. He’s favoring his right leg. If I give the left another kick it should tear the tibialis and possibly fracture the tibia itself. But, first. Time seemed to speed back up and Desmond’s head snapped backwards. He went sprawling into the crowd that surrounded them.

“Gurau ta ada binki!”
“Kick his shebs!”
“Give ‘em the chair!”

Des was thrown back into the center by a plethora of hands and he raised his fist once more. He spun and used his leg like a whip as he twisted. It impacted with the big Nikto’s leg and the man collapsed screaming. Broke then. Des thought with a smile. Money was handed over and threats were made. The crowd caved in and hoisted Des into the air whilst cheering raucously.

The Chiss had been tasked to join the group of pirates known as the grimwing corsairs. He was to assassinate the leader of the gang, effectively severing the head from the scum. This had to be done in tandem with a raid the IR was setting up. So, the pirates would be without command during the ensuing battle and hopefully turn on one another.

Luckily for desmond. A tournament had been held and the victor was to be gifted a large sum of money. But, the real icing on the cake for Des was that the ring leader was going to be the one presenting the prize. Des was let down at the end of the hall where he was greeted by a one eyed weequay.

“Congrats, you won,” The weequay waved an arm beckoning for Des to follow. Then he began to make his way down the hall.
Beyond the viewports of the Anarchy's Doom, the task force supplied by [member="Edric Vanyan"] waited in patient rows. It was a significant force, more than capable of surrounding and crushing any pirates that dared to show their faces - and of dissuading any foreign power from interfering with the counterinsurgency operation. With all those ships from allied Kesh it had scarcely been necessary to add an Imperial Navy presence, which was just as well; though their territory was still small for now, the Remnant found itself widely stretched as it cracked down on the criminal trade and the last bastions of resistance within its new borders. Their presence at other flashpoints across the galaxy, spreading their reputation, had also strained their resources somewhat - and frustrated Talyn to no end with petty politics.

First Order, Galactic Alliance, they were all the same at heart. They could talk about humanitarian intervention or democracy or whatever they pleased, but when it came down to securing their own borders against each other, they would gladly put civilian populations in the line of fire - and then blame the resulting casualties on each other. The Remnant, at least, was honest about its goals. It would sacrifice whoever and whatever was necessary to establish order. They had not come to Rishi to pet stray felinxes or hand out food to orphans; they had come to end a threat to their sovereignty and enforce the rule of law. The deaths of these foolish marauders would serve as an example to others contemplating rebellion, and the security and efficiency of the sector would be preserved.

Even now, Talyn knew, agents of Imperial Intelligence would be infiltrating the pirates, preparing to inform the fleet of the perfect time to strike. It would come soon. She could see the fake exonium convoy transmitting departure codes on her sensor screen, preparing to enter Rishi's orbit. It was at that moment that Vanyan's message arrived, and she turned to address the holoprojector. "The convoy is departing presently," she told him, her heterochromatic eyes glittering with anticipation. "We can expect the pirates to make their move within the next ten minutes at most. I am warming up our hyperdrives for the micro-jump to the ambush point, and I recommend that you do the same." She smiled, a toothy predator's grin. "They won't escape us this time."

She had made sure of that. The twin Immobilizer 418-class cruisers that lurked behind the Anarchy's Doom were prepared to cut off all local access to hyperspace at her order. Soon...

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Des was led through an empty corridor by the one eyed weequay. They passed closed doors and more halls, but none were their destination. Finally they stopped outside a grand door encrusted in finery and the weequay ushered Desmond in.

Inside the room was dark except for a couple of spot lights that emitted holograms of a pair of dancing Twileks. A row of chairs were set in front of the exotic dancers and here sat a large figure. He stood and the lights came on revealing the room to be simpler then Desmond thought it would be.

The man before him was a large Gen’dai. He wore battle scarred armor and his eyes spoke of countless victories.

“Welcome Brother. You have been summoned because of your success among our people. More than the money I offer you a place by my side,”

The Gen’dai paused in his speech and approached Des methodically. He reached out to the chiss and placed a huge hand on his shoulder.

“I have united these pirates to fight not for riches, but freedom. We stand as what many people call a lawless society, but in truth it is freedom in it’s purest form. I think you know this and this is why I offer you a place with me,”

Des surveyed the room searching for cameras or trap doors that might emit more guards. His cybernetic eyes found no hint of technological alarm. Satisfied he addressed the pirate.

“A noble cause, but why me?” Desmond asked genuinely curious.

“It is something in my gut. I listen to these feelings often as they too express the will to be free. The desire to do as we wish,”

Interesting. Desmond thought. Then the chiss came to the conclusion that the Gen’Dai was completely bonkers. Life without order was chaos and in chaos people died. The Chiss grabbed the hand resting on his shoulder then with his other arm thrusted upwards so as to break the epicondyle from the humerus.

The joint gave way with an audible snap and Des spun behind the large warrior still holding the arm. The assassin kicked the giant sentient in the meniscus and the beast of a Gen’dai fell to his knees.


He roared in defiance. Refusing to let his enemy see his pain. The murderer withdrew his favorite knife and slit the freedom fighters throat.

“Rebel scum,”

He said to himself then placed a bloody hand to his ear.

“The head has been removed,”

In more ways than one Des thought to himself. Without the pirates leader they would fall apart. The being that had united and held them all together was no more. Thus the pirate gangs loyalty to one another would be broken.

[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Edric Vanyan"]

Tanomas Graf

A hyperspace signature would be detected as an Imperial Lambda T-4a shuttlecraft reverted near the Anarchy's Doom. Its three wings majestically gliding through the darkness of deep space, heading towards the vessel without a care. One would think that it was just a late supply ship delivering troops or supplies, probably hurrying to offload its cargo and depart before things go heated, back to the safety of pirate-free Imperial territories.

That was what it seemed like until the clearance codes came in. Anybody who even glanced at them would notice that they were the highest level of command codes, the officers working hangar control were in awe, only snapping out of their trance to open a direct line to the bridge. "Captain Krane, there's an Imperial shuttle broadcasting clearance codes..." One of them stuttered, eyes glued to the viewport overlooking the hangar bay when the shuttle flew in to land.

"The Emperor is here."

[member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Edric Vanyan"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Field Agent [member="Desmond C'artyom"]'s transmission came in loud and clear, and Talyn nodded - everything was proceeding as she had foreseen. Without their supreme leader, the rallying point of their little anarchist society, the pirates would have no one to turn to when the threat of the Imperial Fleet materialized. Where the Imperial Fleet had skilled leaders at every level of the chain of command and clear expectations of who would take over in the event of a superior's death, the Grimwing Corsairs were like so many other criminal organizations - held together by strength alone, with every petty criminal constantly scrabbling for power and influence. If that strength vanished, they would collapse into infighting.

Provided any of them remained to fight amongst themselves by the time Talyn was finished with them.

But at that moment all of her carefully choreographed scenarios fell apart. The report from the bridge crew stole her breath - the Emperor was coming. [member="Tanomas Graf"], once a Grand Admiral, now awakened as something far more. A thousand possible reasons for his presence flashed through her mind. Was he coming to take personal command of the operation, or to observe and evaluate her? Was there more to this little pirate uprising than she knew? She took a deep, steadying breath and did her best to quell her racing heart. She was loyal and competent, ready to do the Emperor's will. That was exactly what she would show him.

"Have an honor guard meet His Excellency and escort him to the bridge," Talyn ordered, now juggling the dual demands of command and hospitality to the ultimate superior. "Maintain sensor sweeps. I want to be alerted as soon as the Grimwing show themselves. And send out a hail to inform Vanyan of this development. Encryption priority Aurek - the rest of the fleet doesn't need to know unless the Emperor himself wills it." It was possible that the ruler's presence was meant to be kept under wraps; Tanomas Graf had his share of enemies, many of whom would gladly take the opportunity to assassinate him if they knew when and where they might strike. But [member="Edric Vanyan"] was a close ally of the Remnant; she would keep him informed.

With that done, Talyn once again considered the situation. It would be important to get things underway; she could not afford to have the Grimwing slip through her fingers while the Emperor watched. "Surface agent," she transmitted back to [member="Desmond C'artyom"] on a secure channel, "new orders. Use your access to the enemy command center to convince them to launch an immediate, full-scale attack on the convoy. Once they are in space, we will wipe them out. All of them." If the pirates would not act immediately, she would use her resources to force their hand. Exactly how the Remnant agent below would accomplish this goal was up to him, but she was confident that he would continue to be successful.

In fact, both of their careers - and possibly lives - would depend on it when the Emperor arrived.
“RN-4655 report to the launch bay.” RN opened his eyes. The bright lights above him instantly coming into focus as his body reassigned itself from his momentary peace. “I repeat RN-4655 is to report to the launch bay.” Running a hand across his face, legs were slid sideways off the bunk that had given him such comfort for the last few hours. The hard floor reminding him that this was it, his life now. The life of a trooper in the Imperial Stormtrooper corp.

“Hey I think they need you cap.” A sleepy murmer came from the bunk opposite RN’s. “That or your about to get air-locked.”
“Shuddup.” He was on his feet now, the cotton of his grey officer’s jacket prickling against his skin as he pulled it over his arms and fastened the buttons. He grabbed his cap, didn’t put it on yet, no point messing it up until he was down in the launch bay. “I think you’d do best getting up, I bet they want us on the ground for something.”
“You think?” The level of excitement in the Clone opposite was almost infectious enough to make a smile cross RN’s face. “I hope so, we haven’t seen anything since they stopped the simulators on Kamino.”
“You can hope.”

“At ease soldier.” RN was met in the launch bay by General Amios. A veteran of the Imperial regime that had gone through so many hands before now, he had until the legions were correctly assigned been placed in charge of ground operations in the sector. For RN is was a severe case of awe-strike, but he was here for a job, the only job he had been raised to do.
“We need you to get three units geared and ready for launch Captain.” Amios stated as he inspected a console screen nearby. “There is a group of pirates that we have been trying to bait into engaging us ship to ship, unfortunately it seems they are smarter then we first thought.” He sighed and adjusted his uniform. “Plus now the Emperor himself has arrived.”
“The Emperor has come here?” The idea that the head of the Imperial State would come to this small insignificant patrol through Rishi was beyond contemplation for the Stormtrooper.
“Yes, quite the surprise I assure you.” Amios gave him a rare smile. “However it will also be a chance for me to show off our new recruits, yourself included.”
“Yes sir.” RN was of an older generation then the newer clones. One of the few surviving from a particular test batch created by the Kaminoans to see if they could develop a specifically designed officer class for their upcoming army method. Originally RN was to be sold off with the clones to the highest bidder, however then the Remnant had come. “I’ll have the men ready in the next twenty minutes.”
“Very good Captain.” The General offered him a nod. “Remember, do what your trained to do down there and follow your orders.”
“We always do General.” He clipped his heels together and moved away across the launch bay.

We always do…
[member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Edric Vanyan"]
Location: Aboard the Skyfall
Objective: Deal with the troublesome pirates.
Task Group Beta:

[*]4 Karakter Class Pocket Carriers (Polaris, Sirius, Canopus, Arcturus)
  • 12 Tie Fighters (6 to a side) (Each)
  • 6 Tie Bombers (3 to a side) (Each)
  • 6 Tie Interceptors (3 to a side) (Each)
  • 2 Umbra Class Dropships (1 to a side) (Each)

[*]Hellfire-Class Missile Cruiser - Sidious
  • No Compliment

[*]2 Cluster Class Frigates - Aegis, Bastion
  • No Compliment

Edric ran through the numbers in his head while he sat in boredom, waiting for that one word to move and waiting for those pesky creatures to rear their heads and put themselves right into the noose hung before them. His hand twitched a bit as he heard his officers talking behind him though, a message having been relayed to his ship and he smiled as he caught one of the words that were said. It had seemed the old man had gotten out of his chair and now as making his way to the center stage, ready for what was to come. Whether the man's appearance would change the way in which the Imperial forces fight, it was not the same for his men. They recognized the news and what it meant to their king, hell they probably felt a similar weight but they were not filled with any zeal like the others would be.

"Captain Vaal, prepare the ships to jump and cease all radio contact until the moment we are given an order. I want silence while we wait for the pirates to take the bait." His hand twitched again, the Infernus drifting silently in that orbit around the planet, hidden by stones the size of cities. He could taste the fun that would begin the moment [member="Talyn Krane"] gave the order and his men were stiff and ready to move the moment that they were commanded to. All he needed was the one command, the one order to strike and he would.

His hand didn't twitch this time and instead moved slowly up to his face, pushing his hair up and out of his face before glancing over his shoulder at the two figures watching him. His guardian and his Librarian, each as silent as him but for a far different reason. They were watching and protecting the kid, ready to move if it was necessary.
Desmond placed a hand in his jacket pocket and withdrew a pack of death sticks. He placed one to his lips and casually lit it with a match. The Gen’dai began to stir. It’s rejuvenative abilities already taking place. Desmond stooped low and reached into the creature's pocket. He withdrew a small communicator which held all of the Gen’Dai’s conversations. Desmond then brought out a flask and proceeded to pour its content onto the pirate overlord. He took one last pull from his smoke then tossed it, so that it landed perfectly atop the unconscious alien. The isotope 5 fuel roared alight and Des smiled. The Gen’dai were resilient aliens who were near impossible to kill, so it was easy to see how one might become the leader of a band of pirates like the Grimwing Corsairs.

Des moved from the burning corpse towards a terminal that worked the nearby holoprojectors. He inserted the disk and began to break apart the code inside, so that he could doctor each video to his exact specifications. The things Desmond could do behind a computer were endless. If he wanted he could have the Gen’dai shaking hands with the emperor himself and no one would be any the wiser. But, for now. A simple announcement would suffice. He finished patching his altered holo-vid live then hit play on all frequencies. The holoprojectors above sputtered to life and rather then the dancing Twilleks from before a projection of the Gen’Dai took their place. He stood arms folded with a foreboding scowl upon his face.

“Greetings comrades. A convoy of unbelievable bounty has entered the Rishi maze. Rather then wait for my orders the Red band has raced ahead of us and taken to space. They seek not to share this treasure with their brethren, but instead keep it all for themselves. We must board our vessels and beat them their. They have taken fast, lightly armed ships. We shall do the same, but WE shall be the ones who take this horde FIRST! I have already taken the liberty of leading the way. My ship has broken atmosphere and will await the rest of the fleet at the battle!”

Des smirked as the transmission ended. It wasn’t half bad he thought. The end of his work was accented by the roar of ships taking off. Pirates everywhere had scrambled to their vessels. Not one of the greedy bastards wanted to miss out on the countless riches their were aboard the cargo ship. The only thing they’d find though was containers filled to the brim with stormtroopers. This would teach the scum to resist the Empire. The Remnant’s might was unrivaled and soon all the galaxy would know it.

“Talyn, the trash is on it’s way out,”

[member="Edric Vanyan"]
[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Tanomas Graf


The shuttlecraft sat motionless in the hangar bay as the stormtrooper honor guard moved to greet it. Then as the marching steps went quiet, a whirring was heard within the shuttle and the boarding ramp began lowering. Heavy footfalls were heard and a figure encased in all black strode down onto the shining black floor of the bay, mechanical breathing filled the air. The Emperor was here, but he was not displeased with the apparent lack of progress, quite the opposite in fact. He was here to observe Captain Krane, the most prominent of naval officers in the Remnant.

He was escorted to the bridge by his stormtroopers, where he approached the Captain. "Captain Krane...I am here to...observe..." He breathed, emotionless mask staring down at the woman. He was not here today to take command, he was here to make sure that things went down correctly.

[member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Edric Vanyan"]
Talyn could not help but feel a chill as the Emperor himself strode onto her bridge.

She had been told that his mask was modeled on the visage of a Sith Lord who had lived centuries ago, a being of incalculable power who had served as the iron fist of the first Galactic Empire. Whether or not this was true, it was certainly striking. Although Talyn could not sense the mysterious Force in the way that the Jedi or Imperial Knights could, she still swore she could feel something in [member="Tanomas Graf"]'s presence, a humming in her ears and a quickening of her blood. And that mask, that emotionless mask, seemed to contain behind it a limitless pool of cold, rigid authority. When the Emperor spoke, everything else seemed to become still, as if the galaxy itself stopped to hang on every word. By such words would empires rise or burn, species flourish or face extinction, fleets find victory or utter destruction.

Talyn bowed low as he approached, drinking in every syllable he uttered like thick, suffocating perfume. "Of course, My Lord," she replied, feeling a kernel of worry taking shape in her normally iron heart. "We are honored by your presence." So he had not come to take command. Was this a test? Or had she already been evaluated, with the consequences - for good or for ill - soon to be administered? She had no way to know. Years of training and experience allowed her professionalism to reassert itself. She was a seasoned officer of the Imperial Navy, not a starstruck cadet up for her first inspection. Everything would be done to perfection, just as it would be if the Emperor were not standing right behind her. And as [member="Desmond C'artyom"]'s signal came back to her, she knew that the timing was perfect.

"Well done, Agent," Talyn transmitted back to the Chiss infiltrator. "We will engage momentarily. You are cleared to lead a TIE Squadron from our surface garrison to assist in the ambush." Imperial bases on Rishi would complete the encirclement of the enemy, ensuring that they could not flee back to the planet's surface. Talyn watched the viewscreens, waiting for the opportune moment. And all at once, it began. "Corsair ships are approaching, Captain," Commander Kayl reported, smoothing his greying mustache nervously. "Two groups are coming in from hyperspace, while multiple smaller vessels are approaching from the planet." Talyn smiled. The Chiss had done his work well, salvaging this operation into the swift and decisive stroke she had always hoped for. All that remained was to see it through.

"All ships," she transmitted on the secure Imperial channel, "prepare for microjump on my mark." The pirate vessels, largely a mixture of outdated frigates and converted freighters with a small starfighter complement, were hitting the convoy with ion cannons, disabling the shields and engines. The Imperial freighters put up a convincing fight, knocking out some of the enemy snubs before going dark. Boarding tubes were extended - Talyn could picture the fusion cutters burning through bulkheads, hungrily seeking cargo holds. The holds were shielded against sensors sweeps, but that would hardly raise suspicion; it was standard procedure for valuable cargo. Besides, Talyn had done her prep work well. She had allowed falsified cargo manifests to fall into pirate hands weeks earlier; they would be sure they were capturing exonium.

But as soon as those bulkheads were cut open, the borders would find themselves under heavy counterattack as a small legion of Imperial Stormtroopers cut them down in a hail of blasterfire and advanced up their own boarding tubes. Only seconds later, the signal was given; battle had been joined. "Mark," Talyn said, and the blue tunnel of hyperspace opened briefly in front of her. Then they were in the thick of the chaos. The cannier pirates were just starting to realize something was amiss when Imperial vessels surrounded them and immediately opened fire, turbolaser blasts slamming into shields. "Immobilizers," Talyn ordered, "begin interdiction. Rishi Control, jam all non-Imperial channels." Panic would soon set in; there was no escape for these scum. But even a caged nexu could be dangerous.

As the Anarchy's Doom opened fire, its turbolasers ripping apart a pair of freighters before they could even move, Talyn hailed [member="Edric Vanyan"]'s forces with a simple request. "Terminate them."

The smell of burned flesh was thick in the air. Smoke still drifted from the Gen’dai’s smoldering corpse. Desmond kicked the heap once to make sure the beast was dead. Satisfied he walked to the nearest window and withdrew his plasma cutter. He activated the torch and placed it to the window, with craftsman like precision he cut a circular hole and gently pushed outwards. He equipped his grapple hook to a nearby table and carefully exited. The wind blew vehemently as the chiss repelled downwards.

The area was currently being affected by one of Rishis many tropical storms. Something the locals called Typhoons. The wind whistled by and Desmond nearly lost his footing. He regained his balance and safely reached the bottom. He unclipped his D ring and found the grounds mostly empty. It would seem most if not all the pirates were in deep space. The agent raced to the hangar grounds and found his cover vessel. It was a heavily modified X-wing. Sporting isotope 5 ion engines and phrik hull plating. It truly was a force to be reckoned with.

Desmond popped the canopy open and climbed inside the ship. He ran diagnostics on the weapons and engines system. All systems came back green and he hit the ignition button. With a deafening roar the fighter craft came to life and soared high into the air.

“This is special agent Desmond C’artyom operating on all Imperial channels, clearance code Delta Besh 9. Requesting scramble of purge squadron to meet on my location,”

Desmond said into his fighters comms. He then activated his transponder so that purge squadron knew where to rally. Now it was only a matter of waiting.

[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Edric Vanyan"]

Tanomas Graf

The Emperor gazed fondly out of the bridge viewports as the small Imperial fleet obliterated the pirates. Captain Krane was proving to be an extremely valuable asset to the Imperial Navy, he had taken a risk by giving command to her over Kamino and she destroyed the enemy fleet even as he was making his way down to the planet. A grin encapsulated his face as his final, most deadly test, was about to appear. As he left Kamino, Intelligence had reported that a contingent of rogue clones were rallying to attack Rishi for the resources and sully the Remnant's supply lines.

As if on cue, a duo of Venator-class Star Destroyers reverted to realspace near their current location, as well as multiple frigates and corvettes. Graf hoped that, since the pirates were already dealt with, the Captain would have the finesse to take the clones down. He would assure this by letting his Force energies bring him into a state of battle meditation. The Emperor would guide his fleet, the Force would guide his fleet.

[member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Edric Vanyan"]

Victor Adraas

"Stormtroopers, head over to the Hanger Bay." hearing this announcement as Victor just finished outfitting himself in his stormtrooper armor and putting on the white pauldron on his right shoulder. He gathers the rest of his squad on his way to the Hanger Bay. When he enters the Hanger Bay he sees stormtroopers circled around an officer giving them the debrief. Victor quickly rushes over to not miss any vital information, as he enters in he hears "..boarding the enemy, I'll repeat myself for any latecomers. You will be boarding an enemy Frigate or Corvette. You will board either of them, set explosives in key locations and get off. Avoid the Venator-class Star Destroyers, you won't get close enough to board them. Now... explosives are already in each Sentinel Landing Craft, you will be told the key locations depending on the ship you board. You are all dismissed, go ahead into the shuttles but don't launch yet, wait until the command is given."

And with that, Victor ordered his squad to form up on him into a shuttle, Victor's squad ends up in the same shuttle with two other squads, with a total of 27 men in the same shuttle. Victor meets a squad leader, who asks Victor "Hey. If we do happen to board a Frigate or Corvette, I want my squad to handle the explosives. You guys just keep the docking clear so we can leave at any time, alright?" Victor was in disagreement of this plan because he didn't know the experience of this squad leader, but he would be taking the highest risk so Victor is fine with the idea of it. The troopers in the shuttle prepared themselves for launch and the stormtroopers who were lead by the other squad leader grabbed the explosives and also prepared themselves. Everyone was just waiting on a command.

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